Dr Raphael Nhongo
Position: Senior Lecturer
African Languages and Culture
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- Doctor of Literature and Philosophy (University of Fort Hare),
- MA African Languages and Culture (MSU):
- BA Hons African Languages and Culture (MSU);
- Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (MSU)
Research Interests:
- Sociolinguistics,
- Theoretical Linguistics,
- Applied Linguistics,
- Language Pedagogics,
- Onomastics,
- Cultural Studies,
- Oral Literature
- Cultural Studies.
- Muringa, T.F. & Nhongo, R. (2017) ‘Nicknaming and human relations in the workplace: A case study of selected organisations in Gweru Urban’, In Mashiri, P., E. Chabata, & Z. Mamvura. (eds) Zimbabwean Naming Practices and Patterns: A Sociolinguistic Approach. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications. Pp 61-73.
- Nhongo, R. (2018) ‘Retrospecting the decade of crisis: An exegesis of selected songs by Ndolwane Supersounds and Mokisi Connection’ In Muwati, I & C. Tembo. (eds) Singing Nation and Politics: Music and the ‘Decade of Crisis’ in Zimbabwe, 2000-2010. Pp 188-206.
- Nhongo, R. (2017) ‘Linguistic and cultural cognitive relevance of televised narratives to the Ndebele child in Bulawayo’. Per Linguam: A Journal of Language Learning, Vol 33, 2:51-62.
- Nhongo, R., Tshotsho, P.B,. Cekiso, M. & Zhou, S. (2017) ‘Exploring the Second Language Teaching Strategies of Ndebele English Teachers in Selected Secondary Schools in Zimbabwe’. Gender and Behaviour, Vol 15, 2: 8576-8582.
- Nhongo, R., Masuku, J. & Dlodlo, S. (2015) ‘Remodelling Ndebele Culture and Sensibilities through Modern Oral Art Forms. The Dyke, Vol 9, 2: 85-105.
- Nhongo, R. & Masuku, J. (2014) ‘The influence of an African language on European names in the Matabeleland Region of Zimbabwe: Is it language corruption, Language Development or Resistance? ICOS 24, 1342-1349.
- Nhongo, R. (2013) ‘A National Language Policy for Zimbabwe in the Twenty-First Century: Myth or Reality?’ Journal of Language Teaching and Research Vol 4,6 :1208-1215.
- Nhongo, R. & Masuku, J. (2012) The influence of Kalanga on place names in Zimbabwe’s Matobo district: Whose culture, whose values? The Dyke, Vol 6,4: 211-223.
Accepted for Publication
- Linguistic And Cultural Cognitive Relevance Of Televised Narratives To The Ndebele Child In Bulawayo (Per Linguam Journal: A Journal of Language Learning)
- Remodelling Ndebele Culture And Sensibilities Through Modern Oral Art Forms (The Dyke Journal Vol 9, No 2: 2015)
Book Chapters Accepted for Publication
- Retrospecting The Decade of Crisis: An Exegesis of selected songs by Ndolwane Supersounds and Mokisi Connection (Book chapter in ‘Singing Nation and Politics: Music and the ‘Decade of Crisis’ in Zimbabwe, 2000-2010’)
- Contextualising Zimbabwean urban grooves in the face of a crisis (Book Chapter in Book chapter in ‘Singing Nation and Politics: Music and the ‘Decade of Crisis’ in Zimbabwe, 2000-2010’)
- Nicknaming and human relations in the workplace: A case study of selected organisations in Gweru Urban (Book Chapter in Zimbabwean Naming Practices and Patterns: A Multidisciplinary Approach)
Community Engagement
- Faculty Representative in Master Teaching Time table committee
- Faculty Representative in Health and Safety committee
- Counselor in the department of African Languages and Culture and faculty representative in the university counseling committee.
- Part-Time Lecturer at Lupane State University
- External examiner at Mkoba Teacher’s College
- Facilitated a Ndebele A level Grammar Workshop at Zezane High School
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