Prof Jephias Mapuva
Position: Associate Research Professor-Social Scientist
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- Philosophaea Doctor (PhD) – University of the Western Cape
- Masters of Philosophy (MPhil) (Law)-cum laude (UWC)
- Masters of Public Administration (MPA)-Univ. of the Western Cape
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (BA Hons) –UNISA
- Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) – University of Zimbabwe
- Certificate in Education (Cert. Ed) – University of Zimbabwe
- Certificate in Peace Research-University of Peace (United Nations-Addis Ababa)
- Certificate in Election Observation Methodology (African Union)
- Certificate in Paralegal Studies (University of the Western Cape in collaboration with
the African Centre of Excellence for Access to Justice (ACE-AJ)) (2024)
Research Interests
- Democracy and Development
- Civil Society and Citizen Participation
- Human Rights and Development
- Local Governance
- Rural Development
- Sustainable Development
- Climate Change
- Mukushwa, Z.C; Mapuva, J; Sakarombe, E and Samugwede, M.Z (2024). ‘Green Local Authority Budgetary Processes for Urban Sustainability in Zimbabwe’ (Book Chapter) in ‘Green Public Governance and Management Transitions: Policy Lessons for Zimbabwe’ (Book) (in press).
- Mapuva, L and Mapuva, J (2024). ‘So near Yet so Far-Children’s Right to Education in Zimbabwe’ in Law, Democracy and Development (under review).
- Marumahoko, S; Nhede, N.T and Mapuva, J (2024). ‘Interrogating Multi-level Government Power Dynamics and Cooperation in Zimbabwe: Evidence From Harare City Council’ in Cities (under review).
- Mapuva, Jephias & Mapuva, Loveness (2024). ‘Interrogating the Inadequacies of the Promotional and Protective Mandate of the African Charter’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Provisions’ in Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 14 (2) 1-6, (2024) https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/RHSS/article/viewFile/62244/64269
- Mapuva, J (2024). ‘Interrogating the Community Participation Paradigm: A theoretical Perspective’ in Journal of Research in Social Science And Humanities (2024) 5 (1) https://www.jrssh.org/index.php/jrssh/article/view/163/pdf
- Mapuva, J (2024). ‘An Assessment of the Law and Practice of the Right to Water: Evidence from Zimbabwe’ The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs, 51 (1) 1-16, January 2024.
- Siziba, E, and Mapuva, J (2023). “Towards a Reconceptualization of Poverty: Implications For its Eradication and Policy”, Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities, 9 (1) 34-45, 30 March 2023.
- Siziba, E; Mapuva, J; Bowora, J; Samukange, T; Gomo, M (2022). “In Their Own Voices- Understanding GBV in Zimbabwe: Evidence from a Survivor’s Perspective” Journal of African Studies and Development, 14 (4), 154-159, October 2022
- Mukushwa, Z.C, Mapuva, J and Mutema, E.P (2021). “The Practice of Participatory Budgeting during the COVID19 Pandemic in Zimbabwe’s Local Government Sector: A Case of Chitungwiza Municipality”, The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs, 48 (2) 597-620, July 2021 (University of Dar es Salaam).
- Mavhura, E and Mapuva, J (2021). “Barriers for local authorities to invest in disaster risk reduction: Evidence from Zimbabwe” in South African Geographical Journal, 104 (1) 122-136 https://doi.org/10.1080/03736245.2021.1934092
- Mukushwa, Z.C, Mapuva, J and Mutema, E.P (2021). “Re-visiting the Constitutionalisation of Local Governance in Zimbabwe: Opportunities and Challenges for Development” in Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives, 5 (2) 18-35, Sept 202(https://journals.co.za/toc/jpada/5/2)
- Sibanda, S.M; Mapuva, J and Tambura P (2020). “Assessing the Role of Artisanal and Small-scale Mining in Poverty Alleviation: Case of Barn Mining Area, Ward 25 Matopo” in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development 9 (2) 109-126, May 2020.
