These Regulations shall be read in conjunction with the General Regulations for Postgraduate Studies, hereinafter referred to as the General Postgraduate Regulations.
2.1 Faculty Post Graduate Studies Committee – Means the Committee comprising the Dean of the Faculty of Business Sciences (who shall be the Chairperson) the GSBL Director, all Chairpersons in the Faculty of Business Sciences, all EMBA lecturers and the External Examiners.
2.2 For the definition of Special Examinations, Programme, Level, Semester, Module, Project, Continuous Assessment, Retake, Carryover, Repeat, Withdraw, Aegrotat, Credit, and Dissertation (refer to Section 1.9 of the General Post Graduate Regulations).
3.1 To be eligible for admission to the EMBA Programme, a candidate must normally:
- Be at least 35 years of age.
- Be an Executive of their own business or has been a manager for at least five (5) years.
- Hold a first degree from a recognised institution in a recognised area of study.
- Be required to provide two references from reputable people certifying their ability and suitability to undertake the programme successfully.
- Undergo an interviewing process that shall be conducted by the Faculty Post Graduate Studies Committee.
- The EMBA programme shall normally be studied over a minimum period of two academic levels, or 18 months on a full-time basis.
- The candidate shall complete the programme after passing a minimum of 13 modules which comprise 11 core modules and 2 non-core modules. The core modules have asterisks in the programme structure.
- Each module shall be studied over 60 contact hours.
- Each candidate is required to submit a dissertation of approximately 20 000 words on a topic relating to his/her area of managerial interest and approved in writing by the dissertation supervisor.
- Candidates shall be required to submit three hard-bound copies of the dissertation, one of which shall be deposited in the University Library, the other shall be submitted to the GSBL Office and the last copy should be returned to the student.
4.6 The format for the dissertation shall be provided by the GSBL Office.
4.7 Fees for the EMBA programme shall be determined by the University Fees Revision Committee from time to time.
4.8 Fees shall be paid per semester.
Level 1 Semester 1
Code |
Module Description |
Credits |
EMBA738 |
Marketing Management |
18 |
EMBA736 |
Human Resources Management |
18 |
EMBA734 |
Organisational Behaviour |
18 |
EMBA740 |
Business Research Methods |
18 |
EMBA749 |
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics |
18 |
Level 1 Semester 2
Code |
Module Description |
Credits |
EMBA731 |
Financial Accounting and Management |
18 |
EMBA845 |
Strategic Management |
18 |
EMBA832 |
Entrepreneurship |
18 |
EMBA841 |
Change Management |
18 |
EMBA849 |
Managerial Economics |
18 |
Level 2 Semester 1
Code |
Module Description |
Credits |
EMBA835 |
E-Commerce |
18 |
EMBA851 |
Leadership |
18 |
EMBA850 |
Dissertation |
90 |
EMBA731 Financial Accounting and Management
The module is meant to assist practicing managers from various disciplines who are not necessarily well grounded in financial accounting make sound financial decisions. An overview of the different branches of accounting which are Bookkeeping, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Financial Management as well as how these differ is given including how auditing and taxation fits in. Users of financial statements and their information interests are discussed. The components of financial reports, which consist of the Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows and the Notes to financial statements, are explained. Special emphasis is placed on the interpretation of financial statements and how ratios help in interpreting financial statements and making investment decisions. The limitations of financial statements and ratio analysis are also covered. The module also facilitates the formulation, implementation and evaluation of financial management practices or strategies by business.
EMBA734 Organisational Behaviour
The module is intended to equip postgraduate students and/or practitioners with concepts and models that provide home-grown solutions to organizational behaviour related challenges facing organizations. The emphasis of the module is on the practical application of organizational behaviour concepts and theories. The focus will be on contemporary issues which include, inter-alia;
Foundations of behaviour in organizations, Practical implication of OB in the 21st century, counterproductive and productive workplace behaviours, organizational culture & climate, organizational ethics, organizational structures & designs, the learning organizational model, leadership and power, managing organizational change, motivating employees, decision-making, managing conflicts, stress and politics in organizations.
EMBA736 Human Resource Management
This module is targeted at everyone in a managerial position or who will someday be in a managerial position. It explains why the human resource of an organization is the most important asset and the need for every line manager to appreciate and embrace some HRM duties in their organizations. It clearly outlines the role of HR practitioners and the need to adopt the appropriate HR practices, systems, policies and procedures which are well linked with the overall strategy of the organization. This leads to the implementation of HR systems that result in efficiency and effectiveness in the management of the flow of people into, within and out of the organization is discussed. How a strategic approach to the various HR practices like recruitment and selection, training and development, knowledge management, etc results in employee self commitment and loyalty leading to better performance outcomes for the organization is discussed. The evolution of the HR profession is given with emphasis being on the current drivers that continue to make the profession dynamic.
