- M.Sc. Clinical Biochemistry, (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe)
- B.Sc. (Hons) Biological Sciences (Midlands State University, Zimbabwe)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (Midlands State University, Zimbabwe)
Research Interests
- Renal pathology
- Diagnosis of central nervous system infections
- Cardiovascular disease
Publications & Conference Proceedings
- L. Mabaya, C. Musarurwa, ZAR Gomo, T. Nyamayaro. The clinical utility of Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin for acute kidney injury in a resource constrained setting. In Press, International journal of Scientific Research and Review.
- Mguni S, Manda J, Mabaya L. Bare J, J. Makaure and Makaka Caston. Invitro antibacterial activity of honey against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. In Press, Elixir Journal of Biosciences
- Mguni S, Ndlovu N, Mabaya L. Bare J, and Makaka Caston. An assessment of the microbial quality of sausage and chicken sold in formal and informal markets at a taxi rank in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Elixir Journal of Biosciences
Current Community Engagement
- Member of ZACB (Zimbabwe Association of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine)
- Member of IFCC -Task Force Young Scientists (TFYS)
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