(3 years block release)
- Overview
- Entry Requirements
- Assessment
- Programme Structure
The Bachelor of Adult Education degree shall be awarded to a student who has successfully completed an approved programme of study in accordance with these regulations. The Degree in Adult Education is a 3 year programme offered on a Block Release basis and 2 years on a conventional basis, structured to meet the needs of adult educators and promote education for development that is centered on humanity, liberation, participation and justice in their special fields.
By the end of the programme students should be able to:
Blend their theoretical knowledge and practical expertise to facilitate the development of enterprises, industry, local, regional and global communities,
develop critical, analytical and reflective skills requisite in adult education necessary for community development.
Develop an increased understanding of the philosophical, sociological and psychological foundations underpinning the field of adult education. conduct research in order to improve operations in their fields.
Entry Requirements
A Diploma in any of the following,
Adult Education, Education, Health
Education and Agriculture with relevant foundation courses
As trainers in NGO, industry, health, army, prison, education, rural development, entrepreneurs, peace mission officers (conflict management
5.1 Each student shall be required to take at least twenty modules one and dissertation over three years. At most four modules shall be covered in each semester.
5.2 Each module is worth 4 credits except for the dissertation which is worth 8 credits (Total 84 credits)
Final assessment shall be by continuous assessment and formal examinations.
Continuous assessment shall constitute 40% of the final assessment.
Written examinations shall constitute 60% of the final assessment.
In order to pass a candidate should obtain at least 50 % of continuous assessment and examinations combined.
To proceed from one semester to the other, a candidate should not carry more than two modules.
Programme Structure
Code |
Module Description | Credits |
BAE 101 BAE 102 BAE 103 HCS 115 |
Philosophical Foundations of Adult Education Sociological Foundations of Adult Education Communication Skills Introduction to Information Technology |
4 4 4 4 |
Level 1 Semester 2 |
BAE 104 BAE 105 BAE106 |
Information and Communication Technology Programme Planning Implementation and Evaluation Psychological Foundations of Adult Education |
4 4 4 |
Level 2 Semester 1 |
BAE202 | Open Distance Learning | 4 |
BAE204 | Research Methods and Statistics | 4 |
GS201 | Introduction to Gender Studies | 4 |
EAD101 | Basic Economics | 4 |
Level 2.Semester 2 |
BAE201 | Development Studies | 4 |
BAE205 | Administration, Management and Supervision of Personnel in Adult Education |
4 |
BAE206 Level 3 |
Principles and Practice of Community Development Semester 1 |
4 |
BAE 301 BAE 302 BAE 303 |
Comparative Studies In Adult Education Design and Development of Instructional Materials Guidance and Counselling In Adult Education |
4 4 4 |
Level 3 Semester 2 |
Core Module BAE 312 |
Dissertation | 8 |
Elective Modules | ||
BAE 304 BAE 305 BAE 306 BAE 307 BAE 308 BAE 309 BAE 310 |
Disaster Management HIV and AIDS Education Training of Trainers Public Health Agricultural Extension and Education Strategic Planning and Management Conflict Management |
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 |
BAE 101 Philosophical Foundations of Adult Education
The module seeks to expose adult educators to the fundamental problems of Philosophy such as metaphysics, epistemology and axiology that govern human views and development of educational programmes. The module assumes that there is a close relationship between Philosophy and any educational programme including Adult Education. This module seeks to define Philosophy, explore the various philosophical schools of thought and examine how these have inspired many educators, educational activities and development organisations around the world.
BAE 102 Sociological Foundations of Adult Education
The module is based on the premise that Adult Education as an enterprise operates within society and as a result there is need to expose students to basic sociological concepts, how society functions and the sociological issues influencing adult education programmes. In this vein, students are expected to familiarise themselves with basic sociological concepts, derive insights from sociological perspectives regarding Adult Education.
BAE 103 Communication Skills
The module seeks to help students examine issues to do with effective university expectations, requirements and demands for academic work as well as social life that will make the students much more suited to the various university tasks and work. In this module, students will be exposed to principles of communication and communication channels, knowing and adjustments to university life, reading, writing, note making and research work.
BAE 104 Information and Communication Technology
The module aims to introduce Adult Education students to Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) used in education and training environments. The module provides them with an opportunity to explore criteria for the appropriate use of ICT. Adult education students
identify and monitor issues arising from the use ICT in the work place, emerging technologies that can be applied in their work place. At the end of the module the students should be able to conduct an ICT plan for their work place. Adult Education students will also be able to establish
the criteria to evaluate the suitability of specifed multimedia and online learning packages to their teaching and learning environments. Finally the students will evaluate the potential of Information and Communication Technology in an education and training setup.
