Mr. R. T. Mapamula
Position: Assistant Lecturer
Surveying and Geomatics
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- Holds Bsc Honours Degree in Surveying and Geomatics (UZ, Zimbabwe)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Education ( MSU, Zimbabwe).
Research Interests:
- Land Administration Systems,
- Land Information systems.
- MAPAMULA, R. T., PARADZAYI, C. & KURWAKUMIRE, E. 2016. A Comparative Study of Cadastre 2014 and the Zimbabwean Cadastral System. South African Journal of Geomatics, 5, 31-48.
- MAPAMULA, R.T, PARADZAYI,C. &MTARISWA, T.2014 investigating the conformity of the Land Administration System to the Land Administration Domain Model( ISO 19152). FIG
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