Dr Robson Mandishekwa
Position: Senior Lecturer
Economic Sciences
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Qualifications :
- PhD Economics (MSU)
- Mcom. Economics (MSU)
- Bcom Economics (MSU)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (MSU)
Research areas:
- Economics
- Internal Displacement
- Happiness economics
Publications Published Researches
- The mental health, quality of life and life satisfaction of internally displaced persons living in Nakuru County, Kenya: A critique. Under review with BMC Public Health, 2021, 21:1184, pp. 1-3, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11176-y
- Happiness: A critical review literature review, (2021), Research Journal of Economic and Management Studies 1(2), pp. 1-10 , http://ir.gzu.ac.zw:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/419
- Livability as a Public Good 1(1), Research Journal of Economic and Management Studies 1(2), pp. 1-13, http://ir.gzu.ac.zw:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/419
- The economic activities and coping strategies of Arda Transau displacees, Mineral Economics, (2021), 34(1), pp. 51-70, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13563-019-00215-1, Co-authored with Mutenheri E
- Rethinking Mining as a Development Panacea: An Analytical Review, (2021) Mineral Economics, 34(1), pp. 151-162, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13563-020-00243-2
- The Economic Consequences of Internal Displacement in Arda Transau, Zimbabwe, (2020) International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, 6, No.3, pp. 206-233 Co-authored with Mutenheri E
- Mining-Induced Displacement and Resettlement: An Analytical Review, Ghana Journal of Development Studies, special Issue, Vol.17, No.1, May 2020, pp. 114-140, DOI//http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/gjds.v17i1.6, Co-authored with Mutenheri, E
- Economic coping with Covid-19: A conceptual Note. SSRN (2020). http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3685241 Europe PMC
- Quantification and Modelling Life Satisfaction among Internal Displacees in Arda Transau, Zimbabwe, International Journal of Happiness and Development, Vol.5, No.4 (2019), pp. 298-327, Co-authored with Mutenheri E
- Exports-led growth or growth-led exports: Zimbabwe’s experience and lessons for the future, The Dyke 2016 Special Edition, pp 52-59, Co-authored with Manzote E
- Determination of government size in Zimbabwe: Application of Armey curve, The Dyke 2016, Special Edition, pp 222-229
- The relationship between Trade openness, Terms of trade and Economic Growth in Zimbabwe: A VAR approach. The Dyke, Vol.10 No. 2, (2016), pp 66-76
- Causality between economic growth and investment in Zimbabwe, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol 5, No. 20, 2014, pp 136-140.
- Testing the Twin deficit hypothesis in Zimbabwe (1985-2007), Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol 5, No. 28, 2014, pp 209-217. Co-authored with Z Tambudzai and A Marufu
- Applicability of Wagner’s Law in Zimbabwe, Journal of International Academic for Multidisciplinary, Vol. 1, Issue 12, January 2014, pp 22-31
- An application of the individual Travel cost method to Nyanga National park, Zimbabwe, Researchjournali’s Journal of Economics, Vol 1, No. 1, November 2013, pp 1-16. Co-authored with Manzote E and Tavengwa Gombarago E.N
Accepted Research Papers
- The Interlinkages among Internal Displacement Consequences, Economic Activities of the Displaced and the Displacees’ Life Satisfaction, The Dyke, Co-authored with Mutenheri, E
- The impact of fiscal policy on agricultural output in Zimbabwe (1985-2016), The Dyke, Co-authored with Dube, K
Conferences Presentations
- Mandishekwa Robson, Economics and internal displacement in Africa, Paper presented at the Global Engagement Network on Internal Displacements in Africa (GENIDA) Continental Conference on Building Solutions to Internal Displacement in Africa at Kabarak University, Kenya, 07-08 June 2021
- Mandishekwa Robson and Mutenheri Enard, The economic activities and coping strategies of Arda Transau displacees, Presentation at the MSU Faculty of Commerce Conference on sustainable economic transformation, innovation and governance in emerging economies, 6-8 February 2019
- Mandishekwa R and Mutenheri E, The Interlinkages between Internal Displacement, Sustainable Economic Activities of the Displaced and Life Satisfaction among Displacees, Presentation at the MSU Faculty of Commerce Conference on sustainable economic transformation, innovation and governance in emerging economies, 6-8 February 2019
- Mandishekwa Robson and Dube Khumbulani, The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Agricultural output in Zimbabwe (1985-2016), Presentation at the MSU Faculty of Commerce Conference on sustainable economic transformation, innovation and governance in emerging economies, 6-8 February 2019
- Mandishekwa Robson and Mutenheri Enard. The Economic Consequences of Internal Displacement in Arda Transau, Zimbabwe, Paper presented at the 8th KESSA-AISA-Multimedia University, International Interdisciplinary Conference on Development from below and from above in Africa held at Multimedia University of Kenya, 27-30 June 2018.
- Mandishekwa Robson and Mutenheri Enard. Quantification and modelling the determinants of life Satisfaction among Internal Displacees in Arda Transau, Paper presented at the 8th KESSA-AISA-Multimedia University, International Interdisciplinary Conference on Development from below and from above in Africa held at Multimedia University of Kenya, 27-30 June 2018.
- Mandishekwa R. Gender and economic consequences of internal displacement, Presentation at the Great Zimbabwe University International Conference on Breaking the Nexus between Gender and Poverty, 15-16 May 2017, Elephant Hills Hotel, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
- Mandishekwa R and Manzote E, Exports-led or growth-led exports: Zimbabwe’s experience and lessons for the future, Presentation at The MSU/UNIVEN Conference Held 14-16 October 2015, Fairmile Motel, Gweru, Zimbabwe
- Mandishekwa Robson, Determination of government size in Zimbabwe: Application of Armey curve, Presentation at The MSU/UNIVEN Conference Held 14-16 October 2015, Fairmile Motel, Gweru, Zimbabwe
- Martin Charumbira & Robson Mandishekwa, “Prospects of Import Substitution as a Strategy for Sustainable Economic Development in Zimbabwe”, Presentation at the National Defence College Business Indaba Held 23 October 2015, The Village Lodge.
- Mandishekwa R and Tambudzai Z, Testing the applicability of the twin deficits hypothesis in Zimbabwe from 1980-2011, Presentation at The 1st African Water Symposium on Water Conflict in Collaboration with The 5th Orange River Basin, 19-21 June 2013, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Discussion Paper
- Granger causality between inflation and exchange rates: Lessons from the Zimbabwe Experience, 1985-2007, School of Economics and Finance, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Discussion Paper Number 107, 2010, Co-authored with Manzote
- Industrial Development Policy Review- Government Complex, Gweru, Zimbabwe, 05 April 2016
- ZNCC Business Indaba, Village Lodge, 23 October 2015
- Rural Industrialization
Community Engagement Faculty Representative in the following committees:
- Research Board-Current
- Editorial and Publications-Past
- Social Responsibility-Past
- Communication Skills-Past
- Global Engagement Network on Internal Displacement in Africa (GENIDA)-Current
- Faculty Research Committtee Chairperson-Current
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