EMBA738 Marketing Management
The module aims to provide strategic insights into the broader understanding of marketing management and its critical role to the success of a business. It is, therefore, necessary to understand marketing from its basics such as the several definitions from several distinguished marketing gurus, and schools of thought, the development of marketing as a science, the main functions of marketing and concepts, the marketing environment, analysis of consumer and industrial markets, market segmentation, matching company capabilities and market opportunities (using SWOT and Portfolio tools), establishing the competitive edge through the marketing mixes and the marketing implementation and control (through the development and implementation of marketing plans).
EMBA740 Business Research Methods
This module will provide an understanding of integrated research methodology which will enable students to undertake a study commensurate with masters level. The module will show how academic theory is developed and will provide research training in the individual components of research design, implementation and reporting. The module will outline the basic steps in the formulation of research questions and the way in which this should be used to derive a data specification and method of data collection. Strengths and weaknesses of different data collection methods will be emphasized and students will be encouraged to develop their own research skills.
EMBA749 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
Corporate governance deals with the complex set of relationships between the corporation and its board of directors, management, shareholders, and other stakeholders. In the recent years, the regulators and legislators have intensified their focus on how businesses are being run. They are endeavoring to create a template for new corporate governance and disclosure measures, which is beneficial for both the stakeholders and controllers. Students will be exposed to challenges of good Corporate Governance by comparing different systems and approaches. This will enhance their understanding of the roles and responsibilities of direction setting and strategic thought process. The module will provide cross-functional insight on the effective integration of corporate performance and conformance roles. In the process we hope to create a core team of trained directors with determination, focused intelligence, creativity and innovativeness, to lead the wealth creating organs of society. Some of the key areas include: history of corporate governance; powers and rights of the relations between directors and shareholders’ financial reporting and auditing.
EMBA845 Strategic Management
The students are initially introduced to the basic concepts, principles and the main analytical approaches that are used in strategic management. The emphasis is on formulation, implementation and evaluation of long term strategies utilized by business organizations. The issues that will be factored in include the environment, the constant flux of society and the strategies required for the management of that flux. Main topics include: the role of analysis and planning, mission, objectives, values, ethics and goals. Also analysed will be issues relating to markets, industries, competitors, stakeholder’s internal capabilities, value chains, resources and portfolios core and generic strategies, structure, culture and organizational design, strategy evaluation, implementation and control.
EMBA832 Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is a module that is all about starting and running your own business. It’s much more than a set of knowledge or skills, but it’s also a set of attitudes that everyone can benefit from developing. This module is a very dynamic, practical, and hands-on type of course where students are given the opportunity to both practice what they’ve learned – and even practice what they haven’t yet learned! A great attitude, work ethic, creativity, and sense of adventure are required for success in this course.
In addition to providing students with an understanding of entrepreneurial activity, the aim of this module is also to give student participants a rigorous and honest insight into the realities of entrepreneurial activity by focusing on the manifold requirements necessary to turn a rudimentary idea into a feasible and attractive new enterprise. By the end of the module, students will have a clear idea of the nature of the Entrepreneurial environment and the risks and rewards of self-employment. They will also be well equipped to write a credible and informed business plan; assess whether or not the entrepreneurial route could be an appropriate career choice; and, if it is, be able to embark with some greater confidence on the process of converting an idea into commercial reality. If students already have or are working on an idea for a new business, this module provides an ideal opportunity to develop, refine and test the idea or concept. For those students wishing to take their idea further and to raise external resources, the module provides direct experience in how to conceive, present and communicate an attractive and credible business plan
EMBA841 Change Management
The module focuses on the management of change in organizations. It will also swell on the types of organizations that are in existence, and how the differing structures of these organizations impact on change management. The main topics covered include the following:
Performance, design strategies, concept of power, organizational politics, change, renaissance Organisational theory, models of growth and decline, structural forms, organizational and the management of change.
EMBA849 Managerial Economics
This module basically deals with topics that relate to a managerial decision–making process. Some of the topics deal with business objectives, decision analysis, demand measurement and forecasting, pricing policies, advertising and promotion decisions, corporate strategies and game theory for managers.
EMBA 835 E-Commerce
The module looks at computer-based transactions, internationally. It includes E- Business i.e. the transaction of business via electronic gadgets. It analyses the usage and effect of the internet, Electronic Fund transfers, computer based transactions, consumer responses e.g. as we look at the future, the hole of the computer on business transactions is increasing in importance.
EMBA851 Leadership
It is more than ever that organizations are appreciating the relationship between leadership and performance. Leadership ultimately determines the kind of organizations that we have and the quality of life that we enjoy. Thus the module seeks to impact leadership skills to managers for the betterment of the organizations and society at large. The key issues to be discussed include the following: Framework for studying leadership; Leadership theories; leadership styles; leadership roles; measurement of effective leadership.
EMBA850 Dissertation
The dissertation is carried out by a student in his/her chosen area of interest in the field of business administration. It equips the student with competencies in conducting independent research, thus encompasses identifying a research problem, conducting a literature review, writing the research methods section, conducting data analysis and report writing. The candidate is expected to apply knowledge acquired from the business research methods module to solve business administration problems. The dissertation shall be supervised by one or more lecturers, from one chapter to the next, and be approximately 18 000 words, excluding preliminary pages and appendices.