- University of South Africa (2015) PhD-Geography
- University of Zimbabwe (2007) Masters in Environmental Policy and Planning.
- University of Zimbabwe (2003) Bachelor of Arts (Hons)Geography
- University of Jose Varona (Cuba) (1992) Bachelor of Science Education (Geography)
Research interests:
- Waste Management,
- Climate Change and Sustainable Development,
- Land cover and land use changes,
- Water Resources Management,
- Food Security, Migration,
- Gender and the Environment,
- Biogeography and Ecosystems
- Matsa, M. (2021). Climate Change and Agriculture in Zimbabwe. Sustainability in Minority Farming Communities. Springer Nature, Switzerland AG. ISBN 978-3-030-51346-7 (96 pages)
- Matsa, M. and Marambanyika, T. (eds.) (2020) Climate Change, Environmental Change and Community Development in Zimbabwe. MSU Press, Gweru. ISBN 978 1-77925 338-5 (276 pages)
Book Chapters:
- Matsa M., Alick A., Musasa T., and Defe R (2021) Public-Private Partnerships on Water and Sanitation Issues in Small Towns: Case of Mvurwi, Zimbabwe. In: Farazmand, A., (ed.). Global Encyclopaedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_4256-1.
- Dzawanda, B. and Matsa, M. (2021). From Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals through Informal Cross Border Trading: An Escape for the Poor in a Suffocating National Economy in Gweru, Zimbabwe. In: Leal, F.W., Pretorius, R., de Sousa L.O., (eds). Sustainable Development in Africa. World Sustainability Series. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978_3-030-74693-3_34.
- Sibanda, N., Matsa, M., and Maswoswere, P. (2021) Rural Communities’ Understanding of Flood Disaster Risk: A Case Study of Tsholotsho District, Zimbabwe. In: Nyikahadzoi, K. and Mhlanga. L. (eds). Climate Change Impact, Adaptation and Mitigation in Zimbabwe. Case Studies from Zimbabwe’s Urban and Rural Areas, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. http://hdl.handle.net/11408/4799. pp. 117-134
- Defe, R. and Matsa, M. (2021). Resilience building initiatives to counter shocks and stressors affecting rural communities in Chiredzi District, Zimbabwe. In: Behnassi, M., Gupta, H., El Haiba, M., and Ramachandran, G. (eds) Social-Ecological Systems (SES). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-76247-6_8
- Matsa, M., (2020). Climate change, environmental change and community development: The interface. In Matsa, M. and Marambanyika, T. (eds.) (2020) Climate Change, Environmental Change and Community Development in Zimbabwe. MSU Press, Gweru. ISBN 978 1 77925 338 5. pp 4-14.
- Matsa, M. and Hove, J. (2020). Vegetation condition index: A proxy weather parameter in land suitability analysis. In Matsa, M. and Marambanyika, T. (eds.) (2020) Climate Change, Environmental Change and Community Development in Zimbabwe. MSU Press, Gweru. ISBN 978 1 77925 338 5. pp 39-55
- Mubaiwa, M. and Matsa, M. (2020). Climate change adaptation strategies by small scale farmers in Ward 28, Chipinge District. In Matsa, M. and Marambanyika, T. (eds.) (2020) Climate Change, Environmental Change and Community Development in Zimbabwe. MSU Press, Gweru. ISBN 978 1 77925 338 5. pp 126-150
- Dzawanda, B. and Matsa, M. (2020). Shurugwi partners remedy to NGO’s crippled project sustainability vis-à-vis climate change induced food insecurity: The Chikato community gardens initiative in Shurugwi District. In Matsa, M. and Marambanyika, T. (eds.) (2020) Climate Change, Environmental Change and Community Development in Zimbabwe. MSU Press, Gweru. ISBN 978 1 77925 338 5. pp 168-202.
- Matsa, M. and Moyo. S. (2020). Using cattle to restore degraded rangelands in semi-arid and arid regions: The case of Dimbangombe Ranch in Victoria Falls. In Matsa, M. and Marambanyika, T. (eds.) (2020) Climate Change, Environmental Change and Community Development in Zimbabwe. MSU Press, Gweru. ISBN 978 1 77925 338 5. pp 228-250.
- Matsa, M. and Moyo, V. (2020). Impact of the Maitengwe CAMPFIRE Project on sustainable rural development in Makhulela Ward 9, Bulilima District, Zimbabwe. In Matsa, M. and Marambanyika, T. (eds.) (2020) Climate Change, Environmental Change and Community Development in Zimbabwe. MSU Press, Gweru. ISBN 978 1 77925 338 5. pp. 251-276.
