Dr Elinah Nciizah
Position: Lecturer
Development Studies
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- PhD (Rhodes University, South Africa)
- Master of Arts in Development Studies (Midlands State University, May 2011)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in History and Development Studies (Midlands State University, April 2009)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education ( Midlands State University, April 2014)
Research Interests
- Climate change and adaptation
- Rural livelihoods and development
- Peace, conflict and development
- Food, security and poverty alleviation
- Policy making and development
- Sustainable development
- Munemo D. and Nciizah E. (2014), The Church in Zimbabwe’s Peace and Reconciliation Process under the Government of National Unity (2009-2013), IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 19, Issue 10
- Chigora P. and Nciizah E., Elections and vote rigging/electoral fraud in Zimbabwe: A critical analysis of the 2000-2008 parliamentary and presidential elections. Journal of Social Science Research Network. Available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1083382 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1083382
- Munhande C. and Nciizah E., Perpetuating colonial legacies: Reflection on Post Colonial African States’ development trajectories; Observations from Zimbabwe, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention: Available at www.ijhssi.org Volume 2 Issue 11 November. 2013
- Nciizah E. (2016), Responses to Climate Change and Rural Livelihoods in Zimbabwe’s semi-arid areas: The Case of Chivi District, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, IJHSS,
- Nciizah E. Zimbabwe Indigenization Policy (2015): Correcting Colonial Injustices or Campaigning Strategy, International Journal of Contemporary Research, Repositioning The Humanities
- Sillah R and Nciizah E (2015), Placing the new constitution of Zimbabwe under a gender lens, International Journal of Contemporary Research, Repositioning the Humanities
- Nciizah E. Book Review for W. Ascher and N Mirovitskaya, eds. 2013. The Economic Roots of Conflict and Cooperation in Africa: Politics, Economics and Inclusive Development. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 276pp.
Community Engagement
- Needs Assessment-Community Engagement Committee
- Committee Representative- Termination of Studies and Appeals
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