- Mapuva, J and Machiya, F (2020). “Using The Sustainable Livelihood Approach To Explore Determinants Of Off-Farm Diversification By Land Reform Beneficiaries In Sanyati District-Mashonaland West Province-Zimbabwe” in Journal of African Studies and Development 12 (2) 40-51, May 2020
- Mapuva, J and Takabika, T (2020). “Urban Local Authorities in Zimbabwe and the new Constitution”. International Journal of Peace and Development Studies 11 (1) 1-18, February 2020.
- Munyede P and Mapuva, J (2020). “Exploring Public Procurement Reforms in Rural Authorities in Zimbabwe” in Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 10 (1)1-16; January 2020
- Mapuva, J (2019). “Increasing Participatory Space in Zimbabwean Local Governance Democracy” African Journal of History and Culture 11 (7) 65-73; December 2019
- Mawadza, T and Mapuva, J (2019). “The Significance of Urban Agriculture in Poverty Alleviation: Case of Bindura Town” in Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research; 4 (8) 1-23; August 2019
- Tambura, P and Mapuva, J (2019). “Interrogating Integrated Solid Waste Management in Rural Councils in Zimbabwe: Case of Mt Darwin” Journal of Waste Management and Disposal, 2 (1) 1-10; 03 June 2019.
- Mapuva, J and Miti. G.P (2019). “Exploring the Uncharted Territory of Devolution in Zimbabwe”, Africanus: Journal of Development Studies 49 (3)1-18; February 2019, (University of South Africa).
- Mapuva, J (2018). “Living the Life of a Social Movement: Evidence From the National Constitution Assembly in Zimbabwe”- The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs, 45 (2) 72-93; December, 2018 (University of Dar es Salaam).
- Mapuva, J and Mazambani D (2018). “De-politicising the Local Government Landscape: Evidence from the Law and Practice of Local Government in Zimbabwe”- International Journal of Political Science and Development, 6 (8) 258-268, December 2018.
- Mashizha, T. M., & Mapuva, J. (2018). The Colonial Legislation, Current State Of Rural Areas In Zimbabwe And Remedial Measures Taken To Promote Rural Development. Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities, 4 (3), 22–35
- Mapuva, J (2017). “Zimbabwe’s Economic Interventionist Policies: Critical Issues and Perspectives” The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs, 44 (2) 29-49; December 2017, (University of Dar es Salaam).
- Mapuva, J and Makaye, P (2017). “Exploring Zimbabwe’s Enduring Economic Challenges and Interventionist Strategies: Showcasing the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZimAsset)” Africanus: Journal of Development Studies 47 (1) (2017) (UNISA), December 2017.
- Makaye, P and Mapuva, J (2016). “Unpacking Zimbabwe’s Enduring Economic Quagmire: Interrogating the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZimASSET)” International Journal of Political Science and Development, 4 (6) 199-207, July 2016.
- Mapuva, J and Dube M (2016). “Small Scale Gold Mining and Rural Livelihoods: Case of Wozoli-Silobela, Ward 22, Kwekwe District (Zimbabwe” Journal of Progressive Research in Social Sciences (JPRSS), 3 (3) 223-231, 23 March, 2016.
- Mapuva, J & Chimbangu, F (2016). “Of Natural Resources, Poverty Alleviation and Local Communities: Case of Quarry Mining in Mutoko District (Zimbabwe)” Journal of Progressive Research in Social Sciences (JPRSS), 3 (2) 191-197, February 19, 2016.
- Mapuva, J and Madyauta, G (2016), Interrogating NGO Intervention in Poverty Alleviation and Community Empowerment for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Case of Ward 22, Bikita District (Zimbabwe), in Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development, 26 (7) p1-9
- Mapuva, J (2016). “Sustainable Local Governance Reforms: An Urban Planning Perspective”, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 7 (11)110-118.
- Mapuva, J (2015). “Citizen Participation, Mobilisation and Contested Participatory Spaces” International Journal of Political Science and Development 3(10) 405-415, October 2015.
- Chinyanganya T. P, Ncube-Phiri S, Mapuva J and Tichagwa Joyman (2015). “NGOs, urban community gardening and sustainable development: Case study of Wards 3 and 7, Masvingo District, Zimbabwe” in Global Journal of Art and Social Science Education, Vol 3 (4) 116-124, September 2015.
