2022 Virtual International Conference: Midland State University (MSU) Faculty of Arts, Development Studies Department, Development Cooperation Aid and Transformation Project, African Continental Free Trade Area Studies Centre in partnership with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) -Zimbabwe; Toxiconsol Pvt Ltd (t/a African Sustainability Consultants); Great Zimbabwe University; Galelio Holdings; ZIMRUSS Consultancy; University of Zimbabwe-CASS; and Zimbabwe Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Directorate, hosts the second series 2022 MSU African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) International Online Conference on Climate Change (CC)- Value Chains-Addition (VCA) driven industrialization and prospects of deepening socioeconomic integration and cooperation for transformation of marginalized rural-urban and resettled communities in Southern and Sub Saharan Africa within COVID-Omicron/SADC 2030/Agenda Africa 2063/ UNSDGs 2030 and Digital Revolution Phase to be held 26-28 October 2022.    (2022 MSU AfCFTA – CC VCA Online International Conference)


Synonymous with transformative initiatives and efforts being made across continents and regions of the globe since end of the 1945 World War II by progressive communities, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) constitutes one of the logical outcomes of the 1991 Treaty of Abuja, Nigeria adopted then by Member States of the Organization for African Unity (OAU). The AfCFTA further signifies deepening of the generation changing agreement on a strategic road map for the creation of a common African market and an industrialized African Economy which should project Africa as a significant player and partner in the fast advancing digital global economy. Now enmeshed in the COVID-19 pandemic hazards, notably the Omicron variant, the AfCFTA has since been a flagship program of the AU and AfCFTA negotiations launched in June 2015. Notwithstanding the AU flagship program status of the AfCFTA, several development paradoxes characterize its existence, namely the combined socioeconomic impact of Omicron variant COVID -19 virus and Climate Change on one hand and the auspicious conditions it creates on the other hand for industrialization, development of value chains and value addition enterprises in marginalized rural-urban and resettled communities across geographical regions of Southern and the Sub Saharan Africa in a digitally advancing global village. Notwithstanding the impact of COVID 19 Omicron variant on prospects of AfCFTA operations, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with an ultimate objective to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations, at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic (human induced) interference with the climate system, has a great potential to inform the AfCFTA industrialization programs especially the envisaged cross sector Micro-Small – Medium and in part Large scale value chains and value addition enterprises, in rural-urban and resettled marginalized communities. Resonating the UNFCCC and equally favorable for AfCFTA industrialization is the Africa Agenda 2063 aspirations on establishment of a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development; as well as an Africa which is strong, united and influential global player and partner. Notwithstanding the Omicron variant pandemic impact on AfCFTA driven socioeconomic transformation, equally growth resonating are United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 1; 9; 10; 13 and 16 advocating namely:  Goal 1. Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere; Goal 9. Building resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation; Goal 10. Reduction of inequality within and among countries; Goal 13. Taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts; and finally Goal 16. Promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provision of access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Complemented not only by generally broad National Development Frameworks/ Strategic Development Plan but by more concrete universally acceptable Integral National Socioeconomic Cultural Development Plans with territorial, budgetary and sectoral underpinnings that give in to accountability, monitoring and evaluation; the AfCFTA driven industrialization and value chains and addition have a greater chance of flourishing and transforming the livelihoods of many marginalized through poverty reduction; improving health standards; elimination of hunger. Serving as a great pointer to the success of the AfCFTA cross-sector value chains and value addition enterprises driven industrialization is the already existing potential defined in the 2020 African Development Bank Annual Report noted that the institution had maintained a triple-A rating with a stable outlook from all four major global rating agencies Bank Group approvals, by High 5 Bank Group approvals, by region FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS respectively scoring 3% Feed Africa; 11% Light Up and Power Africa; 5% Industrialize Africa; 4% Integrate Africa; 77% Improve the Quality of Life for the People of Africa; and 11% Multiregional; 11% Central Africa; 22% East Africa; 21% West Africa; 16% North Africa and 19% Southern Africa. Effectively the High 5 and regional financial ratings exist as a platform that gives greater momentum to the AfCFTA cross sector value chains and value addition, industrialization programs for rural –urban and resettled communities in Zimbabwe, Southern and the Sub Saharan Africa in a fast advancing digital world. In its own way a very momentous flagship project, out of 55 Member States of the AU, 44 signed the Agreement in March 2018 at the AU Extraordinary Summit in Kigali, Rwanda. Phase I of negotiations covered trade in goods, trade in services and dispute settlement. Phase II is to cover investment, competition policy and intellectual property rights. The AU Commission (AUC), specifically AUC´s Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is in charge of coordinating in BIAT and AfCFTA related activities. The agreement initially requires members to remove tariffs from 90% of goods, allowing free access to commodities, goods, and services across the continent. The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa estimates that the agreement will boost intra-African trade by 52 percent by 2022.

