Staff Profile

/Prof. Percyslage Chigora
Prof. Percyslage Chigora

Position: Associate Professor

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  • Foreign Policy,
  • Elections and Electoral Systems,
  • Land Reform,
  • University Administration,
  • Regional Integration,
  • African Politics
  • Zimbabwean Politics


Journal Articles

62. Percyslage Chigora, Adele Mcilo and Leon Poshai Challenges of Adopting Online Teaching and Learning in Selected Zimbabwean Universities In The Face Of Covid-19 Lockdowns. Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives, Volume 7, Issue 2 2022.pp. 22-37

61. Percyslage Chigora and Torque Mude, Challenges associated with Covid 19 Pandemic: Peace and security in Africa. Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives, Volume 6, Issue 3 2021.pp.50-60.

60. Percyslage Chigora and Simbarashe Chikomo, Human rights in colonialism 20th and 21st Cetury Zimbabwe and the western policies, Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives, Volume 6, Issue 3 2021.pp. 21-32

59. Percyslage Chigora and Adele Mcilo, Youth Unemployment in Urban Zimbabwe in the 21st Century: Analyzing the Driver, the Impacts and cultural implications, Hemispheres Studies on Cultures and Societies, volume 36 ,2021 pp.135-146

58. Torque Mude, Percyslage Chigora, Adele Mcilo, Corruption In Non-Governmental Organisations And Its Impact On Development Projects In Post-Colonial Zimbabwe, AfriFuture Research bulletin, Volume 1 Issue 2, 2021,pp.93-102.

57. Pedzisai Sixpence , Makoni , Percyslage Chigora, Land Compensation and Conflict Resolution: Dares and Prospect for Zimbabwe’ Second Republic’s relations with the west. International Journal of Humanities social sciences and Education, Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2021.

56. Enock Musara, Cowen Dziva, Percyslage Chigora, Interrogating the Adoption of Biometric Voter Registration for Democratic Elections in Zimbabwe, Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives, Volume 5, Issue 1 2020.pp.48-62

55. Percyslage Chigora, The Crisis in Zimbabwe and its Impact on Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Development in the Southern African Region, Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives,Vol 3 Issues 1, pp. 8-17, 2018

54. Cowen Dziva and Percyslage Chigora, Building a Case for the Adoption of E-Voting Electoral System in Zimbabwe Based on the Namibian Experience Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives,Vol 2 Issues 1.1, pp. 49-64, 2017

53. Torque Mude and Percyslage Chigora, The Implication of Brexit on European Union’ relations with Zimbabwe and the Future of Zimbabwe’s development Paradox.Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 19, No.3, 2017)

52. Percyslage Chigora, Changes And Continuities In Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy In The 21st Century And The Implications For Sustainable Development, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 19, No.1, 2017)

51. Percyslage Chigora, Theoretical Frameworks For Comprehending Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy And The International Development Dilemma, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 19, No.1, 2017)

50. Percyslage Chigora and AlouisChilunjika, Dealing with Electoral Fraud in Zimbabwe: A Critical Appraisal of the 2012 Electoral Act, Journal of Humanities and Social science, Volume 21, Issue 11, November 2016.pp.29-34.

49. Percyslage Chigora et al Factionalism in Political Parties in Zimbabwe in the 21st Century: Origins and Dimensions, Hemisphere: Studies on Cultures and societies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Vol 31 Number 4, 2015 .pp81-94

48. Cowen Diva and Percyslage Chigora, Voter Registration and Education: The Critical Variables during the 2013 Harmonised Elections in Zimbabwe, OSSREA Bulletin, Volume XII Number 1 February 2015.pp. 28-46

47. Patience Musuku and Percyslage Chigora, An Analysis of the Challenges Being Faced By Universities in Zimbabwe in Promoting Research OSSREA Bulletin, Volume XI Number 2 June 2014.pp.23-30.

46. Dorothy Goredema, Percyslage Chigora, Q. Bhebe, Reconciliation in Zimbabwe: Where, When and How?Journal of Global Peace and Conflict March 2014, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 01–17 ISSN: 2333-584X (Print), 2333-5858 (Online)

45. Chigora, Percyslage; Goredema, Dorothy; Mudeka, Ireen Underperformance of students at institutions of higher learning in Zimbabwe in the 21st century: possible explanations, OSSREA Bulletin, Volume XI Number 1 October 2014, pp 12-27.

44. Percyslage Chigora, Political Campaigning in 2013Harmonized Elections: Examining the Strategies, OSSREA Bulletin, VolumeXI Number 1 February 2014, pp 30-41 .

