Mr. John Vengai Muzvondiwa
Position: Lecturer
Animal and Wildlife Sciences
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- MSc(Ecological Resources Management),
- BSc (Animal Scince) MA (Monitoring & Evaluation),
- MSc (Biostatistics and Epidemiology),
Research Interests:
- Fisheries and Aquaculture,
- Epidemiology and data analysis,
- Monitoring and Evaluation
Community Engagement
- Holy Cross Fish Farming Project (Chirumanzu).
- Aquaculture projects with Gobo Community (Silobela), Chivi, Dufuya (Lower Gweru).
- Indigenous Poultry with Mberengwa community
- Robert Kudzanayi Gono, John Muzvondiwa, Ireen Chihanga and Petronillah Rudo Manhondo (2015). Socio-economic factors affecting the successful implementation of aquaculture projects in Zimbabwe; a case study of Chivi District. Livestock Research for Rural Development Volume 27 (2).
- Petronillah Rudo Sichewo, Robert Kudzanayi Gono, John Muzvondiwa and Willard Mungwadzi (2014): Isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria in edible fish: A case study of rural aquaculture projects feeding livestock manure to fish in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science, Volume 3(11) 897-904.
- Muzvondiwa John V, Chiwara Joseph and Ngwenya Mary M (2013): Fish abundance and species composition between fished and non-fished areas of Lake Chivero, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 2 Issue 2 pg 397-403.
- Ngwenya Mary M, Mkandhla Naison M and Muzvondiwa John V (2013): A comparison of lion home range sizes in two management blocks in a semi-arid savannah national park of Zimbabwe. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 2 Issue 2 pg 388-396.
- Gono Robert Kudzanayi, Svinurai Walter and Muzvondiwa John Vengai (2013): Constraints and opportunities to guinea fowl production in Zimbabwe: A case study of the Midlands Province, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 2 Issue 3 pg 236-239.
- Muzvondiwa John Vengai, Gono Robert Kudzanayi and Sichewo P (2013). Impacts of agricultural activities on water quality in the DufuyaDambos, Lower Gweru, Zimbabwe.International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 2 Issue 9 pg 264-268.
- Sichewo Petronillah R, Gono Robert K, Muzvondiwa John V and Nyoni Sizanobuhle (2013). Isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria in edible fish: A case of Fletcher Dam in Gweru, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 2 Issue 9
- Muzvondiwa J V, Kamanda M T, Nyamukanza C C and Mutisi C (2012). Effect of protein and energy levels on faecal progesterone concentration in Sabi ewes during oestrus cycle.Midlands State University Journal of Science, Agriculture and Technology Volume 3(1).
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