- Mapuva, J and Mapuva, L (2015). “Globalisation, Economic Growth and Employment Creation in South Africa” in Journal of Culture, Society and Development, Vol. 9, 18-26, 2015
- Jephias Mapuva (2015). “Is Devolution Still an Option?” The Zimbabwean, 14 August 2015. Available at https://www.thezimbabwean.co/2015/08/is-devolution-still-an-option
- Mapuva, J (2015). “Skewed Rural Development Policies and Economic Malaise in Zimbabwe” African Journal of History and Culture, Vol. 7 (7) 142-151, July 2015.
- Mapuva, J (2015). “The Controversies of Devolution in Zimbabwe” International Journal of Political Science and Development 3 (5) 281-202, May 2015.
- Mapuva, J (2015). “Prospects of Amalgamating the SADC and SACU” Peace and Conflict Monitor – Policy, University of Peace, 19 February 2015. Available at http://www.monitor.upeace.org/innerpg.cfm?id_article=1078
- Mapuva, J and Mapuva, L (2015). “Arnstein’s Ladder of Participation: Case of Zimbabwe” International Journal of African and Asian Studies, Vol.11, pp1-13
- Mapuva, J (2014). “Local Governance, Democratisation and Constitutionalism in Zimbabwe” International Journal of Politics and Good Governance, 5 (5.4), 1-25, Quarter IV, 2014.
- Mapuva, J (2014). “Can the Centre Hold for Arnstein’s Ladder of Participation in Zimbabwe” African Journal of History and Culture, 6 (10) 183-191, December, 2014
- Mapuva, J (2014). “Regional Integration and Amalgamation: The SADC/SACU Dichotomy” Global Journal of Art and Social Science Education, 2 (2), 056-060, October, 2014.
- Mapuva, J (2014). “The Debilitating Impact of Corruption on Democracy and Good Governance” International Journal of Political Science and Development 2 (8) 164-174 (September, 2014).
- Mapuva, L and Mapuva, J (2014). “Zimbabwe’s New Constitutional Dispensation and Children’s Right to Education” Peace and Conflict Monitor – Policy, University of Peace, 22 August 2014. http://www.monitor.upeace.org/printer.cfm?id_article=1064
- Mapuva, J (2014). “The Law and Practice of the Devolved System of Governance in Zimbabwe” Peace and Conflict Monitor-University of Peace, 1 August 2014. Available at http://www.monitor.upeace.org/innerpg.cfm?id_article=1060
- Mapuva, J and Muyengwa-Mapuva, L (2014). “The Citizen Participation/Democracy Dichotomy” International Journal of Politics and Good Governance, 5 (5.2) 1-7, Quarter 11, 2014.
- Muyengwa-Mapuva, L and Mapuva, J (2014). “International Law, Sanctity of Life and the Right to Life: A Critical Analysis” International Journal of Politics and Law Research 2 (2): 15-22, June, 2014.
- Mapuva, J (2014). “Zimbabwe and Malawi’s Political and Electoral Intricacies: A Comparative Analysis” International Journal of Political Science and Development 2 (6) 132-139, June 2014.
- Mapuva, J and Muyengwa-Mapuva, L (2014). “The SADC Regional Bloc: What Challenges and Prospects for Regional Integration? Law, Democracy and Development Journal, 18 (1) 22-36; (University of the Western Cape).
- Mapuva, J and Muyengwa-Mapuva, L (2014). “State, Civil Society and Human Rights in Zimbabwe” International Journal of Politics and Law Research 2 (1) 8-14, March 2014.
- Mapuva, J and Muyengwa-Mapuva, L (2014). “Devolution and the new Constitutional Dispensation in Zimbabwe” Peace and Conflict Monitor In-Depth, University of Peace, 5 March 2014.
- Mapuva, J and Muyengwa-Mapuva, L (2014). “The Troubled Electoral Contestation in Zimbabwe” International Journal of Political Science and Development 2 (2) 15-22, February, 2014.
- Mapuva, J (2014). “Challenges to Regional Integration in the SADC” International Journal of Public Law and Policy 4 (3) 309-319, March 2014.
- Mapuva, J (2014). “Africa and the Challenges to Democratisation” International Journal of Public Law and Policy, (IJPLAP), 4 (2) 192-209, February, 2014.
