Welcome to the Department of Educational Foundations, Primary Education and Pedagogy. The department offers distinct scholarly traditions of practice namely philosophy of education, psychology of education and sociology of education to all students pursuing a career in education within the Faculty of Education. The following programmes are offered in the department- Bed Early Childhood Development, Bed Primary Education, Med Psychology, Med Philosophy and Med Sociology and Post Graduate Diploma in Education.  Our degree programmes are tailored to meet the 5.0 model of education whose end products are production of goods and services and industrialisation . The department is almost through with processes to introduce ten new additional programmes within the 2021-2022 time frame. As a department, we are committed to the principles of collaboration, continuous improvement, critical thinking, creativity, innovation and evaluation underpinned by research-based policy development and programme delivery for sustainable development.

Contact Details

The Chairperson 

Department of Educational Foundations, Primary Education and Pedagogy

Midlands State University

P.Bag 9055



Tel +263 54 60409 / +263 54 60450/ +263 54 60667 ext

Staff Profiles