The PREgnancy Care Integrating translational Science Everywhere (PRECISE) Network is a new and broadly-based group of research scientists and health advocates mainly based in the UK and Africa, but also including the World Health Organization. With core funding from the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) we are establishing this network through a shared project that will investigate three important complications of pregnancy, namely high blood pressure (hypertension), babies who are smaller than they should be before birth (fetal growth restriction) and babies who die before birth (stillbirth).
PALs leads the health geography component of PRECISE and aims to understand and disseminate knowledge and best practices concerning the geographical influences on the occurrence and outcomes of placental disorders of pregnancy.
To examine interactions between time, place, infectious risk, food security, and placental disorders, we will integrate real-time, and location-specific, health geography to estimate community- and individual-level resilience to placental disorders using the innovative methods described above to map new areas in the Gambia, Senegal, and Kenya.