- DPhil Linguistics (MSU, 2016)
- Post Grad. Dip. Tertiary Education (MSU, 2013)
- MA . Applied Linguistics (MSU, 2010)
- BA (Hon.) English & Communication Studies (MSU, 2005)
- Applied Linguistics
- Semiotics
- Communication & Applied Communication
- Cultural Studies
- Discourse Analysis (DA), Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) & Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis (MCDA).
- Onomastics
- A Pocket Guide to Academic Referencing Africa Institute for Culture, Peace, Dialogue & Tolerance Studies: Harare (76 Pages), 2018
- Hansard and the Problem of “The Nonverbal Code”: Implications on Parliamentary Discourse (Chapter 7) in Jakaza, E. (ed.) Argumentation and Appraisal in Parliamentary Discourse IGI Global Publishers, 2019.
- Operation Murambatsvina, Transitional Justice & Discursive representation in Zimbabwe (Chapter 5, pp.71-106), [in Benyera Everisto (Ed.) Indigenous, traditional and non-state transitional justice in Southern Africa: Namibia and Zimbabwe. Rowman and Littlefield, 2019.
- “African Heritage isn’t ‘Dead’: Glitches in Organizing Knowledge and Memories with a Focus on the BaTonga in Zimbabwe,” (in Ngulube Patrick (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Advocacy, Promotion, and Public Programming for Memory Institutions IGI Global Publishers, 2019.
- Repackaging “Traditional” Architecture of the African Village in Zimbabwe (Chapter 5) in Kabila Hmood (ed.) Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation within Sustainability DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.81450 2019.
- With Nedson Pophiwa: Understanding Cultural Displacement of BaTonga People in Zimbabwe (Chapter 1) in Joseph Rudigi Rukema and Beatrice Umubyeyi (Eds.) Understanding Africa from different perspectives Sub-Saharan Africa University Press, pp.1-24, 2017.
- With Joshua Matanzima, Religious rituals and socio-economic change: the impact of the Zimbabwe ‘cash crisis’ on the BaTonga Masabe (Alien spirits) ceremony African Identities, Routledge, DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2020.1811637, 2020
- With Joshua Matanzima, Landscape, belonging & identity in North-west Zimbabwe: a semiotic analysis African Identities, Routledge DOI https://10.1080/14725843.2020.1777839 , 2020.
- With Kudzai Mabuto, Locating the nihilistic culture within Zimdancehall in contemporary Zimbabwe Dande: Journal of Social Sciences and Communication 2(2), pp.57-74. 2019
- A semiotic reading of ‘munhu wese kuna amai’ in Zimbabwean political discursive realities. African Identities, Routledge [Taylor & Francis Group], DOI:10.1080/14725843.2018.1439728. 2018.
- Heritage, semiotics and innovations: Architectural space, object-designs, meanings and implications in sustainable development. Social Semiotics Journal, Routledge [Taylor & Francis Group], DOI:10.1080/10350330.2018.1443584. 2018
- Architectural space-designs, meanings and implications in Zimbabwe: An artefactual semiotic approach The Dyke Vol.11 No. 2, (pp.-15), Journal of The Midlands State University, 2017.
- BaTonga culture: A rich heritage, Dande: Journal of Social Sciences and Communication 2(1), pp.45-60. 2017.
- Agonya neiko mfanha uyu? Of death and funerals – A semiotic exploration of the Shona funeral ritual in Zimbabwe, African Identities, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2017.1319758, 2017.
- ‘Egocentricism’ Style or the thematic nub of Zimdancehall? The Dyke: A Journal of the Midlands State University Vol.10 No. 1, pp.1-12, 2016.
- Symbols of social transformation: BaTonga search for cultural relevance in Zimbabwe The Dyke: A Journal of the Midlands State University, 2016 Special Issue, pp.162-179, 2016.
- Tracing humor in Paul Matavire’s selected songs Muziki: Journal of Music Research in Africa Vol. 12 (1), Pretoria: UNISA Press (Taylor & Francis), pp.53-61,2015.
- Communicating sexual needs in the kitchen: A relook at the traditional sadza cooking by the Shona people of Zimbabwe. Repositioning the Humanities: Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 2 No.1, MSU Faculty of Arts, pp.37-48, 2015.
- One $ dollar saved my life: The case of kombi inscriptions on Zimbabwean roads Repositioning the Humanities: Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 1. No. 1, pp104-116. MSU Faculty of Arts, 2014.
- The BaTonga concealment by a tale of two worlds: An artefactual-semiotic analysis of Nkomo and Livingstone’s Statues in Matabeleland, Madirativhange: Journal of African Indigenous Languages and Literature Vol.1 No. 1, Africa Institute for Culture, Peace, Dialogue and Tolerance Studies pp.38-57, 2013.
- The past in them: Celebrating BaTonga artefacts and visual cultural communication in Zimbabwe Madirativhange: Journal of African Indigenous Languages and Literature Vol.1 No. 2, Africa Institute for Culture, Peace, Dialogue and Tolerance Studies pp.59-70, 2013.
- Of London pony, fish tail and carrot! Quizzing ‘beauty’ through naming of women’s selected hairstyles in Zimbabwe. IGAMA: A Journal of African Onomastics Vol. 1 No. 1, pp.83-106, 2013
- Reflecting nonverbal cues in the context of crisis: The fist and the open palm in Zimbabwe’s political crisis. US-China Foreign Language & Sino-US English Teaching Vol. 10. No. 10. pp. 1655-1668, 2012
- With Douglas Munemo, Violence in the discourses of Violence –The case of Zimbabwean political crisis. In International Journal of Asian Social Sciences Vol. 2. No. 7. pp. 1359-1369, 2012
- With Charles Pfukwa, Silence in Court’ Non-verbal communication in a court of law in Zimbabwe. Imbizo International Journal of African Literary and Comparative Studies 2. (1)pp.136-148,
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