BAE 105 Programme Planning, Implementation and Evaluation
This module exposes adult education students to a growing body of foundations of Open and Distance Learning in developing and industrialised worlds. Open and Distance Learning theory and practice are also examined. Finally, the students examine the Open and Distance Learning challenges and
trends in the 21st century. This module further defnes Open and Distance Learning and compares it with more traditional face – to face education as well as open education. The history, development, uses, functions and practices of Open and Distance Learning are also discussed.
GS 201 Introduction to Gender Studies
The module empowers the students with knowledge and skills that enable them to be gender sensitive in the University, workplace and in all their interactions. Topics covered include: understanding gender, theories of gender inequalities, historical development of gender, gender analysis, gender
issues in society, redressing gender imbalances, empowerment and strategies for creating a gender responsive environment. Every student has to pass the module in order to graduate.
BAE 204 Research Methods and Statistics
The module seeks to expose adult educators to introductory lessons in quantitative and qualitative research methods. The importance of the module lies on the premise that research is an integral part of the work of educators’ in at least two ways. The adult educators are often required to conduct
research as part of the adult learning process and adult educators beneft from research to improve their practice e.g. research strategies to facilitate adult education in learning. Consequently, there is need for adult educators to acquire skills in processing and consuming research.
BAE 205 Administration, Management and Supervision of Personnel in Adult Education
The module seeks to equip adult educators with supervision and management skills necessary for the development of employees who would make best contributions in organisations that provide fair terms and conditions of employment. In this module, students are expected to explore the meaning of supervision and management concepts. The employer and employee relationship is also examined. The structure of the supervisor’s job is explained, the worries of a supervisor and various supervision styles are explored with a view of helping the adult learner come up with effective administration in their organisations.
BAE 206 Principles and Practice of Community Development.
This module seeks to provide the students with the essentials of the and counselling services is becoming increasingly important because of the constantly changing world in which we live. So many things are beginning to impact on the lives of many people. The onslaught of modern science
and technology, social and economic pressures make it diffcult for individuals to cope. This module assumes that it is important for the adult educator to be acquainted with some techniques of guidance and counselling. Therefore, the requirement for adult educators to learn about and apply the principles
of guidance and counselling cannot be too strongly stressed. In this module, the students should be able to state the role and functions of a counsellor and counsel individuals with personal, social and economic problems. They should be able to give guidance and counselling that promotes self direction and growth among individuals in their organisations.
BAE 304 Disaster Management
This module assists the adult educators to explore the complex world of emergency and disaster management issues. Critical thinking and decision making skills necessary to support and supervise, comprehensive, integrated or effective management of natural, system-wide
or human crisis are explored. Through assessment of a broad range of modern disaster and complex emergency situations, the module provides students with the working knowledge of needs, preparedness service delivery systems, and impact of disasters on communities, decisio
making and ethics. Students are equipped with knowledge of developing a disaster recovery plan and long range planning for disaster management.
BAE 305 HIV and AIDS in Education
This module seeks to expose students to the historical development of H.I.V virus from 1981 up to date. The module also exposes students to how the world and Zimbabwe in particular has fought the pandemic. This module raises the H.I.V science literacy among students that enables them to
understand the structure and replication mechanisms and identify its weak points which can be taken advantage of by researchers. This module assumes that when students understand the science of H.I.V, they are able to adhere to medicines should they be H.I.V, positive. Students will be better able
to advocate for access to treatment and care and influence public policy around H.I.V. They can also come up with H.I.V and AIDS policies within their organisations. Cultural and religious practices that hinder the fght against extension services (an option for the future) female extension agents and gender in agricultural development. Extension agrarian reform and challenges for extension are also analysed with a view of coming up with highly productive programmes.
BAE 309 Strategic Planning and Management
Adult educators are strategists and as such they should be introduced to Strategic Management. Strategic Management focuses on the managerial tasks of crafting, implementing and executing organisational strategies. A strategy is the blue print that management has for positioning an
organisation in its chosen arena, competing successfully, pleasing customers and achieving good business performance. It provides a road map to follow when conducting business, a game plan for building customer loyalty and winning a sustainable competitive advantage over rivals.
BAE 310 Conflict Management
The purpose of this module is to give adult educators basic understanding of peace and help them build peace in their own groups, communities, and institutions. In this module, the conceptual framework of peace, the need for peace and sustainable peace are examined. Furthermore
Zimbabwean ideas on conflict, negative aspects of conflicts, why violence is the worst form of social change, causes of conflict and dealing with conflicts are explored. Finally, the peace building process and peace building activities are examined.
BAE 312 Dissertation
Students are expected to conduct independent scientifc studies on or in a subject related to Adult Education. This study should culminate in a research report of 10 000 words based on wide research with the close assistance of a supervisor. Its weight is equivalent to that of two core modules