1.1 These regulations shall be read in conjunction with the Faculty of Social Sciences Regulations and the General Academic Regulations for Post Graduate Degrees, hereinafter referred to as the General Postgraduate regulations.
1.2. The degree shall be awarded to candidates who have successfully completed the programme and passed the examinations in accordance with the Faculty Regulations
2.1 To produce graduates who have skills in Psychotherapy as well as knowledge in working with people in the community
2.2 Extend mental health services to all, particularly previously socio- economically disadvantaged and marginalised groups
2.3 Transform the way psychological problems and solutions are conceptualized thus enabling a contextual analysis that takes cognisance of local knowledge and social issues.
3.1 To qualify for entry into the Master of Science Community Psychology a student should have good Honours degree in Psychology
4.1 As read in the General University Regulations
4.2 The programme shall be completed over four semesters
5.1 Formal examinations will be held at the end of each semester
5.2 Coursework shall account for 40% of the overall assessment while the final examination will account 60% of the overall assessment.
5.3 The aggregate pass mark shall be 50%
5.4 To be admitted for examinations, a candidate must:
5.4.1 Be a registered student of the University in accordance with the General Postgraduate Regulations
5.4.2 Have satisfactorily attempted approved modules of study including submission of all written assignments and tests or any other work that constitutes continuous assessment.
6.1 A student must pass eight modules in a level to progress to the next level
6.2 A student who fails three modules in the level will repeat the failed modules.
6.3 A student must earn at least 80 credits to graduate.
7.1 For the purpose of degree classification, the degree shall be weighted as follows
Level One 50%
Level Two 50%
· Community Mental Health Centres
· Universities and colleges
· Community therapist
· Family and youth crisis centres
· Rehabilitation facilities
· Local governance
· Community groups
· Government hospitals
· Private practice
Level 1 Semester 1
Code Module |
Description |
Credits |
MCP701 |
Foundations of Community Psychology |
4 |
MCP702 |
Psychological and Community Assessment |
4 |
MCP703 |
Disability Studies |
4 |
MCP704 |
Community Mental Health |
4 |
Electives (choose one)
Code Module |
Description |
Credits |
MCP705 |
Community Safety and Crime Prevention |
4 |
MCP706 |
Critical Psychology |
4 |
Level 1 Semester 2
Code Module |
Description |
Credits |
MCP707 |
Community Intervention and Development |
4 |
MCP708 |
Crisis and Trauma Intervention |
4 |
MCP709 |
Psychotherapy |
4 |
MCP710 |
Legal and Ethical Issues in Community Psychology |
4 |
Electives (choose one)
Code Module |
Description |
Credits |
MCP711 |
Health Psychology and Wellness |
4 |
MCP712 |
Human Diversity |
4 |
Level 2 Semester1
Core Modules
Code Module |
Description |
Credits |
MCP801 |
Internship 1 |
8 |
MCP802 |
Advanced Research Methods and Statistics |
4 |
MCP803 |
HIV/AIDS and the Community |
4 |
MCP804 |
Advanced Applied Social Psychology |
4 |
Level 2 Semester 2
Core Modules
Code Module |
Description |
Credits |
MCP805 |
Internship 2 |
8 |
MCP806 |
Dissertation |
12 |
MCP 701 Foundations of Community Psychology
Aim of this module is to explore fundamental principles and practices of community psychology whilst working on real change issues in the community. Trends and advancements in community intervention as well as contemporary psychological theories and their application will be explored. Principles of community psychology and ecological psychology will also be covered.
MCP702 Psychological and Community Assessment
The aim of this module is to train professionals skilled in assessment within Zimbabwean context. The module will cover the nature and purpose of clinical assessment, informal assessment and the therapeutic relationship, the interview, psychological testing (general), psychological testing (clinical use), interpreting, synthesising and communicating assessment findings. This module will enhance the ability of learners to carry out professional psychological assessments and to develop skills in assessment practice, management and referral expertise.
MCP 703 Disability Studies
Identification, application, understanding and critical evaluation of disability issues is the cornerstones of this course. The course consists of two components: A theoretical introduction followed by applied component, both of which are driven by these guiding principles. The rights of people with disabilities will also de studied.
MCP 704 Community Mental Health
The module introduces the learner on how to support or treat people with mental disorders in a domiciliary setting instead of psychiatric hospitals. It covers services such as halfway homes, partial hospitalisation, primary care mental services, daycentres, community mental health centres, and self help groups for health so as increase accessibility, and lesson exclusion and stigmatisation.
