Dr Reginald Matchaba-Hove
Position: Executive Dean, Faculty Of Medicine
Share Profile Search on Google ScholarQualifications:
- MSc in Occupational Medicine with Distinction in Epidemiology & Statistics, University of London, 15 August 1990
- Post-graduate Diploma of The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in Occupational Medicine, 02 October 1998
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, University of Zimbabwe, 19 November 1985
Member of the Following Professional Associations:
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health (FRSPH), Fellowship No: 120688
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (FRSTMH), Fellowship No: 0010043
- International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), Membership No: M4462
- American Thoracic Society, Membership No: 00151661
- Zimbabwe College of Public Health Physicians
- Zimbabwe Medical Association
- Medical and Dental Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe (MDPCZ), Registration No: M013231
Research Interests
- Occupational Health, HV/AIDS, Epidemiology
- Tlhakanelo JT, Mulumba Tshikuka JG, Molefi M, Magafu MGMD, Matchaba-Hove RB, Masupe T (2015).The Burden of Opportunistic-Infections and Associated Exposure Factors among HIV-Patients Admitted at a Botswana Hospital. Jacobs Journal of AIDS/HIV, Nov.2015, Vol.1 Issue 2
- Kilauzi1 AL, Tshikuka Mulumba JG, Magafu MGMD, Matchaba-Hove RB, Muyembe Tamfum JJ (2015). SD Bioline malaria antigen Pf (HRP-2/pLHD) for assessing efficacy of artemisinin combination therapy in Endemic Areas: Clinical evaluation. Pan African Medical Journal, 22, 304.
- Tlhakanelo JT, Tshikuka JG, Molefi M, Magafu MGMD, Masupe T, Matchaba-Hove RB (2015). HIV Hospital Admissions Attributable to Specific Opportunistic Infections and Factors Associated with Them at a Botswana Referral Hospital. World Journal of AIDS; 5: 175-181.
- London L, Tangwa G, Matchaba-Hove R, Mkhize N, Nwabueze R and Nyika A and Westerholm P (2014). Ethics in occupational health: deliberations of an international working group addressing challenges in an African context. BMC Medical Ethics; 15: 48.
- London L, Tangwa G, Matchaba-Hove R, Mkhize N, Nwabueze R and Nyika A and Westerholm P (2013). Ethical guidelines for occupational health professionals: an Africa Working Group perspective. Occupational Health Southern Africa; 19 (5): 5 -7.
- Matchaba-Hove RB and Osele, DN (2012). A noise survey at Botswana Meat Commission, Lobatse Abattoir. 30th International Congress on Occupational Health, Cancun, Mexico, for March 18 – 23, 2012. Abstract No: A1935 (Ref: www.icohcongress2012cancun.org) (Published international refereed conference abstract)
- London L, Tangwa G, Matchaba-Hove R, Mkhize N, Nwabueze R and Nyika A. (2012). Revisiting the ICOH Ethical Code: Perspectives of the Africa Working Group. 30th International Congress on Occupational Health, Cancun, Mexico, for March 18 – 23, 2012. (Ref: www.icohcongress2012cancun.org) (Published international refereed conference presentation)
- London L, Tangwa G, Matchaba-Hove R, Mkhize N, Nwabueze R, Nyika A, Horie S and Westerholm P (2012). ICOH Code Review Group: Professional Occupational Health Ethics – Case Scenarios. 30th International Congress on Occupational Health, Cancun, Mexico, for March 18 – 23, 2012. (Ref: www.icohcongress2012cancun.org) (Published international refereed conference presentation)
- Mberikunashe JM, Banda S, Chadambuka A, Gombe NT, Shambira G, Tshimanga M and Matchaba-Hove R (2010). Prevalence and risk factors for obstructive respiratory conditions among textile industry workers in Zimbabwe in 2006. The Pan African Medical Journal; 6:1-8
- Matchaba-Hove R, Sibanda N T and Tobedza T (2009). Botswana Occupational Health and Safety Profile. Work and Health in Southern Africa (WAHSA) Project. (Monograph submitted to the Department of Occupational Health & Safety of the Botswana Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs and the WAHSA occupational health and safety regional data base.)
- Matchaba-Hove R (2006). HIV/AIDS in the Zimbabwe Defence Force: a civil society perspective, Chapter 6, in: The Enemy Within; Southern African Militaries’ Quarter-Century Battle with HIV/AIDS, edited by Rupiya, M. Institute for Security Studies MilAIDS Project, Tshwane/ Pretoria, South Africa. (ISBN:1-920114-03-3)
- Gonese E, Matchaba-Hove R, Chirimumimba G, Hwalima Z, Chirenda J, Tshimanga M (2006). Occupational injuries among workers in the cleansing section of the city council’s health services department, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 2001-2002. MMWR (CDC, Atlanta, USA); Vol.55: Supplement.
- Thankappan K R, Mohandas K, IJsselmuiden C, Matchaba-Hove R, Renjith M (2002). Public Health Schools Without Walls. A report of network activities 2001 -2002. Achuta Menon Centre for Health Science Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala, India (Ref: http://www.sctimst.ac.in/About%20SCTIMST/Organisation/AMCHSS/Publications/List%20of%20Project%20Reports/ (Published project report.)
