Professor Mambo Moyo
Position: Associate Professor
Chemical Sciences
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- PhD (Environ. Manag.)- Area: Environ. Anal. Chem. (electrochemical methods) (Tshwane university of Technology)
- MSc Analytical Chemistry (UZ)
- BSc Ed Hons Chemistry (Bindura University)
- Diploma in Education( UZ)
- Certificate in Quality Assuarance (City And Guilds).
Research Interests:
- Electrochemical analysis, electrochemical sensors and biosensors.
- Fabrication of biosensors using enzymes (mainly electrochemical) for environmental analysis (trace metals e.g. Cd2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Mercury, Ni2+ etc).
- Fabrication of chemically modified and polymer coated electrodes for determination of both inorganic and organic compounds.
- Adsorption studies using polymer membranes and low cost biomass for removal of pollutants in contaminated water.
- Nanotechnology: Fabrication and application of electrospun nanofibers from biopolymers (cellulose & its derivatives; chitosan and its derivatives; lignin and its derivatives).
- Nanocomposite polymer membranes for removal and treatment of contaminated water.
- Fabrication of synthetic polymer resins for purification of water (removal of metal ions, inorganics and organics substances).
- Synthesis of nanoparticles using plant material.
- Analysis of High Production Volumes Chemicals (HPVs) in waste water.
- Nhamo Chaukura, Gerald Katengeza, Willis Gwenzi, Chiedza I Mbiriri, Thabo TI Nkambule, Mambo Moyo, Alex T Kuvarega. (2020). Development and evaluation of a low-cost ceramic filter for the removal of methyl orange, hexavalent chromium, and Escherichia coli from water. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 249, 12296
- U. Guyo, T. Makawa, M. Moyo, T. Nharingo, B.C. Nyamunda, T. Mugadza, (2015), Application of response surface methodology for Cd(II) adsorption on maize tassel- magnetite nanohybrid adsorbent, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2472–2483.S. A. Kanu, M. Moyo, C. M. Zvinowanda, J. O. Okonkwo (2015), Biosorption of Pb(II) from aqueous solution using Rooibos shoot powder (RSP), Desalination and Water Treatment, (2015) 1-9.
- Usai, V., Mugadza, T., Chigondo, F., Shumba, M., Nharingo, T., Moyo, M., and Tshuma, P. (2019). Synthesis and Characterisation of cobalt oxide nanoparticles decorated graphene oxide and its electrocatalytic behaviour. Polyhedron, 157: 192-199
- AT Chipeture, D Apath, M Moyo, M Shumba. (2019). Multiwalled carbon nanotubes decoratedwith bismuth (III) oxide for electrochemicaldetection of an antipyretic and analgesic drug paracetamol in biological samples. Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, Springer.
- R Chihava, M Moyo, M Shumba. (2018) Impedimetric Determination of Antiretroviral Drugs on a Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode. IEEE SENSORS, 1-4
- Jackfama, T., Moyo, M., Nharingo, T., Shumba, M., Okonkwo, J. (2019). Water hyacinth modified carbon paste electrode for simultaneous electrochemical stripping analysis of Cd (II) and Pb (II), International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 99 (1), 47-60.
- M Moyo, P Mudarikwa, M Shumba, JO Okonkwo. (2018). Voltammetric sensing of nitrite in aqueous solution using titanium dioxide anchored multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Ionics 24 (8), 2489-2498
- T Bhengo, M Moyo, M Shumba, OJ Okonkwo. (2018). Simultaneous oxidative determination of antibacterial drugs in aqueous solutions using an electrode modified with MWCNTs decorated with Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles. New Journal of Chemistry 42 (7), 5014-5023
- T Muzvidziwa, M Moyo, JO Okonkwo, M Shumba, T Nharingo, U Guyo (2017). Electrodeposition of zinc oxide nanoparticles on multiwalled carbon nanotube-modified electrode for determination of caffeine in wastewater effluent. International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 97 (7), 623-636
- U Guyo, M Moyo. Cowpea pod (Vigna unguiculata) biomass as a low-cost biosorbent for removal of Pb(II) ions from aqueous solution. (2017). Environmental monitoring and assessment 189 (2), 47
- U Guyo, N Matewere, K Matina, T Nharingo, M Moyo. (2017). Fabrication of a sustainable maize stover-graft-methyl methacrylate biopolymer for remediation of methyl red contaminated wasters. Sustainable materials and technologies 13, 9-17
- U. Guyo, K. Sibanda, E. Sebata, F. Chigondo, M. Moyo, (2016), Removal of nickel(II) from aqueous solution by Vigna unguiculata (Cowpea) pods biomass, Water Science and Technology, 2016;73(10):2301-10.
