Dr Collin Chikwira
Position: Lecturer
Accounting Sciences
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- PhD-Management Sciences(Bus Admin)
- PGDE-Business Studies and Economics
- Mcom-Finance
- Bcom-Banking and Finance
Research Interests:
- Corporate Financial Strategies and firm Value
- Economic Growth Variables
- SMEs sustainability and Poverty Alleviation
- SMEs Financing
- Capital Markets Developments
- Capital Structure Theories
- Entrepreneurship Development and Poverty Alleviation
ORCID- https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7935-4060
- Chikwira, C., Vengesai, E. and Mandude, P., 2022. The impact of microfinance institutions on poverty alleviation. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(9), p.393.
- Chikwira, C., Rawjee, V.P. and Balkaran, R., 2021. Is there a Causality between Economic Growth Variables and Derivatives Usage?. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 17(1).
- Chikwira, C., 2021. The economic role of derivatives on bank lending, firm value, and economic growth: evidence of South Africa (Doctoral dissertation).
- Chikwira, C., Balkaran, R. and Rawjee, V., 2021. The Derivatives and Bank Lending Activities. Evidence from South Africa’s Banking Sector. The Journal of Accounting and Management, 11(1).
- Chikwira, C. and Vengesai, E., 2020. Derivatives Usage and Firm Value: Evidence From South African Listed Firms. African Journal of Business & Economic Research, 15(2).
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