- Matchaba-Hove RB, Siziya S, Rusakaniko S, Kadenhe RM, Dumbu S, Chirenda J (2001). Mercury Poisoning: prevalence, knowledge and frequency of gold panning and doing retort among alluvial gold panners in Chiweshe and Tafuna comunal lands in Zimbabwe. Central African Journal of Medicine, 47 (9/10): 251-4
- Siziya S, Rusakaniko S, Marufu T, Matchaba R; Mudyarabikwa O, Gwanzura L (1998). Adolescent pregnancy in Zimbabwe: distribution by sociodemographic factors. African Journal of Health Sciences, 5(3-4): 174-177
- Siziya S, Hakim JG, Rusakaniko S, Matchaba-Hove RB, Chideme-Maradzika J (1996). Non-Condom Use Among Female Nurses In Zambia, Central African Journal of Medicine, 42(7): 188-91
- Matchaba R (1996); Allergies at work (editorial). African Newsletter On Occupational Health and Safety; 1 (1)
- Siziya S, Marufu T, Matchaba-Hove RB (1995). Relationship of casual blood pressure to smoking, education and occupation in a high density town near Harare, Zimbabwe. Central African Journal of Medicine, 41(7): 219-224
- Marufu T, Murugasampillay S, Siziya S, Manyame B, Xaba E, Silape-Marufu Z, Zimbizi P, Ruwodo C, Mason E, Matchaba-Hove RB, Mudyarabikwa O (1995). Is the protection afforded measles vaccines the same in children of all groups. Central African Journal of Medicine, 41(5): 144-147
- Marufu T, Siziya S, Manyame B, Xaba E, Silape-Marufu Z, Zimbizi P, Ruwodo C, Mason E, Matchaba-Hove RB, Mudyarabikwa O (1995). Questioning the level of efficacy of the measles vaccine in use in Zimbabwe. Central African Journal of Medicine, 41(8): 241-245
- Matchaba-Hove RB, Siziya S (1995). Organophosphorus exposure in pesticide formulating and packaging factories in Zimbabwe. Central African Journal of Medicine, 41(2)
- Siziya S, Matchaba-Hove RB (1995). Teaching of Biostatistics to Medical Students. Medical Teacher, 17(1):89-92
- Matchaba RB (1994). Organophosphate Exposure in pesticide factories in Zimbabwe, Chapter 6, in Nhachi CFB and Kasilo OMJ(eds), Pesticides in Zimbabwe: Toxicity and Health Implications, University of Zimbabwe Publications
- Siziya S, Matchaba-Hove RB (1994). Comparison of arm circumference against standard anthropometric indices using data from a high density town near Harare, Zimbabwe. Central African Journal of Medicine, 40(9): 250-254
- Matchaba RB. Rehabilitation services (1992). African Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety; 2 (2): 73-76
- Muchiri FK, Matchaba RB et al (1992). Textile Manufacturing. African Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety; 2(2): 118-122
- Kitai I, Matchaba RB, Mushayandebvu I, Mbayiwa M, Matenga J (1986). Hypertension in Harare Hospital out-patients: drugs prescribed, drugs taken and control achieved. Central African Journal of Medicine, 32 (11): 262-268
- Have supervised several public health student projects and dissertations at undergraduate, post-basic (DOHS) post-graduate (MPH) levels.
Relevant International Certificates, etc
- Internship in Sports Medicine: Sports Medicine Institute, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, July – August 1988.
- Internship in Occupational Health: Department of Occupational Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm and the National Institute of Occupational Health, Solna, Stockholm, Sweden, under the supervision of Professor Christer Hogstedt, Nov-Dec 1990.
- Internship in Occupational Health: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki and Tampere Regional Institute of Occupational Health, Finland, under the supervision of Professor Jorma Rantanen, Jan-Feb 1992
- Health & Human Rights Course, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA, under the supervision of the late Professor Jonathan Mann, July-August 1994
- Pan African Thoracic Society with the University of Malawi College of Medicine and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, International Course in Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical and Operations Research (MECOR), Measuring the Burden of Disease, Blantyre, Malawi, 21-25 September 2009
- Pan African Thoracic Society, Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical and Operations Research (PATS MECOR) course sponsored by the Nuffield Foundation, UK and the American Thoracic Society, Nairobi, Kenya, September 27 – October 1, 2010.
- 12th International Conference on Neurobehavioural Methods and Effects in Occupational and Environmental Health, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 23 – 27 March 2013. (International conference presentation)
Community Service in Public Health:
1. Member of the Global Health Advisory Committee (GHAC), Public Health Program, Open Society Foundations (OSF), New York, NY, USA, 2005 – present. (Ref: Ms Marine Buissonnière, Director, Public Health Program, e-mail: marine.buissonniere@opensocietyfoundations.org; http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org)
2. Have participated in the sponsored walk and health fare held annually by the School of Public Health, University of Botswana in conjunction with other public health stakeholders.
3. Former Africa Representative, Global Board of the Training Program in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINet), Atlanta, USA, 2003- December 2006. (Ref: Ms Natalie Moses, Administrator, njm5@cdc.gov, http://www.tephinet.org)
4. Former member of founding committee, African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), based in Kampala, Uganda, December 2005 – March 2007. (Ref: Mr David Mukanga, former Director but now with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, e-mail: David.Mukanga@gatesfoundation.org; http://www.afenet.net)
5. Member of the Scientific Review Committee of the Fogarty International Center/ University of Michigan Southern African Programme in Training and Research in Environmental and Occupational Health chaired by Professor Thomas Robins of the University of Michigan, 2001 -2007. (e-mail: trobins@umich.edu; http://www.oehru.uct.ac.za/docs/fog2001t6.pdf)
6. Former Member, Health, Safety & Environment Committee, Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ), 1995-2007. (Ref: Mr Rodwell Chitemerere, then Head of Quality Assurance, tel: +2634753800-2, email: sazqa@mweb.co.zw)
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