- Mapuva, J (2013). “Unpacking Regional Economic Integration Challenges Bedevilling the SADC Regional Grouping: A Synopsis” Developing Country Studies, 3 (13) 95-102, December 2013.
- De Visser J and Mapuva J (2013). “Special Interest Councillors in Zimbabwe – Reviewing Law and Practice in terms of the 2013 Constitution” Law, Democracy and Development Journal, 17 (2), December 2013, (University of the Western Cape).
- Mapuva J and Kamwaria, A (2013). “Power-Sharing and Political Inclusion in Post-Accord Democracies: Lessons from Zimbabwe and Kenya” Africa Peace & Conflict Journal 6 (2) 17-31, December 2013 issue.
- Mapuva, J (2013).“Putting Democratic Urban Governance to Test” Public Policy Administration and Research, 3 (12) 104-109, December 2013.
- Mapuva, J (2013).“The Feminist Discourse and the Development of a Civic Virtue in Zimbabwe: Case of Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA)” Journal of African Studies and Development 5 (8) 261-270, December 2013.
- Mapuva J (2013). “Governments of National Unity (GNUs) and the Preponderance of the Incumbency: Case of Kenya and Zimbabwe” International Journal of Political Science and Development 1 (3) 105-116, November 2013.
- Mapuva, J (2013).“Enhancing Citizen Participation Through Civic Action in Zimbabwe, 1997-2010” International NGO Journal, 8 (6) 117-130, August 2013
- Mapuva, J (2013). “Elections and Electoral Processes in Africa: A Gimmick or a Curse?” African Journal of History and Culture, 5 (5) 87-95, July, 2013.
- Jephias Mapuva (2012). “Enhancing Citizen Participation Through Civic Action in Zimbabwe” African Centre for Citizenship and Democracy; Working paper 9 (Monograph)
- Mapuva, J & Muyengwa, L (2012). “A Critique of Key Legislative Framework Guiding Civil Liberties in Zimbabwe” in Potchefstroom Electronic Law Review Journal, 15 (4) 124-164 (December, 2012) (University of North-West).
- Mapuva J (2012). ‘The Trials and Tribulations of Constitutionalism and the Constitution-making Process in Zimbabwe’ in Alternatives Turkish Journal of International Relations 11(1) 110-126, 1 February 2012.
- Mapuva, J (2011). “Enhancing Local Governance Through Local Initiatives: Residents Associations in Zimbabwe” in African Journal of History and Culture (AJHC), 3 (1)1-12
- Mapuva, J (2011). “Safeguarding Citizen Participation Through Government of Unity (GNU) or is Democracy Being Violated? in Africa Peace & Conflict Journal, 5 (2) July 2011
- Ile, U.I & Mapuva, J (2010). “Citizen Participation and Democracy-Safeguarding Citizen Participation Through Government of National Unity (GNU) or Democracy Violated?” Journal of Public Administration, 45 (1) 30-42, March 2010
- Mapuva, J (2010). “The Trials and Tribulations of Constitutionalism and the Constitution Making Process in Zimbabwe” in International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2 (3) 2010
- Mapuva, J (2010). “Inculcating Citizen Participation and Local Governance: Case of Zimbabwe” PULA: Botswana Journal of African Studies, 24 (2) 65-84, September 2010, (University of Botswana)
- Mapuva, J (2010). “Militarisation of Public Institutions, Flawed Electoral Processes and Citizen Participation” in Journal of Legislative Studies, 16 (4) 460-475, (December 2010).
- Mapuva, J (2010). “The Impact of Globalisation on South Africa’s Economic Development” Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 12 (2) 390-413; 2010 Spring (B) Issue.
- Mapuva, J & Chari, Freeman (2010). “Colonialism no Longer an Excuse for Africa’s Failure” in Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 12 (5) 159-171, 2010 Winter (A) Issue.
- Mapuva, J & Makaye, P (2010). “Poverty Amidst Plenty: Southern Africa’s Regional Shame” in Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 12 (7) 22-36, 2010 Winter (A) Issue.
- Mapuva, J (2010). “Government of National Unity (GNU) as a Conflict Prevention Strategy: Case of Zimbabwe and Kenya” in Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 12 (6) 247-263, Fall (B) Issue.
