Dr Eve K. Chandaengerwa (Nee Musvosvi)
Position: Lecturer Gender Studies, Socio-Cultural Anthropology, School of Social Work, Harare Campus
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- Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology (University of Pretoria)
- Master of Science in Sociology and Anthropology (University of Zimbabwe)
- Bachelor of Science Honours in Sociology (University of Zimbabwe)
Research Interests
- Childhood and Child Rights
- Youth and Development
- Women, Gender and Sexuality
- Socio-Cultural Anthropology
- Anthropology of Health and Illness
- Evidence Based research and Policy
- Maphosa, F., Sechele, L., & Chandaengerwa, E. K. (2024). The social impacts of ‘social distancing’ on sociality in the context of COVID-19: Applying Simmel’s concept of social geometry. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 0(0).
- Chirisa, I., Mavhima, B., Nyevera, T., Chigudu, A., Makochekanwa, A., Matai, J., Masunda, T., Chandaengerwa, E. K., Machingura, S, M, Chirisa, H., Mhloyi, M., Murwira, A., Mhandara, L.,Katsande, R, Muchena, K., Manjeya, E, Nyika, T., Mundau, L. 2021. The Impact and Implications of COVID-19: Reflections on the Zimbabwean Society. Social Sciences and Humanities Open 4 (1):100183.
- Chandaengerwa, E. K. and Bourdillon, M. 2021. Youth in Mining. In Pilossof, R. (Eds) Fending for Ourselves: Youth in Zimbabwe 1980 to 2020. Weaver Press.
- Musvosvi-Chandaengerwa E. K. 2016. Using Evidence Based Research to Monitor Child Rights in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe Child Monitor 2015.UNICEF, SIDA and the Women’s University in Africa.
- Chereni, A. Chitereka,J. and Chandaengerwa, E. 2015 Birth Registration in Zimbabwe: Challenges and Current Interventions. The Zimbabwe Child Monitor 2015.UNICEF, SIDA and the Women’s University in Africa.
- Bourdillon, M. and Musvosvi, E. K. 2014.What can Children`s rights Mean when Children are Struggling to Survive? : The case of Chiweshe, Zimbabwe. In A. Twun –DansoImoh and N. Ansell, “Children`s Lives in the Era of Children`s Rights: The Progress of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Africa” Routledge: London and New York.
- Nhenga-Chakarisa T, Mushayavanhu D, Muchemwa L, Musvosvi-Chandaengerwa E, 2014. Child Rights Training Manual for Parliamentarians of Zimbabwe, WUA/UNICEF.
- Musvosvi E. K. 2009 “We Only Give Condoms to Adults; the Youth Here are not promiscuous!” Daily Experiences and Innovative Youth Responses in Navigating Sexuality, Sex Education, and Reproductive Health Services in Rural Zimbabwe. Culture, Health and Sexuality 11 (1) International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society.
- Musvosvi E. K. 2007 Masculinities Unveiled: Expressions of Male Sexualities in the Local Discourses of Rural Youths in Zimbabwe. Culture, Health and Sexuality 9(1) International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society.
Community Engagement: (Voluntary and Media Activities Participated in)
- Moderated a Discussion at the 2021 LitFest Harare titled “Reclaiming Stolen Artifacts and Restitution: Will that help in National Healing?” Virtual Discussion on the 25th of November 2021.( available on LitFest Harare Facebook page)
- Main Theme Speaker at the Africa Union 8thEdition of the African Public Service Day Celebrations whose theme was titled: Building the Africa we Want, through Embracing an Ethical Culture that Underpins Purpose Driven Leadership in The Context of a Crisis” which took place in Victoria Falls, Republic of Zimbabwe. 21 – 23 June 2021.
- Main Speaker at The Sexual and Gender Based Violence/Harmful Practices (SGBV/HP) and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) Symposium Series. Title of paper: A critical, gender and child sensitive analysis of the Impact, the Socio-Cultural, Legal and Policy implications of contemporary Conceptualisations of SGBV/HP and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Africa: Reflections on the dominant social science, medical, policy and legal conceptualisations dominant in scholarship. Presented on The 14th of May 2021, Africa University. (Virtual)
- Facilitated the IF WIN 1 SeedCo Regional Supervisory Development Training Workshop. Facilitator and Trainer in Change Management: Adjusting to the New Normal? (Virtual Training Workshop) 18 May 2021.