43.  Mude Torque and Percyslage Chigora, Promoting Good Governance in Crisis Ridden Country: The Zimbabwean Dilemma in the 21st Century, Journal of Administrative Sciences and Policy Studies, Vol. 1 No. 1, December 2013s

42. Dickson Mafoti, Percyslage chigora, et al, The Socio-economic impact of the discovery of Diamonds in WARD 30 in Zimbabwe, International Journal of Social Science Research of Tomorrow, Volume 2 number 8, 2013

41. Percyslage Chigora and Tobias Guzura Agrarian Reforms For sustainable Food security and Development: Lessons for Developing Countries from Fast Track Land Reform in Zimbabwe, International Journalof Humanities and Social Science Invention, Volume 2 Issue 6 June 2013, pp 18-22.

40. Percyslage Chigora, University Administration in the 21st Century: The Politics of Resource Mobilization at Midlands state University, OSSREA Bulletin, Volume X Number 2, June 2013.

39. Paulo Osvaldo Dava, Percyslage Chigora,TawandaChibanda, Ramphal Sillah, An analysis of the effects of civil war and prospects for development in Mozambique: The case of Frelimo-Renamo in Chokwe District, International Jouurnal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, Volume 2 Issue 6, 2013, pp 66-75.

38. Percyslage Chigora,TawandaChibanda, RamphalSillah, Anti-Neoliberalism in the Era of Globalisation: A Theoratical Analysis of the state’s response to the Origins of poverty in Zimbabwe in the 21st Century, Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013.pp. 56-62.

37. Douglas Munemo and Percyslage Chigora, The Efficacy of Multi-Stakeholder Conflict Early Warning and Early Response Mechanism in Zimbabwe OSSREA Bulletin, Volume X Number 1, 2013.

36. Kudaishe Marecha and Percyslage Chigora, The Sudanese Conflict, War Crimes and International Criminal Court,Turkish Journal of International Relations, Volume 10, Number 4, Winter, Special Issue for LDCs.

35. Percyslage Chigora and Tobias Guzura, Gender Equality in Institutions of Higher Learning in Zimbabwe: A Case of Midlands State University’s Experience with Female Advancement 2004-2007.Sephise.Magazine, Volume 8 Number 2, 2012.

34. KudzaisheMarecha and Percyslage Chigora,The Changing Nature of State Immunity in the Framework of the International Criminal Court, Ossrea Bulletin, Volume IX, Number 1, February 2012.

33 Percyslage Chigora and Edson Ziso, Diplomacy, Regime Change Agenda and the Survival of Zimbabwe in the New Millennium, Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, Volume 10, Number 2-3, Summer-Fall, 2012.

32. Percyslage Chigora and Dorothy Goredema, Zimbabwe-Iran Relations in the 21st Century, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Volume 13 No. 4, 2011

31. Percyslage Chigora, John Mutumburanzou, and Tobias Guzura, The Challenges Facing Opposition Political Parties in Rural Zimbabwe in the 2000 New Millennium. Journal of African Political Science and International Relations, Volume 5 issue 7, July 2011

30. Dorothy Goredema and Percyslage Chigora Real Political Empowerment or Political Gimmick?: An Experience of Women with Guns Under ZANU PF During The Liberation Struggle 1970-180, African Journal of History and Culture Vol. 3(2), pp. 27–31, March 2011

29. Percyslage Chigora and Tobias Guzura, The Politics of the Government of National Unity (GNU) and Power Sharing in Zimbabwe:Challenges and Prospects for Democracy, African Journal of History and Culture Vol. 3 (2), pp. 27-31, March 2011

28. Percyslage Chigora and Dorothy Goredema, Factors Affecting Voting Behavior and Voting Patterns in Zimbabwe’s 2008 Harmonised Elections, Journal of African Policy studies,Institute of African Affairs, Middle Tennessee State University, Volume 15 Number 2, 2009.

27. Percyslage Chigora and Edson Ziso, Marxist-Leninist Theory of International Relations: Emerging Thinking in the 21st Century Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Volume 12 number 8, 2010.

