Staff Profile

/Dr Tendai Owen Chikara
Dr Tendai Owen Chikara

Position: Lecturer

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  • DLitt. et. Phil. Languages and Literature (2022), Fort Hare.
  • M.A Applied English Linguistics (2014),
  • B.A (Hons) English and Communication (2009),
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Media and Society Studies (2013)

Research Interests:

  • Applied linguistics,
  • Stancetaking,
  • Academic Writing,
  • Social Media,
  • Onomastics


  • Chikara, T. O., & Sabao, C. (2019). Rule Flouting As Argumentation Strategy: A Case of the South African and Zimbabwean Parliaments . In E. Jakaza (Ed.), Argumentation and Appraisal in Parliamentary Discourse. Hershey: IGI Global.
  • Sabao, C., & Chikara, T. O. (2018). Social Media as Alternative Public Sphere for Citizen Participation and Protest in National Politics in Zimbabwe: the case of #thisflag. In F. Endong (Ed.), Exploring the role of Social Media in Transnational Advocacy. Hershey: IGI Global.
  • Chikara, T.O. (2018) Book Review: Pocket guide for Communication Skills: Saidi, U. Dande Journal of Social Sciences and Communication. Vol 2(2). Https://
  • Maganga, A.T., Tembo, C., Chikara, T.O. (2022) Oliver Mutukudzi as a cultural activist: Exploring Africanity in Tuku Music. In Chitando, E., Mateveke, P., Nyakudya, M., Chinouriri, B. (eds) The Life and Music of Oliver Mtukudzi. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 
  • Chikara, T.O., Landa, N., Zhou, S. (2022) Conflicting Images of Mugabe and of Zimbabwe under Mugabe in Twenty-first century literary imaginaries. In Sabao, C., Mahomva, R., Mhandara, L. (eds) Re/membering Robert Mugabe: Politics, Legacy, Philosophy and Death. Leaders of Africa Network (LAN), Bulawayo.
  • Sabao, C., Mugadza, M., Chikara, T.O. (2022) Death of a tyrant? From liberation fighter to deposed leader? Frames of Robert Mugabe’s death in selected Zimbabwean and British media. In Sabao, C., Mahomva, R., Mhandara, L. (eds) Re/membering Robert Mugabe: Politics, Legacy, Philosophy and Death. Leaders of Africa (LAN), Bulawayo.
  • Chikara, T.O., Landa, N. & Madoda, C. (2023) Stance in the Academic Writing of Zimbabwean Students Using English as a Second Language. Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education. Volume 17(1) pp.116-132.
  • Chikara, T.O. (2024) An onomastic survey of contemporary Zimbabwe’s musical arts industry. The Dyke 17(2).
  • Chikara, T.O. (2024)  Navigating stancetaking at university. An explorative study of first year writing in Zimbabwe. In Mavengano E and Sabao, C. Languages Matters in Contemporary Zimbabwe. Routledge.


Community Engagement: 

  • Trainer in Communication & Conflict Resolution
  • Peer educator
  • Youth Leadership Training
  • Blogger

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