- M. Moyo, A. Chirinda, T. Nharingo, (2016), Removal of Copper from Aqueous Solution Using Chemically Treated Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Leaves Powder, Journal CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 488-495.
- Nharingo T, M. Moyo, (2016), Application of Opuntia ficus-indica in bioremediation of wastewaters. A critical review, Journal of Environmental management, (166), 55–72.
- Nharingo, T., Moyo, M and Mahamadi, C (2015) Kinetics and equilibrium studies on the biosorption of Cr(VI) by Vigna Subterranean (L.) Verdc hull. International Journal of Environmental Research. 10 (1), 85-96
- PT Mafuwe, M Moyo, T Mugadza, M Shumba, S Nyoni. (2019). Cobalt oxide nanoparticles anchored polyaniline-appended cobalt tetracarboxy phthalocyanine, modified glassy carbon electrode for facile electrocatalysis of amitrole. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 23 (1), 285-294
- M. Moyo, M. Gomba, T. Nharingo, (2015), Afzelia quanzensis bark extract for green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and study of their antibacterial activity, International journal of industrial chemistry, 1-10.
- M. Moyo, S.T. Lindiwe, E. Sebata (2015), Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies on biosorption of Cd(II) from aqueous solution by biochar, Research on Chemical Intermediates, (2015) 1-15.
- S. A. Kanu, M. Moyo, S. Khamlich, J. O. Okonkwo (2015) Adsorption of cadmium from aqueous solution using Rooibos shoots as adsorbent, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 1-10.
- Apath, D., Moyo, M., Shumba, M. (2020) TiO2 Nanoparticles Decorated Graphene Nanoribbons for Voltammetric Determination of an Anti-HIV Drug Nevirapine, Journal of Chemistry, 1-13.
- Vitalis Chitsa, Ruvimbo Chihava, Daniel Apath, Mambo Moyo, Munyaradzi Shumba, and Piwai Tshuma, One-Pot Synthesized Nickel-Cobalt Sulfide-Decorated Graphene Quantum Dot Composite for Simultaneous Electrochemical Determination of Antiretroviral Drugs: Lamivudine and Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate. Journal of Sensors., 2020(6):1-13
- M. Moyo, U. Guyo, G. Mawenyiyo, N. P. Zinyama, B. C. Nyamunda (2015), Marula seed husk (Sclerocarya birrea) biomass as a low cost biosorbent for removal of Pb(II) and Cu(II) from aqueous solution, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 27 (2015), 126-132.
- U. Guyo, J. Mhonyera, M. Moyo (2015), Pb(II) adsorption from aqueous solutions by raw and treated biomass of maize stover – A comparative study, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 93, 192–200.
- M. Moyo, L. R. Florence, J. O. Okonkwo (2015), Improved electro-oxidation of triclosan at nano-zinc oxide-multiwalled carbon nanotube modified glassy carbon electrode, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, (209) 898–905.
- M. Moyo, G. Nyamhere, E. Sebata, U. Guyo (2014), Kinetic and equilibrium modelling of lead sorption from aqueous solution by activated carbon from goat dung, Desalination and Water Treatment, (2014) 1–11.
