Staff Profile

/Dr Amato Chireshe


  • Diploma in Edu (Marymount teachers’college);
  • Bsc Geography and environmental Studies (ZOU);
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Safety, Health and Environmental Management (MSU);
  • Msc in Safety, Health and Environmental Management (MSU);
  • PhD Environmental management (UNISA).

  Research interests

  • Waste management
  • Safety and health
  • Environmental issues.


  1. Chireshe Amato, Shabani Tapiwa and Shabani Takunda (2023).Safety and health risks associated with illegal municipal solid waste disposal in urban Zimbabwe. “A case of Masvingo”. Safety in Extreme Environments.
  2. Chireshe Amato, Kowe Pedzisai, Musasa Tatenda,Shabhani Tapiwa, Shabani Takunda and Moyo Samuel. B (2023). Assessment of ergonomic risks among refuse collectors in municipalities of Harare District, Zimbabwe.Safety in Extreme Environments.
  3. Beauty Dzawanda, Mark Makomborero Matsa and Amato Chireshe (2024). Do Children Matter in the Quest for Sustainable Development Goals Attainment?Children’s Vulnerability and Water Scarcity in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Community Well-Being.
  4. Chireshe Amato, Steven Jerie, Timothy Vurayayi Mutekwa, Tapiwa Shabani, Takunda Shabani and Muyambo Tafadzwa (2024). Impacts of solid waste management strategies in urban high density suburbs: A case of Amaveni suburb, Kwekwe, Zimbabwe. Discover Environment.

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