Midlands State University (MSU) held a celebratory luncheon on September 10, 2024, to honour the remarkable achievement of its Law School students who emerged victorious in the 33rd edition of the prestigious Christof Heyns African Moot Court competition.

The event, attended by university officials and faculty members, marked a significant milestone for the institution.

The celebration brought together Professor V. N. Muzvidziwa, the Vice Chancellor, along with MSU Principal Officers, the Assistant to the Vice Chancellor, representatives from the Faculty of Law, and the triumphant students – Watson Tonderai Somerai & Michelle Patricia Chiwanga accompanied by their coach – Mr. Claudios Makwara.

In his address, Professor Muzvidziwa praised the Faculty of Law, noting that victory has become a hallmark of the faculty.

“This success is not just for Midlands State University, but for Zimbabwe as a whole,” the Vice Chancellor remarked, congratulating the students on their outstanding performance.

Professor Muzvidziwa also commended the team’s coach for his pivotal role in nurturing and mentoring the students.

He emphasised that the victorious team has now joined the ranks of formidable forces cultivated at MSU.

Adding a touch of levity to the proceedings, the Vice Chancellor, speaking in student lingo, described the Law School’s achievement as “pamamonya ipapo” – a colloquial expression indicating that MSU is now counted among the giants.

This came after the team outperformed 50 Anglophone, 9 Francophone, and 1 Lusophone teams in the competition.

Dr. A. Mugadza, the Acting Executive Dean of the Faculty of Law, expressed heartfelt gratitude to the University’s principal officers.

She acknowledged their consistent moral and financial support, which enables the Law School to participate in local, regional, and international platforms.

This victory further cements MSU’s reputation as a centre of excellence in legal education and underscores the university’s commitment to nurturing world-class talent.

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