Staff Profile

/Dr Trevor Dube


  • PhD Biology, University of Leuven, Belgium, (2017)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary Education. Midlands State University, Zimbabwe (2017)
  • MSc. Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries, University of Zimbabwe (2005),
  • BSc Hons Biological Sciences, University of Zimbabwe, (2003).
  • National Diploma in Biological Sciences, Bulawayo Polytechnic College, (2001)

Research Interests

  • Limnology
  • Ecology of aquatic ecosystems,
  • Aquatic biodiversity
  • Sustainable utilisation of aquatic ecosystems,
  • Evolutionary Biology

Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Caston Makaka, Tinashe Muteveri. Paul Makoni, Crispen Phiri, and Trevor Dube (2021) Pre-impoundment assessment of aquatic health of Tokwe River, Zimbabwe, using the South African Scoring System version 5 (SASS5) and selected physicochemical parameters Midlands State University Journal of Science Agriculture and Technology (MSUJSAT)
  2. Mandla Mubayiwa, Trevor Dube, Caston Makaka, Joseph Makaure, and Tinashe Muteveri (2021) Inhibition effects of heavy metal and nutrient concentrations on photosynthetic pigments production in green algae Spirogyra Journal of Environmental Management in Zimbabwe 1 (1) 84 – 93.
  3. G. Nelson, B. Vanscowenkiel, T. Dube, K. Njau, L. Brendonck (2020). Seasonal variation in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages and water quality in an Afrotropical river catchment, northeastern Tanzania. Journal: Limnologica – Ecology, and Management of Inland Waters 82:125780
  4. T. Dube, M. Chibanda, B. Manhire, C. Rutanhira, C. Mabugu, C. Makaka, J. Makaure and T. Muteveri. (2020). Sewage effluent causes trace metal pollution of a sub-tropical river system in Zimbabwe. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 104(3), 339-344. DOI:10.1007/s00128-020-02798-w
  5. T. Dube, L. de Necker, V. Wepener, JHJ v Vuren, T. Pinceel, L. Brendonck. (2020). A comparison of aquatic macroinvertebrate and large branchiopod community composition between temporary pans of a conservation area and surrounding communal area in South Africa. African Zoology 55: 67-77.
  6. T. Dube, T. Pinceel, L. DeNecker, V. Wepener, P. Lemmens L. Brendonck 2019. Aquatic invertebrate taxon composition and diversity in temporary pans along a gradient of lateral hydrological connectivity in a tropical nature reserve. Freshwater Biology 64 (12) 2189-2203. DOI:10.1111/fwb.13406
  7. T. Dube, G. Mhangwa, C. Makaka, B. Parirenyatwa and T. Muteveri. (2019) Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals by Macrophytes in a Tropical Lake. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26 (10), 10097-10105.
  8. C. Makaka, T. Muteveri., P. Makoni, C. Phiri and T. Dube (2019). Dry season pre-impoundment water quality and the effects of anthropogenic activities: The case of Tokwe River, Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology pp 01 – 20 Vol.14
  9. Makaka C., Muteveri T., Makoni P., Phiri C., and Dube T (2018). Longitudinal distribution of the functional feeding groups (FFGs) of aquatic macroinvertebrates and ecosystem integrity of Tokwe River, Zimbabwe. Journal of biodiversity and environmental Sciences 13 (1), 16-33.
  10. T. Dube, L. De Necker, J.H.J. van Vuren, V. Wepener, N.J. Smit, L. Brendonck. 2017. The Spatial and Temporal Variation of Invertebrate Community Structure in Flood Controlled Tropical Floodplain Wetlands. Journal of Freshwater Ecology (2017) 32, 1-15. DOI:
  11. T Dube, V Wepener, JHJ van Vuren, N Smit and L Brendonck, (2015). The Case for Environmental Flow Determinations for the Phongolo River, South Africa. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences 40(3): 269–276. DOI:10.2989/16085914.2015.1074061.
  12. Dube T. & Chitiga M., 2011. Human impacts on macrophyte diversity, water quality and some soil properties in the madikane and Dufuya wetlands of Lower Gweru, Zimbabwe. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 9(1): 85-99
  13. Dube T, Masungo P & Makaka C. (2010). A survey of the diversity of human enteric protoctistan parasites and the associated risk factors in urban Zvishavane, Zimbabwe. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 1 (5). DOI:10.5251/abjna.2010.1.5.985.991. 
  14. Dube T, Makaka C, and Sibanda Z, (2010): An assessment of the effect of Industrial and sewage Effluent on aquatic invertebrates: A case study of a southern Urban stream, Zimbabwe. Journal of Sustainable development, Vol 3, (2):210 – 214

