Ms Scelo Mguni
Position: Lecturer
Applied Biosciences & Biotechnology
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- MSc In Microbiology And Biotechnology (NUST)
- Bsc Biological Sciences (MSU).
- Post graduate diploma in tertiary education (MSU)
Research Interests:
- Microbial biotechnology, Trichomonas vaginalis; incidence, phylogeny, biogeography
- Drug resistance to nitroimidazoles and resistance genes. Morphological variations in Zimbabwe
- Drought , salt and salinity stress in crop plants
Publications :
- Mguni S., Manda J., Bare J., Chekenya L., Makaure Jand Makaka C. In press. In vitro antibacterial activity of honey against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Elixir International Journal.
- Mguni S, SibandaN , Bare J , MakakaCastonand Mabaya L.In press. An assessment of the microbial quality of sausage and chicken sold in formal and informal markets at a taxi rank in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Elixir International Journal.
Community Engagement
- Teaching Biology in secondary schools in and around Gweru
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