In a testament to its commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, Midlands State University (MSU) is currently hosting its 2024 Mid-Year Review Integrated Result Based Management and Performance Contract Workshop.

The two-day event, which began on July 19, 2024, is taking place at the Caribbea Bay Resort in Kariba.

The workshop has brought together the University’s leadership, including Principal Officers and the management team, to evaluate progress and chart the course for the remainder of the year.

Mr. T. Zishiri, the University Registrar, kicked off the proceedings with a presentation on Workshop Objectives and Strategic Direction.

He underscored the critical role of leadership qualities such as consistency, transparency, and effective conflict resolution in driving MSU’s strategic plan forward.

In his keynote address, Vice Chancellor – Professor V. N. Muzvidziwa emphasised that the workshop is more than just a compliance exercise.

“This gathering should not be seen just as an act of compliance with good governance expectations, but as both a symbol and evidence of resilience and unqualified commitment to ensure that we fulfil our strategic goals and objectives,” he stated.

The Vice Chancellor also stressed the importance of ethical behaviour at all levels of the institution, setting the tone for a culture of integrity and accountability.

The heart of the workshop revolves around mid-year performance contract reviews, where participants are evaluating outputs and outcomes for the review period.

This process is crucial for identifying areas of success, addressing challenges, and recalibrating strategies to ensure the university remains on track to achieve its goals.

“This workshop is not just about ticking boxes,” said the University Registrar.

“It’s a vibrant, collaborative effort to really dig into our performance, celebrate our wins, and honestly tackle our shortcomings,” highlighted Mr. T. Zishiri.

As the workshop concludes on July 20, 2024, the MSU community can look forward to a reinvigorated leadership team armed with fresh insights and strategies.

This mid-year review stands as a clear indication of the University’s dedication to transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in its quest to remain the primeur institution of higher learning in Zimbabwe and beyond.

With the insights gained from this workshop, Midlands State University is poised to enter the second half of 2024 with renewed focus and determination.

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