Dr Ireen Mudeka
Position: Senior Lecturer
Development Studies
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- PhD; History Major and Development Studies Minor (University of Minnesota, USA),
- Master of Arts in Economic History, (University of Zimbabwe),
- BA Honors in Economic History (University of Zimbabwe).
Research Interests
- Gender and Development
- Gendered socio-economic dynamics of migration in Africa,
- Implications of migration on survival and livelihoods
- Gender and Informal Mining in Rural Zimbabwe
- Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) in Development work (WASH and Humanitarian Emergency Situations etc)
- Gendered dimensions of Environmental Degradation, Climate Change (mitigation and Adaptation)g
- Gender, women’s roles in Peacebuilding (National Healing, Demobilization and Social Repair)
- Mudeka I., “We Faced Mabvuto”: The State, African Authorities and Nyasa Women’s Experiences of Migration to Rhodesia, 1935-1960s, The Dyke, vol. 7, No. 3, (2013), 102-119.
- Mudeka I., “Women and the limitations of Zimbabwe’s Indigenization and Economic Empowerment Policy: A Gendered Appraisal” in D. Munemo and J. Matunhu,(eds) Selected Issues in Development, (Book Love, Harare, 2014).
- Mudeka I., “Female Combatants and Shifting Gender Perceptions during Zimbabwe’s Liberation War, 1966-1979”, International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, vol.2, No.1, (March 2014), pp83-104.
- Mudeka I., Goredema D. and Mukuhlani T., “Social Repair and National Healing in the Context of a Failed Demobilization and the Perpetual War Mentality in Zimbabwe”, Southern Peace Review Journal, vol.3, No. 1, (September 2014)
- P. Chigora, D. Goredema and I. Mudeka, “Underperformance of Students at Institutions of Higher Learning in Zimbabwe in the 21st Century: Possible Explanations”, OSSREA Bulletin, vol. 11, No.3, (October 2014).
- Mukuhlani T., Mudeka I. and Manavale P., “The Role of Church-based Organizations in Peace-building: A Case Study of CCJP in Masvingo Diocese, 2008-2013”, Southern Peace Review Journal, vol.3, No. 1, (September, 2014).
- Mandirahwe C and Mudeka I, “The Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology on Banana Production by Small Scale Farmers in Murara Area of Mutasa District in Manicaland Prvince, Zimbabwe”, The Dyke, Special Issue, volume 2, (2020).
- I. Mudeka, Gendered Exclusion and Contestation: Malawian Women’s Migration and Work in Colonial Harare, Zimbabwe, 1930s to the 1960s”, Journal of African Economic History, volume 44, (2016).
- Mandirahwe C. and Mudeka I. Climate Change, Food Security and Adaptation Strategies Utilised by Rural Communities in Zambe Ward of Mutasa District in Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe”, in I. Mudeka and S. Maruta, Environment, Climate Change and Development in Southern Africa, Southern Institute for Peace and Development (SIPD) Publishsing, Harare, (2017)
- I. Mudeka, “The Impact of Environmental Degradation Induced by Tobacco Framing on Rural Women’s Livelihoods in Muda Area of Mashonaland East Province, Zimbabwe” in I. Mudeka and Maruta s. (eds), Environment, Climate Change and Development in Southern Africa, Southern Institute for Peace and Development (SIPD) Publishing, Harare, (2017).
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