- PhD (Philosophy in Geography), University of South Africa
- Msc in Safety Health and Environmental Management, (MSU)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Education, (MSU)
- Bsc (Hons) Geography and Environmental Studies, (MSU)
Research Interests:
- Sustainable livelihoods and Community development
- Informal Cross Border Trading and sustainable development
- Environmental Issues that affect sustainability
Publications: Book Chapters Published
- Dzawanda, B., Matsa, M., Nicolau, M. (2022). Sustainable Development Goals in Zimbabwe: Setbacks Encountered During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Leal Filho, W., Abubakar, I.R., da Silva, I., Pretorius, R., Tarabieh, K. (eds) SDGs in Africa and the Middle East Region . Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91260-4_16-1
- Dzawanda, B and Matsa, M. (2021). From Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals through Informal Cross Border Trading: An Escape for the Poor in a Suffocating National Economy in Gweru, Zimbabwe. In: Leal Filho W., Pretorius R., de Sousa L.O (eds). In book: Sustainable Development in Africa. World Sustainability Series. Springer, Cham. Https://doi.org/10.1007/978_3-030-74693-3_34.
- Dzawanda, B and Matsa, M (2020). Shurugwi Partner’s remedy to NGOs crippled project sustainability vis-a-vis climate change -induced food insecurity:The Chikato community gardens initiative in Shurugwi District. In Matsa, M., Marambanyika, T (eds). In book: Climate change, Environmental Change and Community Development in Zimbabwe. Midlands State University Press, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe.
- Matsa M and Dzawanda B. (2019). Beitbridge Minority Farmer Communities and Climate Change: Prospects for Sustainability. In book: Climate Change and Agriculture. In Hussain S(Ed) IntechOpenHttps://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.83816.
Papers Published in referred journals:
- Dzawanda, B., Chari, A. and Matsa, M.M., (2023). Towards a safety climate framework to improve communication and worker involvement in occupational accident prevention at construction sites in Zimbabwe. Safety in Extreme Environments, Springer pp.1-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s42797-023-00092-6
- Maruta, E., Matsa, M., Mupepi, O. and Dzawanda, B., (2023). Water safety and associated public health impacts in upcoming and informal urban settlements in Zimbabwe: case of Amsterdam Park in Harare. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 9(5), p.138. Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40899-023-00921-3
- Matsa, M.M., Dzawanda, B., Mupepi, O and Hove, J (2023). Sustainability of donor-funded projects in developing remote minority Tonga communities of Zimbabwe. Discov Sustain 4, 34 (2023). Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/s43621-023-00152-8
- Dzawanda, B and Matsa, M (2023). Strategies for Survival in an Informal Economy: Illegalities of Zimbabwean Informal Cross Border Traders at Ports of Entries in Southern Africa. International Journal of Community Well-Being 1-19. Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/s42413-023-00191-z.
- Matsa, M; Mugogo, K; Mahakata, I; Dzawanda, B and Mavugara, R (2023). Spatial distribution of invasive large fever berry trees (Croton megalobotrys) in Sengwa Wildlife Research Area: Gokwe, Zimbabwe. Environmental Systems Research. Springer https://doi.org/10.100712.10.1186/s40068-023-00285-9.
- Mavesere, F and Dzawanda, B (2022). Effectiveness of Pfumvudza as a resilient strategy strategy against drought impacts in rural communities of Zimbabwe. Geojournal, Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-022-10812-3.
- Dzawanda, B and Moyo, G (2022). Challenges associated with household solid waste management (SWM) during COVID-19 lockdown period: Case of ward 12, Gweru city, Zimbabwe. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194 (7).DOI:10.1007/s10661-022-10166-w
- Dzawanda, B., Matsa, M., Nicolau, M. (2022). A catastrophic threat to the already vulnerable towards 2030: Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on livelihood outcome of informal cross border traders in Gweru, Zimbabwe. Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities Open 6(2): 100316. DOI:10.1016/j.ssaho.2022.100316
- Matsa, M; Guti, M.; Nyahwa, E and Dzawanda, B. (2022). Toward sustainable community garden driven resilience in semiarid areas of Zimbabwe’s Shurugwi district. Journal of local development and society. DOI:10.1080/26883597.2022.2092767
- Dzawanda,B.,Melanie N., Matsa, M and Kusena, W.(2021). Livelihood Outcomes of Informal Cross Border Traders Prior to the Rise of the Virtual Cash Economy in Gweru, Zimbabwe Journal of Borderlands Studies, Taylor and Francis Ltd. DOI: 1080/08865655.2020.1865187.
- Dzawanda, B Nicolau, M.D and Matsa, M. (2021). Impact of Virtual Cash Economy on Livelihood Outcomes of Informal Cross Border Traders in Gweru, Zimbabwe. . Journal of Urban Forum, Springer. Https://doi.org/10.1007/s12132-021-09428-6.
- Matsa M,Chokuda F, Mupepi O and Dzawanda, B. (2021). An assessment of groundwater quality in Zimbabwe’s urban areas: case of Mkoba 19 suburb, Gweru. Journal of Environment Monitoring and Assessment 193(7), Springer. Https://doi.org/10.1007/s 10061-021-09143-6.
- Dzawanda B, Matsa, M and Nicolau, M. (2021). Poverty on the rise: The impact of the COVID‐19 lockdown on the informal sector of Gweru, Zimbabwe. International Social Science Journal, Wiley-Blackwell II Publishing Ltd. DOI: 1111/issj.12285.
- Dzawanda, B and Ncube, S. (2020). An assessment of vegetation cover changes and soil erosion hazard in Muzvezve Sub-catchment area, Zimbabwe. African Geographical Review, Taylor and Francis Ltd. Https://doi.org/10.1080/19376812.2020.1856156.
- Matsa M, Mavugara, R and Dzawanda, B. (2019). Urban Domestic Water Supply Crisis in the City of Gweru, Zimbabwe. Geojournal Spatially Intergrated Social Sciences and Humanities, 86 no.3 Pages1-20. DOI: 10.1007/s10708-019-10118-x.ISSN 0343-2521. Springer
- Matsa, M and Dzawanda, B. (2014). Dependency syndrome by communities or insufficient ingestion period by benefactor organizations? The Chirumanzu Caritas Community Gardening Project experience in Zimbabwe. Journal of Geography and Earth Sciences, 2 no. 1(2014) Pages 127-148
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