Notwithstanding the development disparities between Africa [North; South; Central; East and West] and World; More Developed and Less Developed Regions, effectively the combined impact of Climate Change and COVID 19 Omicron variant on AfCFTA threatens to widen the wealth distribution gap on one hand while on the other hand in the reverse scenario, weakening of the pandemic, the AfCFTA cross sector value chains and addition enterprises driven industrialization will narrow the socioeconomic development disparities, thus improving the disposition of the currently marginalized rural –urban and resettled communities. If in 2015 the average global GNI per capita was 15030 US$ and in 2020 marginally expanded to 16885 US$; for More Developed Regions in 2015 GNI per capita was 39020 US$ and in 2020 immensely expanded to 46188 US$ per capita; Less Developed Regions GNI per capita was 9870US$ but in 2020 increased to 10815 US$ per capita still all maintaining a huge socioeconomic elevation over Africa by an average [16885+46188+10814 / 3 (24629)]-4820 US$ = 19809 US$ GNI per capita.  With all AfCFTA driven industrialization being favorable these 19809 US$ per capita should close or at least narrow. Again in 2015 Africa GNI per capita was low at 4720 US$ while in 2020 it narrowly expanded to 4820 US$ per capita; for sub Saharan Africa it respectively was 3480 US$ per capita and 3667 US$ respectively. For the North Africa Region the 2015 GNI per capita was 9740 US$ while in 2020 it was 9741 US$ having just marginally expanded; for the Southern Africa Region in 2015 the GNI ppp was 12290 US$ while in 2020 it declined to 12760 US$; for Eastern Africa region respectively was 1930 US$ and 2457 US$; while for Western Africa region it respectively was 4040 US$ and 3972 US$; and last but not least for Central Africa region the 2015  GNI ppp was 2680 US$ and in 2020 it had increased to 2866 US$ per capita, but even remaining insignificantly low. What then is the interpretation of the AfCFTA – Climate Change- Omicron- Value Chain function? Effectively in a short-medium and long term, and absence /effective management of Climate Change Programs and Omicron virus the implementation of the AfCFTA cross sector value chains-addition driven industrialization program should see the socioeconomic or income gaps within Africa closing up beyond the current Africa average (4820 US$ GNI ppp) and have a stronger tendency to move towards the global average of 16885 US$ GNI ppp and even surpass the average 19809 US$ GNI per capita. This literally means a more equitable distribution of wealth, elimination of poverty; consolidation of an African Common Market and an Industrialized Diverse African Economy with Africa rising as a significant player in the continental and global economy. The aim of the conference is to sensitize and deepen an understanding of the AfCFTA transformative role on the strength of cross sector value chains and value addition driven industrialization programs in circumstances of Omicron pandemic and climate change challenges in a fast advancing digital world. Some of the objectives involve eliminating socioeconomic development disparities within Africa and between Africa and the world; deepening integration; promoting climate compliant investment and trade; promoting diversity and inclusivity in resolving pandemic notably COVID for purposes of bringing more value into AfCFTA project as a vehicle for transformation; transformation of marginalized rural and urban resettled communities; promoting value chain and value addition driven industrialization, partnership and cooperation in development. Fundamental questions that emerge before delegates pertain to AfCFTA viability as a vehicle for transformation; AfCFTA capacity to withstand impact of COVID epidemic; peace and stability for integration and socioeconomic growth; climate change compliant economic growth; rural-urban and resettled communities industrialization; partnership, diversity and inclusivity.   

