Dr Naome Rajah
Position: Lecturer
- Doctor of Philosophy (Public Administration), University of Botswana(UB)
- Master of Philosophy-Public Administration ( Proceed to PhD) UB
- Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education, MSU
- Master of Business Administration Degree (Midlands State University)
- BSc Geography and Environmental Studies Degree (ZOU)
- Diploma in Forestry – Zimbabwe College of Forestry(ZCF)
- Certificate in Rural Development- Domboshava National Training Centre, Zimbabwe
- Professional Training Programme for TAs, MSU
Research Interests
- Local Governance,
- E-Government,
- Public administration,
- Environmental Management,
- Local Government Administration,
- Land Reform, Human Settlements and Governance,
- Service Delivery,
- Rural and Urban Development,
- Project Management,
- Human Rights and Governance,
- Inclusive Service Delivery,
- Strategic Planning.
Conference Presentations and workshops:
- Governance For Development In Africa: The Key To Service Delivery by Naome Rajah And Dr Dorothy Mpabanga, A Paper Presented As Part Of The Proceedings Of The CESPAM Conference Held At The University of Botswana 9-10 June 2015.
- E-Government For Better Government In Developing Countries:- Opportunities And Challenges, by Naome Rajah And Dr Dorothy Mpabanga, A Paper Presented As Part Of The Proceedings Of The CESPAM Conference Held At The University of Botswana 9-10 June 2015.
- Rajah N. Professional Training Programme on Human Rights and Local Governance in the Context of the SDGs PTP 3-Phase 1, organized by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Sweden in cooperation with the Centre for Applied Legal Research, Harare, Zimbabwe 02-06 March 2020.
Matimati, P. and Rajah, N (2015) The Use Of E-Governance By Local Authorities to Improve Service Delivery: The Case Of Chitungwiza Municipality. Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, Volume 6(12).
Rajah, N. (2016) E-Government In Zimbabwe: An Overview Of Progress Made and Challenges Ahead. Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, 6(12), ISSN-2229-371X
Rajah. N and Lekorwe. M (2017) E-Government Development in Africa: the case of the Seychelles, Mauritius, South Africa and Botswana-lessons for Zimbabwe, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, volume 4 (5) 2017.
Rajah, N. Rajah, D. Jerie, S. (2012) Challenges in Implementing an Integrated Environmental Management Approach in Zimbabwe– published in the October 2012 Edition as research paper in the Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS), Vol 3(4).
Rajah. N and Mabika. H (2018) Urbanising Rural Zimbabwe: Growth Points37 on, Opportunities and Challenges: Case of Zhombe in the Midlands Province, Journal of Trendsin Research and Development, Volume 5/ issue-1 February 2018.
Rajah. N and Mpabanga .D (2018) E-Government for better Government in Developing Countries, African Journal of Public Adminstration and Management, Volume 15 No. 2 (2018).
Rajah, N. and Masimba, J (2024) Analysis of Institutional Woodland and Water Resources Management: The Impact of Institutions and Institutional Structures for Woodland and Water Resources Management. The Case of Ward 1 Vungu Rural District. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, VIII(IV), pp.2334–2342. doi:https://doi.org/10.47772/ijriss.2024.804237.
Masimba, J., Rajah, N., Mutema, E., Moyo, T., Mukunyadze, T., Chikerema, F. and Chakunda, V. (2024) The Role of Social Media in Promoting Citizen Participation in Zimbabwe’s Urban Local Authorities”, Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 6(1), pp. 46-66. doi: https://doi.org/10.53974/unza.jlss.6.1.1203.
Masimba, J, Rajah, N and Mutema, EP (2022) Harnessing the growth of the informal sector to promote Local Economic Development in Gweru Urban. The Dyke 15(3):1-21.
Masimba, J. and Rajah, N. (2022). The Causes and Consequences of the Growth of Informal Settlements in Epworth Local Board Area. African Journal of Public Administration and Management, 19(2), pp.55–72.
Community Service
- Student Employment Committee-University Service,
- Social Welfare work-Community/Church
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