- Facilitated the IF WIN 1 SeedCo Regional Supervisory Development Training Workshop. Facilitator and Trainer in Change Management: The New Normal (Virtual Training Workshop) August 2020.
- Training Women Councillors in Zimbabwe on Women and Leadership in Africa: Workshop organised by ARDCZ and WILG held at Cresta Oasis Hotel, Harare, and September 2019.
- Participated in The Spot-Light Initiative Workshop on Gender Based Violence in Children, held at the Bronte Hotel October 2019, Harare.
- The KOICA (Korean International Cooperation Agency) Clean-up Campaign in Norton 2019, held in Norton, Zimbabwe.
- The KOICA Green House Project Launch 2018, Jairos Jiri Children`s Home, Harare
- The Auntie Flo Show: Discussant on The Link between Development and our Cultural practices in Zimbabwe, ZBH 2017, Harare.
- The KOICA Hostel Adoption of a Jairos Jiri Hostel , held at the Jairos Jiri Children`s Home, Harare in 2017.
- The Auntie Flo Show: Discussant on Religions and Culture in Zimbabwe. ZBH 2016, Harare.
- The 8pm News, ZBH on The Significance of the International Women`s Day 2016.
- The Child Rights Fun Run and Stop Child Labour Campaign in Chiredzi Organised by WUA, CACLAS and UNICEF 2015.(Titled: Children in School and Parents to Work)
- Position paper for the International Child Labour Symposium for Dec 11-12, 2014 ( hosted by WUA, HIVOS and the Netherlands Embassy)
Workshops Facilitated and Titles of papers shared there
- Chandaengerwa, E. K. 2019. Women and Leadership in Africa: Reflections from Anthropological Literature. Presented at the Women Councillors Workshop by ARDCZ and WILG held at Cresta Oasis Hotel, Harare, and September 2019.
- Musvosvi Chandaengerwa, E. K. 2017.Reflections on the Current Policies and Practices related to Gender and Development in Zimbabwe. KOICA- KAAZ- (Korean International Cooperation Agency and KOICA Alumnae Association of Zimbabwe Seminar): ‘Sharing Development Experiences between Korea and Zimbabwe held at Cresta Oasis Hotel, Harare. October, 2017.
- Chaired the First Social Science Conference hosted by the Midlands State University and CODESRIA in October 2018, MSU Gweru Campus. Theme: Peace, Resource Governance and Sustainable Development.
- Represented the Women`s University in Africa (WUA) Vice Chancellor at the 2016 ZUVCA Meeting (Zimbabwe University Vice chancellors Association) held at NUST in Bulawayo.
- Team Leader for the WUA RIO- SET Exhibition (Research and Intellectual Outputs Expo) at NUST, Bulawayo in September 2016- WUA took the 8th position out of 17 Higher Education Institutions in Zimbabwe.
- Team Leader for the WUA RIO-SET Exhibition (Research and Intellectual Outputs Expo) at the National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo in 2015. WUA came 3rd out of 15 Higher Education Institutions in Zimbabwe.
- Co-organised The Child Sensitive Social Policies Conference (CSSP) 2015: Tracking Child rights through Research. Held at Miekles Hotel, Harare.
- Co-organised and Chaired the Inaugural 2015 CSSP Public Lecture Entitled: African Values and Universal Human Rights: The Confusing Case of Children’s Work by Professor Emeritus Michael Bourdillon. Women’s University in Africa Auditorium, Harare.
- Co-organised and Chaired the Second 2015 CSSP Public Lecture Entitled: Strengthening our Law on Child Sexual Abuse. Professor Geoff Feltoe. Women’s University in Africa Auditorium, Harare.