- Matsa, M. (2019). Climate Change and Tonga Community Development: Thinking from the periphery. pp 317-340. In Behnassi, M., Gupta, H., and Pollmann, O. (eds). Human Environmental Security in the Era of Global Risks. Springer, Amsterdam. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-92828-9
- Matsa, M. and Dzawanda B. (2019) Beitbridge Minority Farmer Communities and Climate Change: Prospects for Sustainability. In: Hussain, S. (ed) IntechOpen ISBN: 978-1-78985-668-2
- Matsa, M., Matsa, W., and Mukoni, M. (2017). Environmental Change and Gender: Rethinking Traditional Approaches to Food Security in Rural Beitbridge, Zimbabwe. In: Behnassi, M. and Mclade, K. (eds) Environmental Change and Human Security in the Middle East and Africa. Springer, Amsterdam. pp 305-326:
- Matsa, M. and Matsa, W. (2013). Traditional Adaptation Mechanisms to Climate Change and Variability Among Women Pastoralists in South-west Zimbabwe. In Mulenge M.M and Getu, M. 2013 (eds). Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Pastoralist Women in Sub-Saharan Africa. OSSREA and Fountain Publishers, Addis Ababa. pp 297-343
Research Articles
- Mavugara R. Matsa M. M and Defe, R 2023 Enhancing Optimal Resource Recovery from Municipal Wastewater Sludge: Selection of Appropriate Waste to Energy Technologies for Zvishavane Urban, Zimbabwe, Materials Circular Economy 5(1) DOI: 10.1007/s42824-023-00090-w
- Mupepi O and Matsa M (2023) Decadal spatio-temporal dynamics of drought in semi-arid farming regions of Zimbabwe between 1990 and 2020: a case of Mberengwa and Zvishavane districts. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-022-04327-7.
- Mupepi O and Matsa M (2023) Decadal spatio-temporal dynamics of drought in semi-arid farming regions of Zimbabwe between 1990 and 2020: A case of Mberengwa and Zvishavane districts. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-022-04327-7.
- Mupepi O and Matsa M (2023) A combination of vegetation condition index, standardized precipitation index and human observation in monitoring spatio-temporal dynamics of drought. A case of Zvishavane District in Zimbabwe. Elsevier Environmental Development Volume 45, March 2023, 100802 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envdev.2023.100802
- Mark Matsa , Kudzai Andrew Mugogo1 , Innocent Mahakata , Beauty Dzawanda1 and Roberta Mavugara1* (2023) Spatial distribution of invasive large fever berry trees (Croton megalobotrys) in Sengwa Wildlife Research Area: Gokwe, Zimbabwe, Springer.
- Dzawanda B and Matsa M (2023) Strategies for Survival in an Informal Economy: Illegalities of Zimbabwean Informal Cross Border Traders at Ports of Entries in Southern Africa International Journal of Community Well-Being https://doi.org/10.1007/s42413-023-00191-z 1 3, Springer.
- Mupepi O and Matsa M (2023) A combination of vegetation condition index, standardized precipitation index and human observation in monitoring spatio-temporal dynamics of drought. A case of Zvishavane District in Zimbabwe. Elsevier Environmental Development Volume 45, March 2023, 100802 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envdev.2023.100802
- Dzawanda, B., Chari, A. and Matsa, M.M., 2023. Towards a safety climate framework to improve communication and worker involvement in occupational accident prevention at construction sites in Zimbabwe. Safety in Extreme Environments, pp.1-13.
- Mawoswere, P, Matsa, M and Sibanda, N (2022) Town Planning and Development for Disaster Prevention: Insights from Gokwe Town, Zimbabwe. ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000903. © 2022 American Society of Civil Engineers
- Makuvaro, V, D Defe, Matsa, M., Mapfungautsi, R. Muchianga N. 2022) Enhancing disaster risk reduction through adoption of climate smart initiatives in marginal communities of Southern Zimbabwe.Environmental Challenges, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envc.2022.100637
- Musasa, T. and Matsa, M. (2022) Impact of resilience building interventions in semiarid rural agro-communities: lessons from Mberengwa and Zvishavane Districts in South Eastern Zimbabwe African Geographical Review DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2021.2023892
- Mupepi, O. and Matsa, M. (2022) Seasonal dynamics of agro-meteorological drought in Mberengwa and Zvishavane districts between 2017 and 2020, Zimbabwe. Natural Hazards: Journal of the International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards, Springer; International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards, vol. 113(1), pages 157-184 DOI: 10.1007/s11069-022-05294-y.
