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MSU Leadership Convenes for Mid-Year Performance Review

July 19, 2024 0

In a testament to its commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, Midlands State University (MSU) is currently hosting its 2024 Mid-Year Review Integrated Result Based…

MSU Champions Inclusivity at the National Disability Expo

July 15, 2024 0

Midlands State University recently participated in the 2024 National Disability Expo held from July 10-12 2024, in Bindura, showcasing its commitment to inclusivity across the…


June 25, 2024 0

NOTICE TO SUCCESSFUL AUGUST 2024 APPLICANTS Offer letters can be accessed through the following link Alternatively, offer letters can be collected from any of…

MSU Takes Proactive Stance Against Sexual Misconduct, Holds Training Session for Maintenance Staff

June 18, 2024 0

In a significant move to foster a safe working environment, Midlands State University Human Resources section in conjunction with Gender Institute held a sexual harassment…

Indian Ambassador Pays Courtesy Visit to Midlands State University

June 14, 2024 0

On June 14th, 2024, His Excellency Mr. Vijay Khanduja, the Ambassador of India to Zimbabwe, paid a courtesy visit to Midlands State University along with…

Zimbabwe Makes History: Revolutionary Science Terms Glossary Unveiled at MSU

June 3, 2024 0

In a landmark event aligned with the national vision of “leaving no one and no place behind,” the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation,…

Institutional Repository

The repository is a digital collection of the research output of the Midlands State University community. Here you can find research papers, theses and dissertations, conference papers, books and book chapters from the MSU community. Please contact the Library on extension 2182 for information on how to submit your research output.

Visit Repository

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