Staff Profile

/Dr Tinashe Muteveri


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Zoology)  (Stellenbosch University)
  •  MSc Aquatic Health, (Rand Afrikaans University)
  •  BSc Biological Sciences (UZ)

Research Interests:

  • Molecular Genetics
  • Biodiversity Conservation.
  • Food Security


  •  Muteveri, T & Marshall, BE (2007) The impact of fish and drought on frog breeding in temporary waters in Zimbabwe. African Zoology 42: 124-130
  • T Muteveri, CA Matthee, RCK Bowie & S von der Heyden (2015) High population connectivity and Pleistocene range expansion in the direct-developing plough shell Bullia rhodostoma along the South African coast, African Journal of Marine Science, DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2015.1010577
  • Muteveri, T., von der Heyden, S. and Matthee, C.A. Population structure and asymmetric gene flow patterns of the rocky shore turbinid Turbo sarmaticus along the South African coast (Work in progress)
  •  Muteveri, T., von der Heyden, S. and Matthee, C.A. Do sympatrically distributed marine gastropods react the same to Pleistocene climatic oscillations? (Work in progress)


Conference Presentations:

  • Muteveri, T., S. von der Heyden, R.C.K. Bowie & C. MattheePhylogeographic history of two endemic rocky shore gastropods on the South African coast: a signature of Pleistocene climatic changes and contemporary oceanography? 14th South African Marine Science Symposium (SAMSS)/49th Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) International Conference. 4—7 April 2011 Rhodes University, South Africa(Oral)
  • Muteveri, T., von der Heyden, S., Bowie, R.C.K., &Matthee, C.A. Spatial mtDNA population genetic structure and asymmetric gene flow in two South African intertidal gastropods: Oxystelevariegata and O. sinensis. World Congress of Malacology 18 -24 July 2010, Phuket, Thailand (Oral)
  • Muteveri, T. Mitochondrial genetic variation in Turbo sarmaticusalong the southern African coast. 10th Anniversary Conference of the Southern African Society for Systematic Biology: 25 – 27 July 2009, Natalia, KwaZulu-Natal(Oral)
  • Muteveri, T.& Marshall, B.E. The impact of fish and drought on frog breeding in temporary waters in Zimbabwe.  Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists/Phycological Society of Southern Africa, Joint Conference – “From Source To Sea”, Maputo, Mozambique – 19 to 23 June 2006 (Oral)

In preparation

  • Muteveri, T., von der Heyden, S. and Matthee, C.A. Do sympatrically distributed marine gastropods react the same to Pleistocene climatic oscillations?
  •  Muteveri, T., von der Heyden, S. and Matthee, C.A. Population structure and asymmetric gene flow patterns of the rocky shore turbinidTurbo sarmaticusalong the South African coast


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