Dr Njabulo Nkomazana
Position: Chairperson
Supply Chain, Insurance and Risk Sciences
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- PhD Development Studies (UKZN, South Africa)
- MSc in Finance and Investment (NUST, Zimbabwe)
- Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Degree in Economics (MSU, Zimbabwe)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (MSU, Zimbabwe)
Research Interests
- Corporate finance,
- portfolio management,
- personal finance,
- financial literacy,
- financial inclusion,
- payment systems,
- youth sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS.
- Nkomazana, N., Sibanda, M. and Duve, R. (2015) Determinants of financial knowledge among adolescents. Studia Oeconomica, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pg: 55-65.
- Nkomazana, N. & Maharaj, P. (2014) Perception of risk of HIV infections and sexual behaviour of the sexually active university students in Zimbabwe. SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS: An Open Access Journal, Volume 11: Issue 1, Pg: 42-50. DOI:10.1080/17290376.2014.886082
- Nkomazana, N. and Maharaj, P (2013) The prevalence of condom use among university students in Zimbabwe: implications for planning & policy. Journal of BioSocial Science, Volume 45: Issue 5: Pg: 643-659.
- Chipunza, T., Chikuta, O. and Nkomazana, N. (2013) Economic benefits from the 2010 FIFA World Cup: The case of Zimbabwe’s hotel and lodging sector. International Journal of Business Management and Administration, Volume 2: Issue 7: Pg: 163-170.
- Chikuta O, Nkomazana N and Njerekai C (2013) Leisure Travel Patterns of Zimbabwe’s Urban Population and their Predictors. Tourism Analysis, Volume 18: Issue 1, Pg: 79-89.
- Nkomazana, N. (2012). An Assessment of Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Knowledge Levels Among Young People: A Comparative Study Of State And Private University Students In Zimbabwe. The Dyke Journal, Volume 6: Issue 1, Pg: 1-16.
- Nkomazana, N. (2009). The Relationship between Stock Market Returns and Parallel Market Exchange Rates in Zimbabwe: An Econometric Investigation (2000:1-2007:12). The Dyke Journal, Volume 3: Issue 2, Pg: 35-51.
- Nkomazana, N. and Tambudzai, Z. (2009). Cause and effect analysis of the Zimbabwean foreign exchange crisis. BMC Conference Proceedings, Pg: 63-78.
- Nkomazana, N. and Tambudzai, Z. (2008). An analysis of the foreign currency crisis in Zimbabwe (1997-2006). Africana Bulletin, Volume 56, Pg: 141-164.
Key Community Engagement Activities
- Faculty of Commerce Representative in the Research Board
- Faculty of Commerce Seminar Series Coordinator
- Faculty of Commerce Research Committee Chairperson
- Department of Banking and Finance Dissertation Coordinator
- Department of Banking and Finance Member of the Quality Control Committee
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