Investment and trade statistics show that more than 70 percent of goods and services exchanged, in circulation within the global economy originate in the value chains and value addition enterprises meaning there is greater rationale promoting AfCFTA cross sector value chains and addition enterprises driven industrialization in Southern and the Sub Saharan Africa in this digital phase.

Certainly it is in the light of the preceding debate that the 2022 MSU AfCFTA Secretariat, Faculty of Arts, Department of Development Studies, Development Cooperation, Aid and Transformation; African Continental Free Trade Area Studies Centre, gladly invites value adding, well-researched, constructive  and informative contributions: Abstracts, Chapters from all progressive circles, namely: academia, researchers; students; government ministries and departments; local and international NGO community; local and international development players; diplomatic missions; regional and international development institutions; industry and private sector; public and interested individuals; political parties; churches, and commit to the noble conference cause. Multidisciplinary main thematic and sub thematic areas from which to compile your constructive dialogue are AfCFTA Protocols; Climate Change; Trade and Investment; Industrialization; Integration; ICT Digital technology; Nuclear and Space Technology; Health, Human factor; Agriculture, Food Security; Value Chains; Industry, Mining; Tourism; Infrastructure; Transport; Language and religion; Film and Arts; Conservancies; Natural Resources management; Peace; Education; Renewable resources; Migration; Women, Children, The Disabled; Driving factors and Alternatives.         

2022 MSU African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)–Climate Change (CC) International Virtual Online Conference: Value Chains- Addition driven Industrialization and prospects of deepening socioeconomic integration and cooperation for transformation of marginalized rural-urban and resettled communities in Southern and Sub Saharan Africa within Omicron/ SADC 2030/ Agenda Africa 2063/ UNSDGs 2030 and Digital Revolution Phase to be held 26-28 October 2022.    (2022 MSU AfCFTA – CC Online International Conference)

  • AfCFTA Adoption and Implementation Protocols

Implementation phases, meaning

Protocols formulation, guiding notions

Evaluation and assessment

Legal aspects of implementation

Institutional development local and global

Institutional complementarities local and global

Parties and Commitments.

Outstanding Issues


  • AfCFTA – Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Concept, Definition.

AfCFTA as a concept, process and system

What is AfCFTA, Change Vehicle, Program, Instrument

AfCFTA Definition, Transformation and Development

Mitigation strategies and success; alternatives

Adaptation strategies and success; challenges

National Determined Conditionalities (NDCs); Industrialization

AfCFTA and climate change adjusted industrialization protocols.

AfCFTA Climate Change Compliant Industrial Development Framework

Disaster, drought, floods, wildfires; desertification, hunger, starvation

AfCFTA related disaster mitigation, preparedness, response; and recovery institutions.


  • Industrialization and Transformation

What is AfCFTA driven industrialization

What is AfCFTA driven transformation

Rural industrialization; rural industries

Specialized Socioeconomic Regions; Economic Planning

Urban industrialization; urban industries

Resettled communities industrialization

Rural enterprises and economic sustainability

AfCFTA micro -small- medium rural and urban enterprises

AfCFTA large scale cross-sector enterprises and transformation

Partnership, partnering in industrialization and transformation

  • Trade and Investment

Insurance and security

Finance and intermediaries;

Loan and grant facilities

Customs and Excise Duty

Production, Distribution, Marketing and Realization

Standards and Quality Control

Small-Medium Scale Trade and Investment enterprises

Trade and Investment Priorities; Integral Planning

Rural – urban trade and investment initiatives

Banking operations for trade and investment.

