• Mrs M. E. Mwamuka Chairperson of Council
  • Dr. C. Chimbetete Vice Chairperson of Council
  • Mr. B. Murungweni Line Ministry Representative
  • Mr. P. S. Whata
  • Mr. M. Mutema
  • Professor Z. Mguni-Makwavarara
  • Eng. S. T. Kambarami
  • Mrs. T. S. Makamure
  • Dr. K. C. Maregere
  • Mr. S. Makunde
  • Mrs. C. Matowanyika-Nemaunga
  • Mrs. M. Mukewa
  • Miss P. Mtetwa
  • Mr. W. Dzuda


  • Professor V. N. Muzvidziwa Vice Chancellor
  • Professor G. Mugumbate Pro-Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation and Industrialisation
  • Professor M. Maphosa Pro-Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs and Administration
  • Vacant    SRC President

Senate Representatives

  • Professor C. Hungwe
  • Dr. T. M. Mashingaidze

Staff Representatives

  • Vacant    Midlands State University Lecturer’s Association President
  • Vacant    Midlands State University Non-Teaching Staff Association President


  • Mr T. Zishiri