Dr Hugh Mangeya
Position: Chairperson
Media, Communication, Film and Theatre
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Qualifications :
- DLitt et Phil, UNISA;
- M.A- MSU;
- B.A (dual) Hons UZ,
Published research Articles in refereed journals
- Mangeya H and Tangwirei C. 2021. WhatsApp coup jokes and dialogue on Zimbabwe’s 2017 coup. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, DOI: 10.1080/02589001.2021.1933398.
- Mangeya H and Ngoshi HT. 2021. The discursive construction of blackness on WhatsApp status post updates in Ziimbabwe. African Identities, 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/14725843.2021.1940092.
- Mhute I, Mangeya H and Jakaza E. 2021. Endangering the endangered: impact of fake Covid-19 social media communications in Zimbabwe. Pharos Journal of Theology, 102- Special Edition 2, 1-11.
- Ntini E and Mangeya H. 2020. An Analysis of Audiences’ Interactions on online sites in Zimbabwe. Communicatio. doi.org.10.1080/02500167.2020.176.2687.
- Mangeya H. 2020. Shona-Ndebele symbolic ethnic violence in institutions of higher learning: an analysis of male toilet graffiti at Midlands State Uniersity. Southern African Journal of African Languages, 40(3): 257-265. DOI: 10.1080/02572117.20202.1855716.
- Mangeya H. 2019. Public self-censorship in WhatsApp group communication in Zimbabwe. JULICE: Journal of the University of Namibia Language Centre, 4(2), 16-29.
- Mangeya H. 2018. Wakasikirei Satani? Christian Subversion in Sungura Discourse. Cogent Arts and Humanities, 5(1) (1459008) pp. 1-11.
- Mangeya H. 2018. Graffiti as a site for Cultural literacies. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 22(3): 334-348.
- Mangeya H. 2018. Children’s Sexualities, Adult Attitudes and the Exigency for Alternative Strategies in School Based Sex Education in Zimbabwe. The Dyke 12(1) 45-61.
- Jakaza E and Mangeya H (2014) Nasal Assimilation in Shangwe Nasal-Obstruent Clusters: An Optimality theoretic approach. The Dyke, 8(2), pp. 20-36.
Chapters in Academic books
- Mangeya H. Framing for violence: South African film before May 2008 and perceptions on ‘foreigners’. In A Nhemachena, J kangira and B Chiripanhura (eds). From #RhodesMustFall Movements to #HumansMustFall Movements: African liberation movements in the age of the transhumanist geographies of death. Mankon: Langaa Research Publishing CIG, pp. 345-364.
- Mangeya H, Jakaza E and Mhute I. 2021. Social Media Narrations and the Dialogue on Mugabe’s Legacy during the Zimbabwe “Coup”. In C Sabao, Mahomva RR and Mhandara L (eds), Re/Membering Robert Gabriel Mugabe: Politics, legacy, philosophy, life and death. Harare: Leaders for Africa Network, pp. 273-297.
- Mangeya H, Jakaza E and Mhute I. 2021. Christian exceptionalism and the fight against Covid-19 in Zimbabwe. In AM Rusero, N Mashavira and M. Mawere (eds), Covid-19 Ramifications in Zimbabwe, Africa and Beyond: An interdisciplinary perspective. Bameda: Langaa RPCIG, pp. 369-392.
- Mangeya H. 2021. Ghetto ‘wall-standing’: counterhegemonic graffiti in Zimbabwe. In W Mano and VC Milton (eds). Routledge Handbook of African Media and Communication. London: Routledge, pp166-180. SBN 9781138574779. https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Handbook-of-African-Media-and-Communication-Studies/Mano-milton/p/book/9781138574779.
- Mangeya H. 2020. Interpersonal management in print media discourse and the interpretation of ‘local’ beneficiaries of the Tokwe-Mukosi Dam: an analysis of the Chronicle. In Nyawo, VZ, Mashingaidze, TM and Saidi U (eds), Dams, Society and the Environment in Zimbabwe. Gweru: Midlands State University Press and Africa Institute for Culture, Peace, Dialogue & Tolerance Studies, pp. 63-75.
- Mangeya H. 2020. The Third Chimurenga: The discursive construction of exclusion through the land reform in Zimbabwe. In Nyawo, VZ, Mashingaidze, TM and Ngoshi H.T., Beyond the Land Reform in Zimbabwe: Struggles, Prospects, Projections and Myths. Gweru: Midlands State University Press and Africa Institute for Culture, Peace, Dialogue & Tolerance Studies, pp. 85-100.
- Tagwirei C and Mangeya H (2013) ‘Juvenile’ Toilet Door Posting: An expression of gendered views on sex and sexuality. In Khamasi WJ, Longman C and van Haegendoren M (eds) Gender, Sexuality and the Media. A Question of Accountability? Eldoret: Moi University Press, pp. 27-42.
- Mangeya H. 2015. Graffiti as an Agent for Effecting Sexual Behavioural Change among Female Students in Zimbabwe’s High Schools (pp33-47). In Mugari V, Mukaro L and Chabata, E. (eds) Trends in Zimbabwean Linguistics: A Festchrift for Chief Kumbirai Mkanganwi. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publishers
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