Staff Profile

/Mr Wellington Fredrick Charumbira
Mr Wellington Fredrick Charumbira

Position: Lecturer

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  • MSc Operations Research (NUST)
  • BSc Mathematics(MSU)
  • Diploma in Education(GTC)

Research Interests:

  • Stochastic Modelling


  • Chinofunga P.T., Charumbira W.F., Govere W.D. and Dvuke D. Automated teller machine reliability, problems and risks International Journal of Mathematical Archive
  • Givius S., Chinofunga P.T., Joseph P., Govere W.D., Andre F. V., Charumbira. Farmers’ resource flow decisions on farm level interventions on livestock water and productivity. International Journal of Mathematical Archive
  • Givius S., Charumbira W.F., Chinofunga P.T.,Mukwembi P. Sikosana J., Govere W.D. and Dladla S Estimating Matebele goat weight using the Gompertz model. International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research .

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