- Dzawanda, B., Matsa, M., and Nicolau, M. (2022). A catastrophic threat to the already vulnerable towards 2030: Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on livelihood outcome of informal cross border traders in Gweru, Zimbabwe. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, Vol 6 (1) 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2022.100316 pp 1-10
- Matsa, M., Shuche, C., Musasa, T., and Defe, R. (2022). Surface water distribution challenges and elephant impacts on woody species in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe. Tropical Ecology vol 63(3), pp 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42965-022-00240-2
- Matsa, M., Guti, M., Nyahwa, E., and Dzawanda, B., (2022): Toward sustainable community garden-driven resilience in semiarid areas of Zimbabwe’s Shurugwi district, Local Development and Society. Vol 2 (2). pp 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/26883597.2022.2092767
- Mandowa, J., Matsa, M., and Jerie, S., (2022). A Global Review of Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems for the Period 1970 to 2020. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics Vol 28(3), pp 1-31. DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2022.2083811
- Matsa, M., Mazire, F., Musasa, T., and Defe, R. (2022). Health and safety issues within artisanal and small-scale gold mining: a case for Penhalonga, Ward 21 Mutasa District, Zimbabwe. African Geographical Review, Vol 41(1), pp 93-107. https://doi.org/10.1080/19376812.2020.1850300
- Matsa, M., and Mupepi, O. (2021). Flood risk and damage analysis in urban areas of Zimbabwe. A case of 2020/21 rain season floods in the city of Gweru. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol 67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102638
- Dzawanda, B., Nicolau M. D., Matsa, M., and Kusena, W., (2021). Livelihood Outcomes of Informal Cross Border Traders Prior to the Rise of the Virtual Cash Economy in Gweru, Zimbabwe. Journal of Borderlands Studies Vol 36 (1) DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2020.1865187
- Dzawanda, B., Nicolau, M. D., and Matsa, M., (2021). Impact of virtual cash economy on livelihood outcomes of informal cross border traders in Gweru, Zimbabwe. Urban Forum Vol. 32(4) pp. 521-539. Springer Netherlands. http://hdl.handle.net/11408/4659
- Matsa, M., Mupepi, O., and Musasa, T., (2021) Spatio-temporal analysis of urban area expansion in Zimbabwe between 1990 and 2020: The case of Gweru city, Environmental Challenges Vol 4, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/J.ENVC.2021.100141
- Matsa, M., Musasa, T., and Mupepi, O., (2021) Loss of urban green spaces due to increased landuse/landcover changes between 2000-2019: The case of Gweru City, Zimbabwe, African Geographical Review, DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2021.1930077
- Matsa, M., Chokuda, F., Mupepi, O., and Dzawanda, B. (2021). An assessment of groundwater quality in Zimbabwe’s urban areas: case of Mkoba 19 suburb, Gweru. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol 193(7), pp 1-15. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-021-09143-6
- Defe, R., and Matsa, M. (2021) The contribution of climate smart interventions to enhance sustainable livelihoods in Chiredzi District. Climate Risk Management Vol 33(7):100338 DOI: 10.1016/j.crm.2021.100338
- Dzawanda B, Matsa, M and Nicolau, M. (2021). Poverty on the rise: The impact of the COVID‐19 lockdown on the informal sector of Gweru, Zimbabwe. International Social Science Journal, Wiley-Blackwell II Publishing Ltd. DOI: 10.1111/issj.12285.
- Mupepi, O. and Matsa, M. (2021) Spatio-temporal dynamics of drought in Zimbabwe between 1990 and 2020: a review. Spatial-Information Research DOI: 10.1007/s41324-021-00417-2
- Mupepi, O., and Matsa, M. (2021). The influence of rainfall and soil-type distribution on uptake of small grains in semi-arid regions of Zimbabwe: A case of Mberengwa and Zvishavane districts. Environmental Challenges, Vol 5, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envc.2021.100223.
- Matsa, M., Mupepi, O., Musasa, T. and Defe, R., (2020). A GIS and remote sensing aided assessment of land use/cover changes in resettlement areas; a case of Ward 32 of Mazowe district, Zimbabwe. Elsevier Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 276, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111312
- Nakanyete, N. F.; Nghitevelekwa, R. V., Matsa, M.; Mendelsohn, J; Lendelvo, S; and Shikale, F. (2020). Communal Land Tenure Security for Widows in the Eenhana Constituency of the Ohangwena Region, Namibia. Journal of International Women’s Studies, Vol 21(1), pp 131-147. https://vc.bridgew.edu/jiws/vol21/iss1/11
- Sibanda, N. and Matsa, M. (2020) Flood Disaster Preparedness and Response in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Tsholotsho District, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Management. Vol 3(2). pp 35-51. DOI: 10.4018/IJDREM.2020070103
- Matsa, M., Zhou, B., Mupepi, O., Musasa, T. and Defe, R., (2020). Occupational Safety and Health Hazards Associated with Rehabilitation of Sewer Reticulation Plants; A Case of Drawcard Construction Company Sites in Redcliff, Zimbabwe Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Management. Vol 13(5) pp 597-607 https://ejesm/org/doi/v13i5.8
- Matsa, M., Mavugara, R., and Dzawanda, B. (2019) Urban Domestic Water Supply Crisis in the City of Gweru, Zimbabwe. Geojournal Spatially Intergrated Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol 86. pp1173–1192. DOI 10.1007/s10708-019-10118-x.