- Mapuva, J & Ile, U.I (2008). “Civil Society and Citizen Participation in Governance Processes in Zimbabwe” Journal of Public Administration, 43 (2) 124-140, June 2008.
- Mapuva, J (2008). “Civil Society and Democratic Virtue in Zimbabwe” International Journal of Civil Society Law, VI (1) 57-72; January 2008 (Columbus School of Law: Catholic University of America).
Published Books
- Mapuva, L and Mapuva, J (2016). The Dilemma of Children’s Right to Education in the Era of the Fast- Track Land Reform Programme in Zimbabwe, Re-visited, Cambridge Scholars Publishers, Newcastle Upon Tyne
- Mapuva, J (2014). Citizen Enlightenment Through Civil Society Activity in Zimbabwe, 1997-2010, World Science Research Publishing (WSRP) (November 2014).
- Mapuva, J (2013). Challenges to Urban Democratic Governance in Zimbabwe, Cambridge Scholars Publishers, Newcastle Upon Tyne (January, 2014).
- Mapuva, J and Loveness Muyengwa-Mapuva (2014) “Civil Society and the Trials and Tribulations of Zimbabwe’s Post-Colonial Period: Is Citizen Participation Under Threat?” LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany (February, 2014).
- Mapuva, J (2010). Civil Society and Local Governance: Case Study of the Combined Harare Residents’ Association [CHRA]-Zimbabwe, Cambridge Scholars Publishers, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Published (April 2010).
Published Book Reviews
- Harris,J; Stokke,K and Tornquist, O (eds) (2004). ‘Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation’. International Political Economy Series, pp246 in THEORIA: Journal of Social and Political Theory; Issue No. 121, 2009
- Michael Bratton Robert Mattes, and E, Gyimah-Boadi (2005) Public Opinion, Democracy and Market Reform in Africa. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp 466; ISBN:0-521-60291-2 paperback in THEORIA: Journal of Social and Political Theory, (September 2011 Issue)
- Michael Haus and Murray Stewart (2007).’Urban Governance and Democracy: Leadership and Community Involvement’ London, Routledge, pp 257 ISBN:0-415-45979-6-Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance (November 2011 Issue)
- Geoffrey Nyarota. ‘Against the Grain: Memoirs of a Zimbabwean Newsman’. Cape Town: Zebra Press, 2006. Distributed by New Holland Publishing, Cape Town, pp 370; ISBN: 1770071121, in Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 13 (1) 374-376, (July 2011)
- Hyden, G; Olowu, D. & Okoth-Ogendo, H.W.O, (eds) (2000) ‘African Perspectives on Governance’ Trenton, Africa World Press, Inc, in Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 12(6), 383-385, (2010)
- Kayizzi-Mugerwa, S; Olukoshi A.O & Wohlgemuth, L (eds) (1998), ‘Towards a New Partnership With Africa: Challenges and Opportunities’; Uppsala, Sweden: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, in Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 12(6) 386-387, (2010)
- Adebayo O. Olukoshi, (ed) ‘Politics of Opposition in Contemporary Africa’, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1998, Sweden, p328. ISBN 91-7106-419-2, in Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 12 (5) 314-315 (2010)
- Nzongola-Ntalaja,G and Margaret Lee (eds),(1997), ‘The State and Democracy in Africa’, AAAPS Books, Harare, Zimbabwe; p232.ISBN 0-7974-1745-1 (pbk) in Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 12(5) 308-310 (2010)
- Baker, J. & Pedersen, P.O. (1992) ‘The Rural-Urban Interface in Africa’ The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Seminar Proceedings Uddevalla, Sweden, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, in Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 12 (5) 311-313 (2010)
- Adebayo Oyebade and Abiodun Alao, ‘Africa After the Cold War: The Changing Perspectives on Security’, Africa World Press Inc, Trenton, New Jersey, 1998, p 228, ISBN 0-86543-651-7 $21.95, in Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 12 (5) 278-279 (2010)
- Thompson, L & Tapscott, C (2010), (eds). “Citizenship and Social Movements: Perspectives From The Global South” Claiming Citizenship. Zed Books and CDRC; London; pp290; ISBN 978-1-84813-389-1 in POLITIKON, 38 (1) 193-194, April 2011
- Gaventa, J & Tandon. R (eds) (2010). Globalizing Citizens: New Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion-Claiming Citizenship: Rights, Participation and Accountability Series; ZED Books: London; p226.ISBN 978-1-84813-472-0 in European Journal of Development Research, 23, 179–180 (2011)
- Green, L.C (2005) “The Contemporary Law of Armed Conflict” 5th ed), Manchester University, London in Peace and Conflict Review, 5 (2) 88-91, Spring 2011
- Ross Herbert & Steven Gruzd (2008) “The African Peer Review Mechanism: Lessons From the Pioneers” South African Institute of International Affairs, in Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 29 (3) 358-359, July 2011
- Geoffrey Nyarota. Against the Grain: Memoirs of a Zimbabwean Newsman. Cape Town: Zebra Press, 2006. Distributed by New Holland Publishing, Cape Town, pp 370; ISBN: 1770071121, in PULA: Botswana Journal of African Studies, October 2011, University of Botswana.
