In a significant event that marked the genesis of a transformative journey for community development, Midlands State University (MSU) through its Centre for Public Policy and Devolution entered into Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with Chikomba Rural District Council and Gweru Residents Forum to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange for community development on the 28th of August 2024 at Gweru Main Campus.

The Memoranda of Understanding came after a series of consultative meetings that sought to establish collaborative networks in research & development, policy development, capacity development, service delivery, economic development and innovation.


In his welcome remarks to the two entities, the Pro-Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs and Administration, Professor Mcebisi Maphosa said that the Memoranda of Understanding come at an opportune time when the University is walking on the path of Education 5.0 which emphasises innovation towards societal development.


“There is scope for us to work together with you as entities in the realm of local governance given that you have the manpower which need training; so your coming here to an academic institution is well in order because we have the expertise who can work together with you,” indicated Professor Maphosa.


In the true spirit of collaboration, Professor Maphosa underscored the need for the MoU to be mutually beneficial to all parties through leveraging on each other’s areas of strength.


Gweru Residents Forum Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Charles Mazorodze expressed optimism for the MoU stating that, “With capacity gaps within our organisation and different communities we work with on a day to basis, this collaboration with MSU particularly the Centre for Public Policy and Devolution will go a long way in improving the capacity of various communities we serve”. 


Speaking on the sidelines of the MoU signing ceremony, Chikomba Rural District Council Chief Executive Officer Mr Bullen T. Chiwara said that the collaboration will help in improving service delivery of the local council through leveraging on the expertise of the University.


The climax of the event was marked by the awe-inspiring moment that saw the trio signing MoUs, marking the beginning of long-term partnerships, set to transform communities through knowledge exchange.


In his vote of thanks, Deputy Dean – Faculty of Social Sciences – Professor Thomas Marambanyika committed to hit-the-ground-running to ensure that the Memoranda of Understanding are implemented to the dot. 


Midlands State University is committed to collaborate with like-minded organisations in promoting community development through knowledge exchange.



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