- Matsa, M. and Kanosvamhira, T. P. (2017) The Determinants of non-revenue water in Shurugwi town: A case of Makusha residential area. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Volume 19(4) 2017 pp 92-104. ISSN: 1520-5509
- Matsa, M. (2014) Connecting people with wildlife: Lessons from Selected Education and Conservation Projects of Zimbabwe. African Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 4 (4) 2014 pp 115-126. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/ download;jsessionid=C3E222043DA1EEBC93429BD5B2D2CB8C?doi=
- Matsa, W. and Matsa, M. (2014) The Gender, Poverty and Energy Nexus in Zimbabwe: The Case of Gweru Urban and Shurugwi Communal and Resettlement Areas. British Journal of Advance Academic Research. Vol. 3 (1) 2014. pp 1-25
- Matsa, M. and Dzawanda, B. (2014) Dependency syndrome by communities or insufficient ingestion period by benefactor organizations? The Chirumanzu Caritas Community Gardening Project experience in Zimbabwe. Journal of Geography and Earth Sciences, Vol. 2(1) 2014. pp127-148. http://jgesnet.com/journals/jges/Vol_2_No_1_June_2014/7.pdf
- Matsa, M. and Mini, S. (2014) Grappling climate change in Southern Zimbabwe: The experiences of the BaKalanga minority farmers. Journal of Environmental Studies Vol. 4(1) 2014. pp 34-52
- Matsa, M. and Masimbiti, T. (2014) The Community Share Ownership Trust Initiative as a Rural Development Solution in Zimbabwe: The Tongogara Experience in Shurugwi District. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 4 (8); June 2014 pp 151-163.
- Matsa, M. (2013) Gweru community Gardens: Renewed hope for Vulnerable Urbanites. Review of Social Studies, Law and Psychology, Vol. 7(1) pp 133-147
- Matsa, M. (2012) Crop Diversity Measurement at Dufuya Gardens and Insukamini Irrigation Scheme in Lower Gweru Communal Lands. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B, Vol. 1 (5) 2012 pp 673-681.
- Matsa, M. (2012) Urban Services Delivery in Limbo: A Provisional Assessment of Gweru’s Water Supply System. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A, Vol.1(8) August 2012 pp 993-1002
- Matsa, M. (2012) Waste from the People or People to the Waste? An Analysis of Gweru’s McFaden Dumpsite and its Environs. OSSREA Bulletin Vol. 9 (3) October 2012 pp 31-43 JO – OSSREA Bulletin
- Mutekwa, T., Matsa, M., and Kanyati, K. (2012). Dodging the potholes: The spatio-distribution and socio-economic impacts of potholes in the residential areas of Gweru, Zimbabwe. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering. B, Vol 1(7B), p.874. ISSN 1934-8932
- Matsa, M. (2012) Waste from the People or People to the Waste? An Analysis of Gweru’s McFaden Dumpsite and its Environs. OSSREA Bulletin Vol. 9(3) October 2012 pp 31-43
- Matsa, M. and Matsa, W. (2011) Bulilima’s ‘Look South’ Policy: Gender and Socio-Economic Implications. Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review(EASSRR) Vol. xxxvii, No 1 January 2011 pp 85-106
- Matsa, M. (2011). Fast-tracked to prosperity or into poverty? An assessment of Zimbabwe’s fast track resettlement programme on beneficiaries lives at Beacon Kop farm in Shurugwi district. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Vol 13(4), 197-212
- Matsa, M. and Matsa, W. (2010) Gender, Resource Management and the Rural Landscape in Africa, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Vol. 12(4) 2010 pp 153-163.
- Matsa, M. and Muringaniza, K. (2010) Rate of land-use/land-cover changes in Shurugwi district, Zimbabwe: drivers for change, in the Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. Vol. 4, pp, 1.
- Matsa, M. and Muringaniza, K. (2011). An assessment of the land use and land cover changes in Shurugwi district, Midlands Province, Zimbabwe. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 4(2), pp.88-100.
