- PhD in Linguistics – Distinction, National University of Lesotho, 2012
- Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies en Sciences du Langage (MPhil in Linguistics and ForeignLanguage Education) – Distinction, Université de Franche-Comté, 2002.
- Maîtrise de Français Langue Etrangère (MA in Language Education specialising in French as a ForeignLanguage), Université de Franche-Comté, 1992.
- Licence de Sciences du Langage mention FLE [BA (Hons) in Linguisticsspecialising in French as a ForeignLanguage], Université de Franche-Comté, 1991.
- Diplômed’Examinateur-Correcteur du DELF-DALF (Levels A.1.1 – C2), Université de Nantes Summer University (France), 2015 (Diploma : Examiner for all levels of the DELF-DALF international Examinations in French from complete beginners to the most advanced level possible).
- Certificate in Curriculum Design and Language Education Project Management, Université de Franche-Comté, 2000.
- Certificate in Distance Learning Curriculum and Materials Design, Zimbabwe Open University, 1998.
- Diplôme de Méthodologie du Français Langue Etrangère (Diploma in Language Education specialising in French as a ForeignLanguage), Université de Poitiers, 1990.
- Certificate in (Secondary) Education (specialising in French and English), University ofZimbabwe, 1989.
Research Interests :
- Critical discourse analysis (religious, political, and pedagogical discourses) Language curriculum
- Enseignementetapprentissageinteractifs du FLE (Translation: Interactive teaching and learning of French as a Foreign Language). Harare: Zimbabwe Open University (1999). (A peer-reviewed book).
- Culture de l’écrit chez les jeunes Zimbabwéens noirs. Le cas des étudiants de 1èreannée à l’Africa University » (Translation: Writing as a culture among young black Zimbabweans. The case of first year students at Africa University). In Synergies AfriqueAustraleVol. 01 (2005), pp. 125-136.
- “French in Lesotho Schools forty years after Independence”. In LWATI: a journal of contemporary research Vol. 4 (2007), pp. 88-100.
- “The State of French in Lesotho: local ‘ownership’ as the only viable way forward”. In Review of Southern African Studies Vol. 5 No. 1&2 (2007), pp. 129-144.
- “French in Zimbabwean schools or how to save an endangered species”. In LWATI: journal of contemporary research Vol. 5 (2008), pp. 129-139.
- “Modern African Pentecostal Discourse: a textual analysis of prayer texts of a Word of Life Church pastor”. In Review of Southern African Studies Vol. 12 No. 1&2 (2008), pp. 1-29.
- “African Christian discourse redefining identity, literature and language education in Southern Africa: the case of the founding text of Paul Mwazha’s African Apostolic Church”. In TSEBO: Journal of Humanities Vol. 2 No. 2 (2008), pp. 21-46.
- « La politique linguistique éducative du Lesotho : le cas de l’introduction officielle du français dans les écoles secondaires » (Translation : Lesotho’slanguage in educationpolicy: the case of the official introduction of French in secondaryschools). In La Revue de l’AFSSA numéro spécial (August 2010), pp. 53-68.
- “Discipline and punishment in Zimbabwean womanist Christian discourse of the female condition: the case of the constitution of the United Methodist Women’s Fellowship”. Lesotho Social Sciences Review Vol. 14 No. 1&2 (2010), pp. 131-146.
- “Lesotho Language Policy re-visited: The Re-introduction of French in Lesotho Schools”. With T.G. Khati and C.G. Thamae. In Language Contact, identity and socio-economic mobility: The Linguistics Association of Southern African Universities: Proceedings of the 10th LASU Conference Roma 25-27 2009, (2011).
- “An interdiscursive analysis of the blending of the allegorical and apocalyptic genres” in The Divine Commission of Paul Mwazha of Africa Part 1”. BOLESWA Journal of theology, Religion and Philosophy (BJTRP) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2012), pp. 100-116.
- “An intertextual and interdiscursive analysis of contemporary thinking about womanhood in Mokitimi’s (1997) The Voice of the people: Proverbs of the Basotho”. South African Journal of African Languages Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 213-222 (2012). Also available on “Taylor & Francis Online”: http://www.tandfonline.com/ doi/pdf/10.2989/SAJAL.2012.
- “The promotional discourse of liberation movements in Zimbabwe: a textual analysis of political jingles”. In Southern African Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Studies Vol. 31 No. 1 (2013), pp. 71-88.
- “State intervention to revive foreign international languages in Lesotho”. With T.G. Khati and C.G. Thamae. In African Social Research: Special Issue: Linguistic Association of SADC Universities 55&56 (2013), pp. 1-22.
- “Analyse critique des stratégies de représentation du discours dans Les Fanatiques de Max Gallo”. In French Studies in Southern Africa Vol. 43 (2013).
- “The construction of Uhuru party group identity in Zimbabwe: a textual analysis of revolutionary songs in Shona”. South African Journal of African Languages Vol. 34 No. 1: 49-63 (2014).
- “An argument for the academic scrutiny of African Instituted Church (AIC) texts”. The Dyke Vol. 8 no. 2 (2014), pp. 73-90.
- “The emergence of an Apostolic AIC founding text genre in Zimbabwe as a means to establish black hegemony in the church”. Latin America Review Vol. 29 No. 2 (2013), pp. 86-97.
- “Humour and HIV/AIDS-related death In Zimbabwe: an intertextual analysis of contemporary idioms and jokes”. With M.Parichi. In Oguntola-Laguda (ed.) (2014). Death and life after death in African philosophy and thought: A Multidisciplinary Engagement. Harare: Africa Institute for Culture, Dialogue, Peace & Tolerance Studies, pp. 301-316.
- “The discursive construct of ngozi in Zimbabwean Shona traditional worldview”. In Oguntola-Laguda (ed.) (2014). With M.Parichi. Death and life after death in African philosophy and thought: A Multidisciplinary Engagement. Harare: Africa Institute for Culture, Dialogue, Peace & Tolerance Studies, pp. 32-55.
- French for the English-speaking beginner. With S.Manyawu. (2014). Gweru: Mambo Press. (A Textbook).
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