Dr Lettiah Gumbo
Position: Chairperson
Communication Skills Center
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- PhD – Doctor of Philosophy in African Languages
Research Interests:
- ESL Teaching
- Term Creation
- Gender Issues
- Communication & Applied Communication
- Cultural Communication
Publications in referred journal
- GUMBO LETTIAH and MUTASA DAVIE. E. The Inevitability of Linguistic Change: The Motivation of Borrowing English Terms by Shona Language Speakers SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF AFRICAN LANGUAGES–SAJAL VOLUME 40(1) pp 53- 59, 2020.
- GUMBO LETTIAH and MUTASA DAVIE. E. He who does not have the Vocabulary does not have the People: A Political Analysis in View of Term Creation in Zimbabwe JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE vol 45(2) pp.136-139
- GUMBO LETTIAH, PRIMROSE HLATSWAYO AND IRVINE GUMBO Once Upon a Time: The Folktale as a Pedagogical Tool in English as a Second Language (ESL) Teaching and Learning. Ideal Journal of Education and Policy Studies, Volume 2 Issue No 5, pp 154-159, 2016
- GUMBO LETTIAH Carrying Scars and Stigma: Repeating Failed Modules at Midlands State University. The Dyke, Volume 7 Issue No 3, Pp 172-192, 2013
- GUMBO LETTIAH AND PRIMROSE RUFARO MAWIRE Harnessing and Utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) As an Aid in Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL): A Case Study of Midlands States University (MSU). Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2(5) Pp 402-408, 2013.
- HLATSHWAYO PRIMROSE AND GUMBO LETTIAH Texts Classification and Sustainability: A Case of Facebook Sub Genres. International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender Studies (LALIGENS), Vol 7 Issue No 2, 2018.
Papers accepted for publication
- GUMBO LETTIAH and MUTASA DAVIE. E. A Formidable Force to Reckon with: Can the Foreign English Language Stifle the Indigenous Shona Language in Zimbabwe? (Paper reviewed, corrected and resubmitted for publication- LANGUAGE MATTERS).
- GUMBO LETTIAH Rethinking the Compounding Team Creation Strategy: Acronyms, Blending, Clipping, a Panacea to Counter Cumbersomeness? (Paper reviewed, corrected and resubmitted for publication – International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender Studies (LALIGENS)
- GUMBO LETTIAH and CEPHAS MANDIRAHWE K. Thinking through Dams and Socio-Economically Impacts Holistically; the Impact of Tokwe Mukosi Dam on the Livelihood of the Local People. Paper to be presented at the conference for “Dams, Society and the Environment in Zimbabwe” to be held October, 2018.
- GUMBO LETTIAH An Investigation into the Steps Midlands State University has taken to Promote Intercultural Communication among its Local and International Students. Paper to be presented at Afrocentricity and Multiculturalism: Towards
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