Gender, Youth, Women and Disabled in trade and investment

Rural- Urban and Resettled Communities trade and investment priorities

  • Integration, Cooperation and Aid

Integration, Production and distribution enterprises

Small-medium scale enterprises cooperation

Integration of rural small and medium scale enterprise

Specialized National Socioeconomic Planning;

Rural- urban enterprises cooperation programs

Integration of local, regional, continental production enterprises

Partnering for deeper integration and cooperation

Rural-urban aid and cooperation programs

Aid as catalyst for deepening industrial cooperation and integration;

Banking and Financing for Deeper Integration, Cooperation and Aid.

Rural-urban communities administration, integration, cooperation and aid.


  • ICT, Digital Technology

ICT and business in rural and urban areas

ICT and commercial business locally and globally

ICT education and training

Digital education, training

Digital education for business

Small- Medium Large Scale digital technology driven business

Digital business models

Local and global digital production, distribution, marketing and realization


  • Human Factor, Human Centeredness

Human being, productive forces and industrialization;

Supremacy of the person, human being, soul and mind

Choice, Ego and development

Mutual respect, cooperation and understanding

Pensions; Medical, Insurance and Funeral Policy

Selflessness, tolerance; human sanctity, sacredness

Wealth, prosperity, poverty, hunger and disease;

Social system, dispensation and destiny of the subject

Welfare, food, clothing, peace, association; work; dignity.

Citizen, disposition, civilization; primitivity

Creativity, innovation and inventions, artistic outputs.


  • Health and Epidemics

COVID – 19 and Omicron and pandemics

Health service and delivery programs

Health Service Provision Strategic Framework

Health Service Barometer: National, provincial and District

Partnership and cooperation in health services delivery

Child health, disease outbreaks

Girl Child Health services

Health, Pharmaceuticals; Conditions of Service;

Medical, Health, Pensions and Insurance Policy

Work Place Health Protocols; Brain Drain

Birth and Death Rate

HIV Aids and STIs

Rural- urban and resettled communities’ health services

Health, Research; education, training and advocacy

Health challenges and Alternatives


  • Value Chains and Value Addition

Specialized cross sector value chains and value addition enterprises

Rural-urban and resettled communities value chain enterprises

Rural–urban and resettled communities value addition enterprises

Small- Medium Agro Industrial value chains

Small- Medium Mining Sector Value Chains

Services delivery value addition and chains

Value addition and value chains Strategic Development Frameworks

Value chains and marketing on ward, village, district, provincial, national and regional level

Value chains and addition on continental and global level.

  • Agriculture, Food and Nutrient Security

Food security and nutrient security strategies

Agricultural value chains and addition programs

Inclusivity and diversity in small –medium scale rural enterprises

Promoting agro-industrial complexes; ICT; Digital

Agro Banking; Finance; Insurance; Standards and Quality Control

Agro-Industrial Parks; Agro Industrial Transformation

Agro manufacturing for local and international market;

Partnering and partnerships in Agriculture and Food Security

Forestry, Timber and Fisheries small- medium enterprise

Agro based post- colonial cities, towns and settlements.

Specialized District, Provincial, National Agriculture Development Strategies / Framework

  • Industry, Mining and Tourism

Sustainable Industrial Provincial Development Strategy

Economy, Industrial Enterprises

Production, distribution, marketing and consumption

Rural industry and manufacturing

Small – medium scale industrial enterprises

Mining, mining economy; employment

Tourism, economy and transfrontier parks

Industry and diversification; wildlife cultivation

Forest parks and wild forest; animal species

Partnering and partnerships in industrial, mining and tourism development;

Sustainable Tourist Rural Provincial Development Strategies

Sustainable Mining Provincial Development Strategies

  • Manufacturing in AfCFTA Zone

Production, Distribution, Marketing and Consumption

Small- medium scale enterprises

Defining an sustainable AfCFTA Economic Zone

Economic Zones, Manufacturing

Employment Creation, Integration and Cooperation

Economic Zones Specialized Economy

Local and International Business Partnerships

Banking and Insurance, Finance


  • Nuclear, Digital and Space Technology

Nuclear, Digital and Space technology: peaceful development; transformation and industrialization.

