Mlilo Vusumuzi
Position: Assistant Lecturer
Metallurgical And Materials Engineering
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- MSc Mathematical Modelling (NUST)
- BSc Honours Mathematics (MSU)
Research Interests:
- GARCH Modelling
- Financial Time Series
- Mandidayingeyi Hellen Pfupajena, ChiedzaElvinaMashiri, Maxwell Mashasha, VusumuziMlilo, Loyce Gonzo, Edina Chandiwana, Pauline Mukwembi. Assessing the effect of behaviour change in HIV/AIDS prevalence using a staged progression model.Accepted for publication in the Midlands State University Journal of Science Agriculture and Technology. (2015)
Current Research: Multivariate GARCH Modelling of Exchange Rate Volatility in a Multicurrency environment.
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