Book Chapters

  1.  Dube, T., Makaka, C.M., Mwaijengo, G.N., Mlambo, M.C., Brendonck, L. (2022) Macroinvertebrates. In: Dalu, T., Wasserman, R.J., (eds). Fundamentals of Tropical Freshwater Wetlands: From Ecology to Conservation Management. Elsevier, Cambridge. Pp. 307-336. DOI:
  2.  Brendonck, L., de Necker, L., Dube, T., Dalu, T., Van Damme, K., Pinceel, T., Nhiwatiwa, T. (2022) Zooplankton. In: Dalu, T., Wasserman, R.J., (eds). Fundamentals of Tropical Freshwater Wetlands: From Ecology to Conservation Management. Elsevier, Cambridge. Pp. 221-272. DOI:
  3. Dube T, Smit N, van Vuren J, Brendonck L, Vlok W and Wepener V. (2016). Introduction and aims of the Phongolo River and floodplain Project. In Smit N, Vlok W, van Vuren J, Du Preez L, Van Eeden E, O’Brien G.C. and Wepener V. Socio-ecological system management of the Lower Phongolo River and floodplain using relative risk assessment. Report to the Water Research Commission, WRC Report No. 2185/1/16, South Africa. (Peer Reviewed)

Conference Presentations

  • Trevor Dube, Mabugu Christopher, Tabeth Madzivire, Makaure Joseph, Makaka Caston, and Luc Brendonck. Diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates on an altitudinal gradient in Sanyati Catchment, Zimbabwe. SASAQS 2021. 1- 4 November 2021 (Virtual Presentation)
  • T. Dube, Muteveri T., Makaka C and Dowo G. Tokwe-Mukosi Dam and its potential impacts on aquatic biodiversity and water quality. Society and the Environment in Zimbabwe Conference: 19-20 September, 2018, Midlands State University, Gweru, (Oral presentation)
  • Trevor Dube; Lizaan De Necker; Pieter Lemmens, Victor Wepener & Luc Brendonck Conservation of aquatic invertebrates in temporary wetlands in a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Zoology 2016. 15-17 December 2016, University of Antwerp, City Campus. Belgium. (Oral presentation). 
  • L. de Necker, T Dube, L. Brendonck, N.J Smit, V Wepener and J.H.J. van Vuren. Effects of anthropogenic activities on aquatic invertebrate communities in an ecologically important conservation area of South Africa. 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress 2016.  6- 10 November, Orlando, Florida, USA. (Poster Presentation).
  • Trevor Dube; Lizaan De Necker; Victor Wepener; Johan van Vuren & Luc Brendonck. Does Controlled Flooding Drives the Community Structure of Invertebrates in a Tropical Floodplain System? 10th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference. 19-24 September 2016, Changshu, China. (Oral presentation). 
  • Trevor Dube; Lizaan De Necker;  Victor Wepener; Johan van Vuren & Luc Brendonck. Taxon and functional composition of invertebrate communities in temporary pans along a gradient of lateral connectivity with Phongolo River. Southern Africa Society of Aquatic Scientists (SASAQS) 2016, 26-30 June, Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa. (Oral Presentation). 
  • Trevor Dube, Lizaan De Necker, Nico Smit, Victor Wepener, Aline Waterkeyn and Luc Brendonck. Importance of regional, local and anthropogenic factors in explaining large branchiopods community structure in temporary wetlands of Ndumo, South Africa. 8th International Crustacean Congress (ICC-8), Frankfurt am Main, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Germany, August 18-23, 2014. (Poster presentation). 

Community Service 

  • Peer reviewer of Scientific Journals
  • Board member – Next Generation of Biotechnologists, a collaboration between the Department of Applied Sciences and Regina Mundi High School, Gweru (Biology Department).
  • Team member – Aquatic Ecology Project-funded by  VLIR-OUS (Belgium)- Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST)-Tanzania

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