MCP 705 Crime Prevention and Community Safety
Crime prevention and reduction, community safety and security alongside the challenge of `community governance’ are at the heart of many of the most significant and controversial questions about crime control, social control and social policy. The student will study the perceived failures and limitations of traditional approaches to crime prevention, and then investigate contemporary contexts of crime reduction, community safety and the rehabilitation of prisoners.
MCP706 Critical Psychology
The module covers social change as well as how to facilitate change processes in the community. The module focuses on contextual community development issues in Zimbabwe. Students will also explore fundamental theoretical and conceptual issues of critical psychology and how these can be used to alleviate community problems.
MCP707 Community Intervention and Development
This module helps the student to be aware of the ways in which to intervene in community settings emphasising primary and tertiary prevention. Intervention in times of disaster e.g. epidemic outbreaks will form the basis of this module. Community based intervention offers an approach to reduce disasters and calamities by changing community norms and behaviours and altering the physical environment of communities to reduce risk of mental illness. The module will also mainstream gender related development issues
MCP708 Crisis and Trauma Intervention
The module covers models and approaches used to help clients who are in crisis or trauma. It helps students build a knowledge base of physical and psychological reactions to various forms of abuse and trauma and develop support and referral networks. It also enables the students to be aware of the professional care and therapy approaches that a client in crisis requires.
MCP709 Psychotherapy
The aim of the module is to equip students with the necessary skills to deal with various psychopathological disorders. Psychotherapeutic interventions and other alternatives such as biological therapies will be covered. Case studies, role plays and in-class exercises will be used to illustrate the principles of therapeutic psychology. The module also examines various theories and techniques of psychology including psychoanalysis, individual psychology, person centred, existential, gestalt behaviour, rational emotive behaviour and cognitive therapies.
MCP710 Legal and Ethics Issues in Community Psychology
The module covers standards for professional conduct in Clinical-Community Psychology. It considers ethical and legal decisions such as scope of profession, competence, confidentiality, legal rights of clients and duty to warn and protect. Case examples, current regulations and standards on utilizing assessment data are discussed.
MCP711 Health Psychology and Wellness
Module is concerned with understanding how biology, behaviour and social context influence health and wellbeing. The module will cover ways of preventing illness, effects of disease, managing pain, improving adherence to medical advice and ways of reducing risky health behaviours such as alcohol and drug abuse, smoking and risky sexual behaviours through health action approaches, behaviour therapy, and applied behaviour analysis.
MCP712 Human Diversity
This module seeks to explore the psychosocial factors behind group and individual differences; how these differences are inherited, learned of both. The module also aims to help students appreciate the implications of group and individual differences in community settings; especially the effects of culture, ethnicity, gender, and religion on well being. Effects of human differences on community functioning will also be explored.
MCP801 Internship 1
The second year of the degree involves a community internship for 15 hours a week for 15 weeks at a community mental health site approved by the department. Its aim is to integrate theoretical knowledge with professional experience in a practical setting. Students are expected to document all client contact and cases dealt with at the placement. In addition to this students will attend a practicum class once every fortnight across the semester.
MCP802 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
Students will be trained in the basic and advanced research skills necessary to carry out effective research in the social sciences. Some specialized methods of gathering data in applied psychological research will also form part of this module as well as the study of statistics and data analysis procedures including probability theory, sampling techniques, hypothesis testing, regression analysis of variance and covariance, non parametric statistics and multivariate statistics.
MCP803 HIV/AIDS and the Community
The module looks at the various issues concerning HIV and AIDS. Issues of testing, positive living, and therapy will be covered. Biological progression of the syndrome will also form a major thrust of this module. Focus on infected and unaffected people and how family and community support systems can help improve the psychological wellbeing of those affected.
MCP804 Advanced Applied Social Psychology
The module will foster an understanding of how human behaviour and experience is shaped by the environmental factors such as people, events and situations. It will examine the construction of social reality, multicultural issues on mental health, human diversity guided by strong commitment to a set of principles including empowerment, competency building respect for diversity, prevention, participation and collaboration.
MCP805 Internship 2
The second year of the degree involves a community internship for 15 hours a week for 15 weeks at a clinical site approved by the department. Its aim is to integrate theoretical knowledge with professional experience in a practical setting. Students are expected to document all client contact and cases dealt with at the placement. In addition to this students will attend a practicum class once every fortnight across the semester.
MCP806 Dissertation
During their second year of the programme each student will carry out a research of interest in the field of community psychology. Students will work under supervision to design, conduct and write their research thesis. The thesis should be in line with current trends in the field of community psychology