
Commercializing Innovations: Recipes for Success

Date:    2 October 2024
Time:     0845 – 1300
Venue:    Senate Room/ Virtual

Key Note Speaker
Mr Nelson Amo (Executive Director, Innohub, Accra, Ghana)

Nelson Amo is a business growth expert with experience across Africa and is the Founder and Executive Director of Innohub, a business accelerator and impact investment platform. Since 2015, he has led Innohub in supporting Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) focused on social and environmental impact, executing projects across various industries. He has managed grants for the $3.2 million Ghana Climate Venture Facility and the $2 million Lab Project, both funded by the World Bank. Nelson holds academic credentials from Oxford University.

Other Speakers and Panelists

  • Dr. Eng G. Charis (Anchor)- Business Development Manager, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
  • Mr James Mwale – Technical Lead, National Technology Business Centre, Zambia
  • Ms Yasmeenah Gappy, Senior Business Development Officer, Enterprise Seychelles Agency, Seychelles
  • Ms Ingrid Epezagne- Business Incubator consultant, Enterprise Agricole (AIRE), Cote d’Ivoire
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