Prof Vongai Zvidenga Nyawo
Position: Associate Professor
History Studies
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- BA Gen (UZ)
- PhD (UOFS)
Research Interests
- Land Reform.
- Food security.
- Women and food issues.
- Land and governance.
- The cold war and beyond. climate change
- V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, “Historians and the cold war: A synthetic recast of its causes” in Tsebo Journal of Research and Creative Writing, Vol.1, No.1, 2006,95-103.
- V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, “The Collapse of the Constellation of East-European Soviet States in 1989 and its Influence on World Politics” in Lesotho Law Journal andDevelopment, Vol.15, No.2, 2005, pp. 157-205.
- V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, “Evanescent Exiles: The story of diverse groups of émigrés in Lesotho” in Review of Social Sciences, 2008, pp. 108-129.
- V. Z. Nyawo-Shava and P. Viriri Shava, “Zimbabwe and the land reform ideology: the 2000 to 2004 Intermingle” Journal of Intra-African Studies, No. 3, January toJune 2010.
- F.J. Likoti and V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, “The Securitarisation of Rwanda Refugees: Regional Implications” Journal of Intra-African Studies, No. 3 January to June 2010
- V. Z. Nyawo Viriri Shava, “Mugabe`s Dilemma: Zimbabwe and land Reform at Independence and Beyond” LWATI A Journal for Contemporary Research, Vol. 7, Issue 1, March 2010, pp.121-139.
- M. Daemane, K. Motsoene and V. Z. Nyawo, “Implications and Challenges of Urbanisation and Gorvernance towards Urban Poverty Reduction in Lesotho.”journal of Intra-African Studies, Vol. 2. August 2010, pp. 1-23.
- V. Z. Nyawo Viriri Shava and S. L.Barnard, “Zimbabwe: Post Independence Era 1980-2000.” Journal for Contemporary History, UOFS, Vol. 35, No. 1,June 2010, pp. 62-80.
- M.M.M. Daemane, R.M.S. Daemane and V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, “Institutional Response of Contract Farming: Its Implications on the Peasantry in Less Developed Countries (LDCs).” Annals of Humanities and Development Studies, Vol. 1, No.1, April 2010, pp. 428-435
- M.M.M. Daemane, S.R. Daemane and V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, “The Impact of Agricultural Liberalisation on the Rural Poor in Lesotho: Concise Policy Appraisal of ‘Less Governance’ / Deregulation on Agricultural Development.”Annals of Humanities and Development Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2010, pp. 419-427.
- M.M.M. Daemane, M. S. R. Daemane and V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, “Critical Exposure of Successes of Neoliberal Reforms: The ‘Renown’ Case of Chile.”Annals of Humanities and Development Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2010, pp.401-409
- M. M. M. Daemane, K. A. Mot’soene and V. Z.Nyawo-Shava, “Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives (AMCs) in Developing Society in Relation to Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development Failure: The Case of Lesotho`s AMCs Periodic-Policy Institutional Constraints to Sustainable Development.”Annals of Humanities and Development Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2010, pp. 436-476
- P. Viriri Shava and V. Z. Nyawo Viriri Shava, “Determining a National Nomenclature: Creative Ascendancy in Lesotho Literature in English.”Zimbabwe International Journal of Languages and Culture, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2010, pp. 57-69.
- Goredema. D, Nyawo V. Z. and P. Chigora, “Land Reform, Climate Change and Sustainable Development” Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 8 (3), August 2011 pp.141-156.
- V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, “Remembering the Guerrilla Phase of The South AfricaWar: 21st Century perspectives.” Journal of History and Development Studies, Vol.1, No. 2. October 2011, pp. 13-37.
- V. Z. Nyawo-Shava and J. Chakawa, “Effects of the State’s Long Hand on Struggle Stories in Rural Areas: The Case of Hurungwe District of Zimbabwe’s Oral Testimonies of the Liberation Struggle” Journal of History and Development, Vol. 2, No. 1, October 2011, pp. 71-84
- V. Z. Nyawo and P. V. Shava, “Uniformity, Conformity and Tardiness: The Blurred Periodisation in South African Land Reform 1994-2006.” Lesotho Social Sciences Review, NUL, ROMA, Dec ember 2010, Vol.14, No. 1 and 2,80-106.
- V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, “Changing the Economic Landscape: The Pressure for Secure Tenure in South Africa.” Lesotho Sciences Review, NUL, ROMA, December 2010, Vol. 14, No. 1 and 2, pp. 107-142
- V. Z. Nyawo Viriri Shava, Mayibuye Dilemmas of Agrarian Reform inIndependent Zimbabwe and South Africa, Mambo Press, Gweru, 2012. (with 6 chapters, 483 pages)
- V. Z. Nyawo, 2012, “Foreword” in Matunhu J. Rural Development: Putting Agriculture First in South Africa, Mambo Press, pp. 1-2
- V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, Goredema, D and M. D. King, “Socio-economic Impact of the Informal Mining in Chiadzwa and its Hinterland” Dyke, Vol. 6, No. 2,2012, pp. 1-15.
- V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, “Rhythms of Resistance: strains that propelled Zimbabwe`s Third Chimurenga.” Muziki, Journal of Music in Africa, Vol. 9, No. 2, November 2012, pp. 53-65
- V. Z. Nyawo-shava, “Missing Links in Zimbabwe’s History: An Editorial Introduction” in V. Z. Nyawo, (ed.). Themes in Contemporary History of Zimbabwe: Emerging Perspectives in Afrikology, Mambo Press,Gweru, 2013, pp. 1-8.
- V. Z. Nyawo-Shava, “Women, Landownership and Control in Makonde District,” in V. Z. Nyawo, (ed.). Themes in Contemporary History of Zimbabwe: Emerging Perspectives in Afrikology, Mambo Press, Gweru,2013, pp. 88-115
- V. Z. Nyawo, “Gender, Disability and Perceptions: can those living with disability speak on behalf of those living with impairment” Institute of Gender Equity- University of Moi Kenya, pp. 171-179, September 2013
- V. Z. Nyawo and H. T. Ngoshi, “Gendering the African National Project in the 21st Century” in Ndlovu-Gatsheni S. J. and Ndhlovu F, Nationalism and National Projects in Southern Africa, New Critical Perspectives, AISA, 2013 218-234.
- Chaterera F and Nyawo VZ (2013). Decolonising the Museum: The Case of Zimbabwe Military Museum in Gweru. Int. Res. J. Arts Soc. Sci.(9):213-219
- Nyawo V. Z, “The Imperative of re-investing in Agro-based Industry in Zimbabwe.” Accepted for publication by the Journal of Security, Peace and Tolerance Studies, vol. 1, No. 1, May 2013, pp. 10-20
- Shava P, and Nyawo-Shava V. Z, “How the Mountain Kingdom Speaks:forging a national literary tradition in Lesotho,” Tsebo Journal of Humanities, National University of Lesotho, September 2013, pp. 201- 214.
- Nyawo-Shava V. Z and Shava P, “The People Shall Share: the scramble for diamond resources at Chiadzwa and its Hinterland in Zimbabwe,”Tsebo Journal of Humanities, National University of Lesotho, September 2013, pp. 232-248.
Newspaper and Magazine Publications
- Z. Nyawo-Shava, “Poetry Anthology: Formula” a book launch address given at Manthabiseng Convention Center on 18 December 2009, Public Eye 29January – 4 February 2010.
- Z. Nyawo, “Transcending Angst and forging national healing: research prospects and opportunities on reconciliation in Zimbabwe,” Varsity Update, An Official publication of the Midlands State University, August-December 2012 Issue, pp. 22-23.
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