Mr Absolom Mutavati
Position: Lecturer
Music Business, Musicology and Technology
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- Master of Science in Music Technology (MSU)
- BSc Hons. Music & Musicology (MSU),
- Post Graduate Diploma In Tertiary Education (MSU)
- T2 Diploma in Telecommunications & Electronics Engineering.(City & Guilds).
Research Interests
- Music recording,
- Mixing and Mastering,
- Live sound reinforcement,
- Microphone techniques,
- Sound acoustics,
- Studio designs.
Mutavati, A., & Muranda, R. (2023). A survey on the uptake of software and hardware resources for music production in Zimbabwean contemporary music. African Musicology Online, 12(2), 56-64.
Music Albums:
- True Vine: Tenzi huyai
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