- Co-organised and Chaired a Session at the Capacity Building Workshop on Child Rights For Parliamentarians, held at Trout Beck Inn ,Nyanga, from the 30 /07/2014 to 01/08/2014. (Women`s University and UNICEF.
- Co-organised the International Symposium on Child Labour, Celebration Centre, (Women`s University, HIVOS and the Netherlands Embassy) on 14 December 2014.
- Co-chaired the Child Sensitive Social Policies Programme FORUM, January 2015, Meikles Hotel, Harare (Women`s University and UNICEF)
- Co-organised the Southern African Research Network Meeting (SADC) on Child Indicators 09-10 July 2015 (Harare at Meikles Hotel hosted by WUA-UNICEF)
- Co-organised the Social Norms Training for Research on Violence and Childhood by Facilitators from the University of Edinburg, May 2015, at Pandari Lodge (Harare hosted by WUA-UNICEF)
- Co-organised the Anthropologists Networking Meeting on Violence and Childhood 2015 Pandari Lodge: Harare. Hosted by WUA-UNICEF.
- Chaired the 2016 Hope-Fay Public Lecture by the Human Rights Lawyer, Ms Pearl Kupe Entitled: “The Role of Investigative Journalism in Highlighting the Plight of Vulnerable Children” (Women`s University and the American Embassy) held on 16 September 2016, in the Women`s University in Africa Auditorium.
- Chaired the Public Lecture by Prof Alphonsus Ekwerike Entitled:Introduction to Invention Technology: What Can I Invent?”(Women`s University and the Woman Excel Development Bank -WEDB Financial Services). Held on the 15th of September 2016, in the Women`s University in Africa Auditorium.
- Co-Organised and chaired the 3rd Child Sensitive Social Policies Public Lecture by the African Union Goodwill Ambassador for Ending Child Marriages and Human Rights Lawyer, Ms Nyaradzai Gumbonzvanda. Entitled: “Child Marriages in Zimbabwe: The Regional and Global Impact of the Constitutional Court Decisions Banning Child Marriages”. (Women`s University, SIDA and UNICEF) held on 30 September 2016, in the Women`s University in Africa Auditorium.
- Musvosvi Chandaengerwa, E. K. 2015. Reflections on the Current Policies and Practices related to Gender and Development in Zimbabwe. KOICA- KAAZ- (Korean International Cooperation Agency and KOICA Alumnae Association of Zimbabwe Seminar): ‘Sharing Development Experiences between Korea and Zimbabwe held at Cresta Oasis hotel, Harare. October, 2016.
- Musvosvi Chandaengerwa, E. 2015, Re-thinking child-research paradigms for a new era? Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Conducting Ethnographic Research with Children, in rural Zimbabwe. The Alternative Zimbabwe Workshop, (TREP), January 9-10University of Zimbabwe.
- Musvosvi Chandaengerwa, E. K. 2014, “ Reflections on Childhood Agency in the Context of AIDS and Political economic Change in Rural Zimbabwe, The Alternative Zimbabwe Workshop, TREP, January 9-10, University of Zimbabwe.
- Musvosvi, E. K. 2012 “Gendered Childhoods: Negotiating Child Work, the State and Capital in Zimbabwe”, CODESRIA Children`s Institute (Dakar, Senegal).
- Musvosvi E. K. 2010 “Silences and Denials: Everyday Experiences of Young People in Navigating Gender, AIDS and Sexuality in Rural Zimbabwe. Imagined Futures Conference IV, University of Pretoria.
- Musvosvi E. K. 2009 “We Only Give Condoms to Adults; the Youth Here are not Promiscuous!” Daily Experiences and Innovative Youth Responses in Navigating Sexuality, Sex Education, and Reproductive Health Services in Rural Zimbabwe. International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society VII Conference, Hanoi: Vietnam.
- Musvosvi E. K. 2009 Navigating Childhood Sexualities. Centre for the Study of AIDS Research Indaba, University of Pretoria, Pretoria: South Africa.
- Musvosvi E. K. 2008 Making Masculinities, Making sexualities? Anthropology Southern Africa, University of Cape Town, Cape Town: South Africa.
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