- M. Moyo, O.J Okonkwo, N. M. Agyei (2014), Preparation of a carbon paste electrode modified with maize tassel and voltammetric determination of Cu(II), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186:4807–4817.
- M. Moyo, J.O. Okonkwo, N.M. Agyei (2014), An amperometric biosensor based on horseradish peroxidase immobilized onto maize tassel-multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode for determination of heavy metal ions in aqueous solution, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 56:28–34.
- M. Moyo, J. O. Okonkwo, N.M. Agyei (2014), Optimization of horseradish peroxidase immobilization on glassy carbon electrode based on maize tassel-multiwalled carbon nanotubes for sensitive copper(II) ion detection, International Journal of Electrochemical science, 9 (2014) 1439 – 145.
- M. Moyo, Jonathan O. Okonkwo (2014), Horseradish peroxidase biosensor based on maize tassel-MWCNTs composite for cadmium detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (193): 515– 521.
- M. Moyo (2014), Horseradish peroxidase biosensor to detect zinc in aqueous solutions, Open Journal of Applied Biosensor (3) 1-7.
- M. Moyo, O.J. Okonkwo, N. Agyei (2014), A maize tassel-multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode for amperometric environmental monitoring of Pb (II) and Cu (II) via horseradish peroxidase inhibition, 3rd International Conference on Environment, Chemistry and Biology IPCBEE (78) (2014)1-18; DOI: 10.7763/IPCBEE. 2014. V78. 4.
- E. Sebata, B.C. Nyamunda, N.P. Zinyama, U. Guyo, M. Moyo, (2014), Adsorptive Removal of Atrazine from Aqueous Solution Using Bambara Groundnut Hulls (Vigna Subterranean) International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 2(6), 220-227.
- M. Moyo, O. J. Okonkwo, N. M. Agyei (2013), A novel hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on adsorption of horseradish peroxidase onto a nanobiomaterial composite modified glassy carbon, Electroanalysis 25(8):1946 – 1954.
- M. Moyo, L. Chikazaza, B. C. Nyamunda, U. Guyo, (2013), Adsorption batch studies on the removal of Pb(II) using maize tassel based activated carbon, Journal of chemistry, (2013) 1-8.
- B.C. Nyamunda, M. Moyo, F. Chigondo, (2013), Synthesis of fatliquor from waste bovine fat for use in small scale leather industry, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (20) 116-120.
- M. Moyo, L. Chikazaza, (2013), Bioremediation of lead (II) from polluted wastewaters employing sulphuric acid treated maize tassel biomass, American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 4(12) 689-695.
- J. Brandão, M. Moyo, J. Okonkwo, (2013), Determination of antimony in bottled water and polyethylene terephthalate bottles: a routine laboratory quality check, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, (14.2) 181-188.
- M. Moyo, O.J. Okonkwo, N.M. Agyei, (2013), HRP biosensor based on carbonized maize tassel-MWNTs modified electrode for the detection of divalent trace metal ions, Sensors, IEEE, 1-4.
- E. Sebata, M. Moyo, U. Guyo, N. P. Ngano, B. C. Nyamunda, F. Chigondo, V. Chitsa, M. Shumba, (2013), Determination of trihalomethanes in raw and treated water supply to a local city in Zimbabwe, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2(5): 312-321.
- U. Guyo, M. Moyo, B. Nyamunda, M. Shumba, F. Chigondo, (2013), Maize Stalk as Reinforcement in Natural Rubber Composites, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2(2), 1-7.
- F. Chigondo, E. Sebata, A. Maringe, M. Moyo, B. C. Nyamunda, (2013), Equilibrium studies for the removal of nitrates from aqueous solutions using acid treated sunflower seed husk (Helianthus annuus), Midlands State University Journal of Science, Agriculture and Technology, 4 (1): 23-31.
- Chigondo, U. Guyo, M. Shumba, F. Chigondo, B. Nyamunda, M. Moyo, T. Nharingo, (2013), Synthesis and Characterisation of Zeolites from Coal Fly Ash (CFA), Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal 3(4): 714-718.