Nuclear technology driven industrialization, down-stream industry and enterprises

Space Technology driven AFCFTA Industrialization; down-stream industry and enterprises

Digital Technology Driven AfCFTA Industrialization; closely related enterprises

Nuclear Technology driven transformation of rural-urban and resettled communities;

Partnered and Partnership in Nuclear, Digital and Space Technology Development

Space Missions adjusted AFCFTA specialized industrialization programs.

Nuclear, Digital and Space Technology: fast tracking socioeconomic growth


  • Education, Research, Advocacy, Consultancy and Training

Comparing Education 3.0; 4.0 and 5.0 Programs and AfCFTA

Pre School; Primary, Secondary and High School Digital Program for Transformation;

AfCFTA driven Education and Research Curricular;

Pensions and insurance policy; funeral policy

AfCFTA driven Advocacy, Consultancy and Training

AfCFTA education, advocacy in rural – urban and resettled communities.

Education, society, industrialization, development, diversity, digital revolution

  • Culture, Film, Arts and History

AfCFTA culture, economy and industrialization;

Film enterprises and transformation in AfCFTA Zone;

AfCFTA and Arts for transformation;

AfCFTA and History for economic development;

AfCFTA and transformation through culture, film, Arts and history in digital phase.

AfCFTA integration through culture, film, Arts and history;

AfCFTA cooperation through culture, film, Arts and History.


  • Politics, Peace and Security; Conflict

Tolerance; Unity; Justice and Peace and Industrialization

True democracy; dictatorship; Corruption

Partnered and Partnering Institutions;

Generational approach; costly stereotypes

Ideological bankruptcy; ideological progress; transformation

Anti -human and inhuman systems;

Conflict, underdevelopment; stagnation; economic expansion

Human -centered politics, peace and security.

Cooperation and integration in politics, peace and security operations

  • Environmental Conservation and Natural Resources Management


AfCFTA driven afforestation; deforestation; desertification; reclamation

Forest parks, Wildlife Culture; Diversification of Wildlife

Conservancies and Trans frontier Parks

Beautification, Aesthetic Environmental Conservation and Natural Resources Management;

Beautifying the Nation, Regions and Continent; Roads, Highways, Surroundings;

Rural- Urban and Resettled Communities Wildlife and Forestry Parks;

Natural resources conservation, reservation; aesthetic culture

Natural resources management and AfCFTA driven industrialization

AfCFTA based Partnering and partnership in conservation and natural resources management.

Special Environmental and Natural Resources Conservation Zones in AfCFTA Zone;


  • Language and Religion

AfCFTA languages and business for transformation;

AfCFTA and religion for peace and development;

Religious Tolerance; Unity; peace and economy;

Language, understanding, cooperation

Language, religion and development.

Religion, peace, conflict and stability

Language peace, conflict, stability.


  • Infrastructure, Transport and Energy

Rail, road and aviation transport inter /intra member states

Social infrastructure, Economic infrastructure

Industrial infrastructure; Insurance; Hydro and Thermal Energy;

Road and rail transport: passenger and goods; services

New Generation Fast Rail passenger transport; economic growth

Rural – urban infrastructure, transport and energy development;

Cooperation in infrastructure, transport and energy development

Integration and cooperation through infrastructure, transport and energy development;

Evolving Energy Structure: Renewable versus nonrenewable sources;

Partnership in infrastructure, transport and energy development.

  • Renewable Energy and Transformation

AfCFTA renewable energy driven industrialization;

Solar; Wind; Hydro Power AfCFTA driven industrialization;

Hydrogen fuel cell energy, rural development;

Renewable energy and rural transformation

Small medium scale enterprises in rural – urban areas

  • Migration, Gender, Youth, Women, Disabled and Children

AfCFTA and migration reversal,

Women and children within the AfCFTA realization

Gender and AfCFTA deepening industrialization;

Youth and deepening economic growth within AfCFTA;

AfCFTA and positive migration from world regions;

Children and migration, refugees flow and development;

AfCFTA driven cross sector industrialization and the disabled

AfCFTA and positive intra Africa migration, labour force.


