Dr. Mushunje
Position: Lecturer
School of Social Work
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Academic Qualifications
- Dip Social Work (University of Zimbabwe)
- Bachelor of Social Work (University of Zimbabwe)
- Master of Gender and Development Studies (University of Manchester, UK)
- Doctor of Philosophy Social Work (University of KwaZulu Natal)
Research interests
- Gender and social justice.
- Child Rights
- Social Policy
- Social Protection
- women and children’s rights
- Training, research, corporate governance and management
- Mushunje, M and Muchacha, M (2018). The gender dynamics of climate change on rural women’s agro-based livelihoods and food security in rural Zimbabwe: Implications for green social work. Critical and Radical Social Work
- Mushunje M.T and Mupedziswa, R Older Communal Farmers’ Right to Food Security in an Era of neoliberalism in Zimbabwe: A Social protection Perspective (awaiting publication in Springer, Journal of Food Security)
- Mushunje, M.T. Gender and social protection: policy implications. A publication of The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth United Nations Development Programme, Volume 14, Issue No. 1 March 2017, Social protection: towards gender equality
- Mushunje, M.T. 2014. Interrogating the relevance of the extended family as a social safety net for vulnerable children in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Social Work. Vol 4 (2) 78-110
- Mushunje M.T and Mafico M. 2010. Social protection for orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe: The case of cash transfers. International Social Work 53(2): 261-275.
- Mushunje, MT .World Cup 2010: Friend or Foe for the girl child: Child Trafficking in an HIV Environment(2010), published by Gender Links, South Africa
- Mushunje MT. Zimbabwe’s Experience in implementing the Programme of Support o the National Plan of Action for OVC”. Journal of Social Development in Africa
- Mushunje, M.T. and M. Mafico. 2007. ‘Walking the Talk: Zimbabwe’s Experience in Implementing the National Action Plan for OVC’, Journal of Social Development in Africa 22(2): 35-62.
- Mushunje, MT. Challenges and opportunities for promoting the girl child’s rights in the face of HIV/AIDS (Gender & Development Vol. 14, No. 1, March 2006 )
- Mushunje, M .2006. Child Protection in Zimbabwe: Past, Present and Future Journal of Social Development in Africa. Vol 21(1) 12 – 34
Book Chapters
- Mushunje , MT and Mupedziswa, R Social Welfare and Social Work in Africa (pending publication editor by Noyoo)
- Mushunje, M.T Making Child protection systems work for children: Lessons from Zimbabwe (pending in International Handbook of Child Protection Systems, edited by Duerr Jill Berrick)
- Mushunje, M (2017). The Role of Social Work in the protection of vulnerable children. Lessons from Zimbabwe pg 108-120 in The Handbook of Social Work and Social Development. Edited by Mel Gray, Routledge
- Mupedziswa, R and Mushunje, M. (2012) ‘Between a rock and a hard place’: Care of orphaned children in Zimbabwe and social work roles. In Jo Daugherty Bailey (Ed) Orphan care: A comparative view. Pp 123 – 154. Virginia: Kumarian Press.
- The State of Media Reporting in Tanzania (2003) published by East Africa Human Rights Institute
- Mushunje, M.T and Kaseke, E Indigenous Social Security Systems in Zimbabwe: Strengths, challenges and prospects in Indigenous Social Security Systems in Southern and West Africa, eds Ndangwa Noyoo and Emmanuel Boon (eds)
Book: Towards Women’s Secure Land Rights in Zimbabwe (2002), published by Human Rights Trust of Southern Africa
Achievements Selected Leadership position held
- Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Southern Africa Social Protection Experts Network
- mentor ( in bi-directional mentorship programmes)
- Institute of Women Social Workers
- The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders under the flagship program of the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI).
- Past Chevening Scholar and a Kellogg Fellow
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