- Marambanyika, T., Mutekwa, T., Matsa, M., and Mapuranga, J. (2010) Evaluation of the Impact of Agricultural Recovery Programmes on Communal Farming Productivity: Case of Mudavanhu Ward 12 of Masvingo District, Journal of Sustainable Development Africa, Vol. 12(5), 2010 pp 251-258)
- Marambanyika, T., Muziti, T. M., Matsa, M., and Mutekwa, T. (2010). The adoption of multicurrency system a panacea to urban dwellers socio-economic challenges? Perspectives of high density suburbs’ residents in Gweru, Zimbabwe. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa Vol 12(5), 2010. Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania ISSN: 1520-5509
- Mark, M., and Luckson, M. (2010). The relationship between satellite derived and ground measured sugar cane water use: The case of Hippo Valley Estates in Zimbabwe. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania Vol 12(8) pp191-216. 2010 ISSN: 1520-5509
- Matsa, M. and Mutekwa, T. (2009) Property Rights and Environmental Conflicts in Africa: An Exploration of the Main Issues. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, Vol. 2(1) 2009, pp 35-41. DOI: 10.4314/ejesm.v2i1.43500
- Matsa, M. and Marambanyika, T. (2009) An Assessment of the Concentration Levels of Toxic Chemicals within and around Gweru Dumpsite in Zimbabwe. Journal of Environmental Extension, 8 (January 2009), 16 – 24.
Papers in referred journals:
- An Assessment of the Concentration Levels of Toxic Chemicals Within and Around Gweru Dumpsite in Zimbabwe; Journal of Environmental Extension,
- Property Rights and Environmental Conflicts in Africa: An Exploration of the Main Issues. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management
- Evaluation of the Impact of Agricultural Recovery Programmes on Communal Farming Productivity: Case of Mudavanhu Ward 12 of Masvingo District, Journal of Sustainable Development Africa.
- From Cradle to Grave…And then what? The Role of Environmental Factors in the Distribution of Pollutants Around the City of Gweru Dumpsite. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa,
- The Adoption of Multicurrency System a Panacea to Urban Dwellers Socio-economic Challenges? Perspectives of High Density Suburbs’ Residents in Gweru, Zimbabwe Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa.
- Bulilima’s ‘Look South’ Policy: Gender and Socio-Economic Implications. Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review (EASSRR)
- Gender, Resource Management and the Rural Landscape in Africa, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa.
- The Relationship Between Satellite Derived and Ground Measurement Sugar-cane Water Use: The Case of Hippo Valley Estates in Zimbabwe. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa.
- Rate of Landuse/Landcover Changes in Shurugwi District, Zimbabwe: Drivers for Change, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa
- Fast-tracked to Prosperity or into Poverty? An Assessment of Zimbabwe’s Fast-Track Resettlement Programme on Beneficiaries’ Lives at Beacon Kop Farm in Shurugwi District. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa,
- An Assessment of the Land use Land Cover Changes in Shurugwi District, Zimbabwe. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management,
- Crop Diversity Measurement at Dufuya Gardens and Insukamini Irrigation Scheme in Lower Gweru Communal Lands. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B,
- Dodging the Potholes: The Spatio-Distribution and Socio-Economic Impacts of Potholes in the Residential Areas of Gweru, Zimbabwe. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B.
- Urban Services Delivery in Limbo: A Provisional Assessment of Gweru’s Water Supply System. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A, Waste from the People or People to the Waste? An Analysis of Gweru’s McFaden Dumpsite and its Environs.
- Gweru community Gardens: Renewed hope for Vulnerable Urbanites. Review of Social Studies, Law and Psychology,
Connecting people with wildlife: Lessons from Selected Education and Conservation Projects of Zimbabwe. African Journal of Social Sciences. - The Gender, Poverty and Energy Nexus in Zimbabwe: The Case of Gweru Urban and Shurugwi Communal and Resettlement Areas. British Journal of Advance Academic Research.
- Dependency syndrome by communities or insufficient ingestion period by benefactor organizations? The Chirumanzu Caritas Community Gardening Project experience in Zimbabwe. Journal of Geography and Earth Sciences.
- Grappling climate change in Southern Zimbabwe: The experiences of the BaKalanga minority farmers. Sacha journal of Environmental Studies
- The Community Share Ownership Trust Initiative as a Rural Development Solution in Zimbabwe: The Tongogara Experience in Shurugwi District. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
- The Domestic Water Supply Puzzle in Zimbabwean Cities: Challenges and Opportunities for Mtapa Residential Suburb, Gweru, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
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