Other Publications
- Mapuva, J (2010). Technology and the Pedagogics of Learning. Cambridge Scholars Publishers, Newcastle Upon Tyne (published September 2010).
- Mapuva, J, Stoltenkamp, J &Muyengwa, L (2010), “E-learning Continuum Within a Higher Education Environment” Lambert Book Publishers, Germany.
Book Chapters
- Mapuva, J . (2011). Defining the Role of Online Education in Today’s World. In Demiray, U., & Sever, S. (Eds.), Marketing Online Education Programs: Frameworks for Promotion and Communication. (pp. 159-183). IGI Global, 2011. Available online at http://www.igi-global.com/bookstore/chapter.aspx?titleid=53372
- Stoltenkamp, & Mapuva, J. (2011)”Integrated Marketing Communications and Their Application to the Open Education Field” Marketing Online Education Programs: Frameworks for Promotion and Communication, (pp 1-17) IGI Global, 2011. Available online at http://www.igi-global.com/bookstore/chapter.aspx?titleid=53362
- Mapuva, J (2009). “Confronting challenges to e-learning in Higher Education Institutions” International Journal of Education and Development Using ICT ; 5(3) 101-114, 2009– Refereed Article
- Mapuva, J & Muyengwa, L (2009). “Of Social entities and Collaborative Approaches [e]Learning enhancement in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): Case study of the University of the Western Cape” in African Higher Education Research Online. http://ahero.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=cshe&action=viewauthor&id=cshe_537
- Mapuva, J & Muyengwa, L., (2010). “Conquering the Barriers to Learning Through E-Learning” in International Journal of Teaching and Learning In Higher Education [IJTLHE], 21(3)221-227; 2010; Refereed Article
- Stoltenkamp, J & Mapuva, J., (2010). “E-Tools and the Globalised World of Learning and Communication” in Contemporary Educational Technology, 1(3) 208-220, July-2010
- Mapuva, J., Stoltenkamp, J & Muyengwa, L (2010). “Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts: Harnessing Technology for Enhanced Learning Achievement Through Powerful Web Tools” in International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Education, 7(12) 3-16; December 2010
- Stoltenkamp, J; Mapuva, J., (2011). Khumalo, Y & Kies, C (2011) “Rolling out Podcasting to Enhance Teaching and Learning: A Case of the University of the Western Cape” in International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Education, 8 (1) 11-24; January 2011.
- Mapuva, J (2011). “Dealing with Challenges to Learning in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Through E-Learning” in Instructional Technology and Distance Education, 8(4) 37-46; April 2011
Editorial Board Membership
- Member of the Society of African Journal Editors (SAJE)
- Member of the Editorial Board: Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives (JPADA) (Univ. of Limpopo).
- Member of the Editorial Board of The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs (Univ. of Dar es Salaam).
- Member of the Editorial Board of Huria: Journal of the Open University of Tanzania
- Reviewer for Third World Quarterly
- Member of the Editorial Board: European Journal of Development Studies
- Member of the Editorial Board: Journal of Waste Management and Disposal
- Member of the Editorial Board: Journal of Public Administration and Governance
- Member of the Editorial Board: Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
- Member of the Editorial Board of Mankind Quarterly
- Member of the Editorial Board: Journal of Politics and Law
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