

Mrs M. E. Mwamuka Chairperson of Council


Dr. C. Chimbetete Vice Chairperson of Council


Mr. B. Murungweni Line Ministry Representative

Mr. P. S. Whata

Mr. M. Mutema

Prof Z. Mguni-Makwavarara

Eng. S. T. Kambarami

Mrs. T. S. Makamure

Dr. K. C. Maregere

Mr. S. Makunde

Mrs. C. Matowanyika-Nemaunga

Mrs. M. Mukewa

Miss P. Mtetwa

Mr. W. Dzuda


Professor V. N. Muzvidziwa Vice Chancellor

Professor G. Mugumbate Pro-Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation and Industrialisation

Professor M. Maphosa Pro-Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs and Administration

Vacant    SRC President


Senate Representatives

Professor C. Hungwe

Dr. T. M. Mashingaidze


Staff Representatives

Vacant    Midlands State University Lecturer’s Association President

Vacant    Midlands State University Non-Teaching Staff Association President



Mr T. Zishiri