  • AfCFTA Driving Principles and Factors

Socioeconomic factors and AfCFTA

Political, peace and security factors

Scientific and technological principles

Digital technology and infrastructure;

Renewable energy; stability

Diversity and inclusivity; comprehensive partnerships

Targeted rural-urban cross sector industrial partnership


  • AfCFTA Challenges and Alternatives

Diplomatic deficit

Peace and security; rural economic activation

Demagoguery culture

Population age group balance: economic active and economic inactive ages (<15 and 65+yrs)

Alienation risks in international affairs

Movement in step with global village

Constructive diplomatic engagement

Common human values

Wisdom and limitless transformation

Famba Zion, Rugare.



Your session login code –key will be communicated in the Final AfCFTA Conference Program. Conference attendance is Free. You may Donate, Promote; Fund Session/s; Chair and Co- Chair Session; Fund Book Publication; or Co – Host with Conference Organizers.

Paper structure strictly: Please adhere to the following format when developing your paper: Abstract (250 words)…5-6 keywords; Introduction; Methodology; Literature Review; Outcome; Discussion; Conclusion and recommendations; References.  Paper to have a maximum of 5600 words. Font: 1.5 …12” New Roman Times.

Please: Remember Conference Code in all Communication: MSU 2022 AfCFTA – Abstract or Paper: Your Name.

  • Conference dates: 26-28 October 2022
  • Abstract Submission deadline: 28 April 2022
  • Abstract Acceptance Advise deadline: 20 May 2022
  • Complete Conference Paper Submission deadline: 29 August 2022
  • AfCFTA – Conference Program Receipt Date: 27 September 2022.

The anticipated MSU 2022 AfCFTA Conference outputs are a Conference Proceedings Summary, Special Conference DVD and a 2022 Special Edited Book entitled “ AfCFTA: Value Chains and Addition; and Climate Change Compliant driven Industrialization for Rural- Urban and Resettled Communities Transformation in Southern and Sub Saharan Africa in a digital revolution”.

Conference Secretariat:

Midlands State University. Faculty of Art, Department of Development Studies. [MSU-FA-DDS]. Development Cooperation, Aid and Transformation Project, African Continental Free Trade Area Studies Centre.

Webpage Link: []            [To be Given]

Kindly send your abstracts and mail to: [Dr G Chikowore: 263773378014: Conference Coordinator]. [Dr T Chibanda: 0775399416: Conference Administrator]. [Dr Sillah R: 263772855365: Conference Secretary]. [Dr Munemo D: 263773269411: Moderator]


Session Chairs:

Prof Viriri; Dr Mashingaidze; Mr Tafadzwa Dhlakama; Dr Mudeka; Prof Manyawu; Mr C Munhande; Ms Nandi Nkomo; Prof Nyau; Dr M Sibanda; Prof Mukamuri; Prof Matunhu; Mr Hahlani; Dr Nxiza; Dr Nyathi; Dr T Muzorewa; Mr Sisimayi; Dr T Mukhuhlani; Mrs Chihamba, Mr Mandirahwe.

Remember to make a meaningful difference. Be part of the 2022 MSU Second Series Memorable and Great Virtual Conference in the History of a Transforming Africa and African led World Remould in Diversity, Peace and Inclusivity.

Famba Zion. God Bless.


2022 MSU AfCFTA CC VCA Virtual International Conference: promoting value chains-addition and climate change compliant industrialization; research-education, advocacy-training; consultancy; deepening understanding; partnerships-cooperation in diversity, integration; socioeconomic growth and transformation in Zimbabwe, Southern and Sub Saharan Africa marginalized rural-urban and resettled communities in step with the digital global village. Famba Zion.



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