- F. Chigondo, P. Shoko, B.C. Nyamunda, U. Guyo, M. Moyo, (2013), Maize Stalk as Reinforcement in Natural Rubber Composites, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2(6): 263-271.
- B. C. Nyamunda, F. Chigondo, M. Moyo, U. Guyo, M. Shumba, T. Nharingo, (2013), Hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant for organic reactions, J. Atoms and Molecules, 3(1) 23–44.
- M. Moyo, J. Okonkwo, N. Agyei, (2012), Recent Advances in Polymeric Materials Used as Electron Mediators and Immobilizing Matrices in Developing Enzyme Electrodes, Sensors, 12 (1) 923-953.
- M. Moyo and O.J Okonkwo, (2012), Maize plant (Zea mays) as a source of potential adsorbents: A review: African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. x(x), pp. xx-xx, ISSN 1996-0786 ©2012 Academic Journals, in press.
- M. Moyo, R.C. Gurira, M. Shumba, (2012), Spectrophotometric determination of cyanate and ammonia in water sources around a Gold Mine, Midlands State University Journal of Science, Agriculture and Technology, 3 (1), 65-7625.
- B.C. Nyamunda, T.W. Murinzi, M. Moyo, Stanley Moyo, (2012), Utilisation of low cost waste leather shavings as filler in rubber soles, Midlands State University Journal of Science, Agriculture and Technology, 3 (1), 92-100.
- M. Moyo, E. Mutare, F. Chigondo, B.C. Nyamunda, (2012), Removal of phenol from aqueous solution by adsorption on yeast, saccharomyces cerevisiae, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, 11(3), 495-503.
- M. Moyo, L. Muguni, B.C. Nyamunda, (2012), Optimisation of copper and zinc ions removal from aqueous solution by coal fly ash as an adsorbent, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 4(04), 1760-1766.
- M. Moyo, F. Chigondo, E. Sebata, A. Maringe, B.C. Nyamunda, (2012), Adsorptive Removal of Nitrate Ions from Aqueous Solutions Using Acid Treated Sunflower Seed Husk (Helianthus annuus) International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, 5(6) 47-66.
- B.C. Nyamunda, M. Moyo, F. Chigondo, (2012), Catalytic oxidation of cinnamyl alcohol to cinnamaldehyde using hydrogen peroxide, Engineering Science and Technology: An international journal, 2(3), 2250-3498.
Book chapter
M. Moyo, O.J. Okonkwo, N.M. Agyei, 2013, Recent Advances in Immobilization Strategies in Biomaterial Nanotechnology for Biosensors, Bioengineered Nanomaterials. In: TIWARI, A. & TIWARI, A. (Eds.). Bioengineered Nanomaterials, CRC Press -Taylor and Francis Publishing Group: 61-92.
Research group
Sensor Lab
Our research focuses on;
- Electrochemical analysis, electrochemical sensors and biosensors.
- Fabrication of biosensors using enzymes for environmental analysis.
- Fabrication of chemically modified and polymer coated electrodes for determination of both inorganic and organic compounds.
- Moyo, M, Electrochemical detection of trichlosan on modified glass carbon electrode. 3rd TCS Conference and FASC Congress 11-15 September 2017, Arusha, Tanzania. Oral presentation.
- Moyo, M., Okonkwo, O. J. & Agyei, N. M. (2013). Studies on direct electron transfer and biocatalytic properties of horseradish peroxidase in maize tassel-multi-walled carbon nanotubes matrix. 12th icca, 8-12 july, 2013, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, SA.
- Moyo, M., Okonkwo, O. J. & Agyei, N. M. (2013) HRP biosensor based on carbonized maize tassel-MWNTS modified electrode for the detection of divalent trace metal ions, IEEE sensors, 3-6 november, 2013, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, USA.
Membership to professional bodies
- Zimbabwe Chemical Society
- Royal Society of Chemistry (UK)
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