
Duration:                                                 18 months

Credit Load:                                             270

Minimum Credit Load:                            216

Maximum Credit Load:                           360

Minimum MBKs Credits:                        234

ZNQF Level                                            9


The programme aims to enhance knowledge, skills and competencies in developmental social work as a specialised field. These will be achieved through:

  •         Producing graduates who can provide leadership in the social sector.
  •         Equipping students with the knowledge and skills to enable them to engage in social planning.
  •         Producing graduates with the capacity to advise governments and Non-governmental organisations on the design and implementation of social policies and programmes meant to enhance human well-being.
  •         Producing graduates who can apply relevant statistics in addressing social problems.
  •         Equipping students with various social theoretical approaches and subsequent paradigms that form the knowledge base of social work, identifying that the complexity of human beings, their contexts and social problems necessitates the generation of knowledge from diverse professional fields.
  •         Producing graduateswho are grounded in the philosophical fundamentals of policy, conceptualising social policy and the history of social policy with high-level analytical skills.
  •         Equippingstudents with the understanding of what constitutes a social protection package and what determines the choice of a particular social policy package, locating and challenging the root causes of inequality and poverty amongst the marginalised and disenfranchised peoples.
  •         Producing graduates who can adapt and remain relevant in changing practice settings through innovation, thoughtfulness, and flexibility to changing clinical settings. 


Normal Entry:   Bachelor of Science Honours in Social Work with 2.2 pass or better, or Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work. In addition, students must be registered with the Council of Social Workers in terms of the Social Workers Act.

Career Opportunities

Programme Structure