Dr Fainos Chokera
Position: Lecturer
Information and Marketing Sciences
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- Ph.D Leadership Studies – Marketing (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (2016-2021)
- Master of Commerce in Marketing Strategy degree (Midlands State University 2007 -2008)
- Bachelor of Honours Degree in Marketing Management (Midlands State University, 2002-2004)
- Diploma Marketing Management (Institute of Administration and Commerce, 2003) RSA
- National Certificate in Computer Studies, (Hexco, 2000 – 2001)
- Intermediate certificate in Practical spreadsheet processing (Pitman, London, 1999)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (Midlands State University)
Research Interests:
- Value addition (Post Harvest Marketing)
- Nation Branding and Relatioship Management
- Sustainable Marketing
- Social Marketing
Research and Publication
- Citizens’s deprecation behaviour: Dragging down the nation branding efforts in developing countries- Opinions of selected stakeholders in Zimbabwe; Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Springer Nature, August 2024; https://doi.org/10.1057/s41254-024-00361-6 (Fainos Chokera, Edward Mudzimba, Reason Masengu & Mugove Mashingaidze)
- Porter’s Strategies and Firm’s Competitiveness: The mediating role of Market and technological Innovation; African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure; JUly, 2024. Vol. 13(2), https://doi.org/10.46222/ajhtl.19770720.552 (Mugove Mashingaidze, Maxwell Phiri, Maceline Nyatsambo, Mapeto Bomani & Fainos Chokera).
- Characterisation of University -Industry Linkages in emerging economies: A Zimbabwean Perspective, Zimbabwe Journal of Business, Economics and Management, Vol. 2(2), June 2024; (Edward Mudzimba, Fainos Chokera & Mercy Dube)
- Sustainable marketing in emerging markets; How to market sustainable products and services in developing countries – Book Chapter, igi Global Publishing, Septermber, 2023; https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-0019-0.ch006 (Fainos Chokera; Edward mudzimba; Mercy dube; Rufaro D. Hungwe)
- Green Burial conandrum; Constructing the intersection between stakeholder perceptions and sustainable land use in a multicultural society – Taylor & Francis (Mortality), July 2023 https://doi.org/10.1080/13576275.2023.2231864 (Asphat Muposhi; Fainos Chokera; Edward Mudzimba)
- Exploring value addition initiatives among SMEs in the leather sector in emrging economies, Acta Commercii(, January 2023, http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ac.v23i1.1000 (Fainos Chokera; Emmanuel Mutambara)
- Value addition and enterrpise growth among SMEs in the leather sector in Zimbabwe, Journal of Contemporary Management, August, 2022; https://doi.org/10.35683/jcm20113.180 (Fainos Chokera; Emmanuel Mutambara; Abdulla Kader)
- Remaining Competitive in today’s siginificant shift in consumption pattern of lager and cider beer: Case study of Delta Beverages, gweru, Zimbabwe, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 3(1), pp.1-10 (Beauty Murwira; Tendai Ngwenya; Fainos Chokera)
- Quality Dilemma in the non-formal secondary education sector. Case of the independent colleges in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe, published in the British Journal of Marketing Studies, Edward Mudzimba, Fainos Chokera, Tendai Ngwenya, Vol 2, Issue 6, October 2014 – British Journal of Marketing Studies (BJMS).
- The Role of Agricultural Marketing on empowering rural crop farmers in Masvingo province, Zimbabwe was published in the European Journal of Business and Management, Fainos Chokera, Tendai Ngwenya, Njovo Munodawafa , Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
- Contribution of Mobile Media communication to consumer attitude/behaviour in the Clothing Retail industry in Zimbabwe was published in the European Journal of Business and Management Tendai Ngwenya, Fainos Chokera, Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
- Horizontal Collaboration among SMEs in the Automotive Sector in Gweru, paper was published in the SAMANM Group of Research Publications in Vol 2, Issue 1 – ISJMM, Fainos Chokera, Edward Mudzimba,
- Co-published a book with Duve, R. Titled, “Relationship Marketing Strategy, The pathway to Relational Orientation through Customer Symbiosis’, BookLove Publishers, December 2011
Papers presented at Workshops and Conferences
- Presented a research paper titled, “Value addition for the growth of SMEs in the Leather Sector in Matebeleland and Midlands Regions of Zimbabwe: A Research Agenda at the International Business and Management Conference (BMC) hosted by the University of KwaZulu Natal, at the Protea Hotel, Durban South Africa (22- 24 August 2018)
- Presented a research paper titled Co-presented a research paper titled, “ Challenges and opportunities in Mass Media reporting on Environmental management in Zimbabwe, (Ngwenya T, Chokera F) at the MSU 1st International Conference July 2015, Vic Falls, “Driving Socio-Economic Development through adding Value and Sustainable use of resources.
- Co-presented a paper at the Research and Intellectual Expo, 2010, with Govere and Mugwati M. Titled, “GPRS mobile communication technology in Zimbabwe: Opportunities and threats for players in the business community”, University of Zimbabwe. (Paper was peer – reviewed by the Journal of Zimbabwe Studies, Science, Technology and Health
- Co-presented a paper with, Mugwati titled, “New Perspective to Customer Service in the Automotive industry in Zimbabwe”, Puzey and Payne, Gweru, in October 2011
- Presented a paper at RM Construction, Gweru titled, “Service Ventilation as the pathway to attracting and Retaining profitable Customer Relationships”, (29 January, 2012), RM Construction Conference room, Gweru
Membership and Affiliation
- Full member of the Institute of Administration and Commerce (IAC)
- Member of the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ)
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