Mr Madhara Temba Mabarani
Position: Lecturer
Agronomy and Horticulture
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- MSc Crop Science (MSU, 2012)
- Post-graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (MSU, 2014)
- BSc Horticulture (MSU, 2008)
- Certificate in Agroforestry (Trees for the Future, USA, 2010)
- Certificate of Competency in Mobiles for Development (Commonwealth of learning (COL) and the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK)
Research Interests
- Crop yield gap analysis
- Resource-use efficiency,
- Crop growth evaluation,
- Cropping systems
- Mabarani M.T, Chitamba J, Muziri T (2012). Fresh leaf yield and flowering responses of Brassica juncea to varying nitrogen levels. Int. J.Agri. & Agri.R. Vol. 2 (6) 10-14
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