26. Percyslage Chigora and Dorothy Goredema, Zimbabwe-Russia Relations In The 21st Century, Alternatives: Turkish Journal of international Relations, Volume 9. Number 4 Winter 2010

25. ZvikomboreroMunaku and Percyslage chigora, An Analysis of the Coping Strategies Arising out of Food Shortages in Zimbabwe: A case of Chitse and Kamutsedzere Wards of Mt Darwin District from 2007-2008. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Volume 2 Number 2, Spring B 2010

24. Gibson Chitiga and Percyslage Chigora, An analysis of the Implications of the Fast Track Land Reform Programme on Climate Change and Disaster Management in Zimbabwe: A Case of Chegutu District, Journalof Sustainable Development Africa, Volume 2 Number 2, Spring B 2010

23. Chabhogora Chiedza Kimberely, Chrispen Hahlani and Percyslage chigora, An Analysis of the Impact of the Fast Track Land Reform Programme on Disaster Management in Zimbabwe: A Case of Vungu Rural District (2000-2009). Journal of sustainable development in Africa, Volume 2 Number 2, Spring B 2010

22. Percyslage chigora and Tobias Guzura, Sanctions as a Tool in International Relations: A Critical Analysis of its conception, Implementation and effectiveness in Zimbabwe 1996-2008, OSSREA BULLETIN, VOLUME VII, No. 2, JUNE 2010

21. Percyslage Chigora and Tobias Guzura,The Patterns of Corruption in Institutions of Higher Learning in Zimbabwe: A General Overview from State Universities in the 2000 New Millennium, Global South: SEHIS e- magazineVol.6 no.2 April 2010.

20. Dorothy Goredema and Percyslage chigora, Fake Heroines and the Falsification of History in Zimbabwe 1980-2009, Journal of African History and Culture, Volume 1 no.5 December 2009. pp. 079-083.

19. Percyslage Chigora and Herbert TadereraChisi:The eight years of Interaction: Lessons from Zimbabwe’s Look East Policy and the Future of African Countries. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Spring 2009. Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 10. No.4. 501-513.

18. Percyslage Chigora and DidmusDewa: Surviving in a Hostile Environment: An analysis of Zimbabwe’s Foreign Relations in 21st Century International Relations.African Journal of Political Science and International Relations Vol. 3 (3), pp. 092-098, March 2009 ISSN 1996-0832

17. Percyslage Chigora and Edson Ziso: Continual, Consistent and Predictable? An Anatomy of Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy 1990-2008. OSSREA Bulletin, Volume VI, no. 1, February 2009.pp.24-40

16. Percyslage Chigora: Towards a globally regulated trade regime: The role-played by Free Trade Areas and Regional Trading Blocs.Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 10. No.2. 2008.pp.501-513. ISSN1520-5509.

15. Percyslage Chigora and Tobias Guzura: A History that haunts the Present Generation: The Origins of the land problem in Zimbabwe. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 10. No.2. 2008.pp.514-537, ISSN1520-5509

14. Percyslage Chigora: Contending with Transnational Problems in the Globalisation Era: Questioning and Arguing for International Development Programs Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 10. No.2. 2008. pp. 539-559.ISSN1520-5509

13. Percyslage Chigora: Acting In The Name of National Interest: The Survival strategy of Zimbabwe in International Intervention in Mozambique and Democratic People’s Republic of Congo (DRC). Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 10. No.2. 2008.pp. 630-652. ISSN1520-5509

12. Percyslage Chigora and Rtd Lt Colonel NiyaMtombeni: The Feasibility of Arms Control and Disarmament in International Security: The African Experience in the Post Cold war. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 10. No.1.2008,pp 84-104. ISSN1520-5509

11, Percyslage Chigora:The challenges Facing the African Union in achieving continental security: Towards a comprehensive analysis of some enlightening views in the new millenium, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 10. No.1 2007.pp 66-83. ISSN1520-5509

10. Pecyslage Chigora,Edson Ziso and NiyaMtombeni :An Nexus between Land Redistribution and Poverty Reduction: A Qualitative Overview the Fast Track Land Reform Rural Zimbabwe. Journal of African Policy Studies, Volume 13 Number 2 and 3, Institute of African Affairs, Middle Tennesse State University, 2007. pp.1-24,

9. Percyslage Chigora: Of Elections and Vote Rigging: The Zimbabwean Experience with Aspects of Electoral Fraud in Local Government Elections 2000-2006. Journal for Local Government Management, Volume 1 Number 3 December 2007. ISSN 1996 1308.

8. Percyslage Chigora and FeddiousMutenheri, Achieving a United States of Africa: Practical Vision or Utopian Ideal? OSSREA Bulletin, Volume IV, no. 3, October 2007.pp.28-35.

7. Percyslage Chigora and FeddiousMutenheri,Beyond the Truth: Limitations to Social Science Research. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 9. No.3. 2007.pp 172-185. ISSN1520-5509.

6. Percyslage Chigora, Naison Dzinavatonga and Feddious Mutenheri, Indigenous Knowledge system and the Conservation of Small Grain Seeds: A Case of Sangwe Communal lands Chiredzi. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 9. No.3. 2007. pp 146-157. ISSN15-5509.

5. Percyslage Chigora, Robert Masocha and FeddiousMutenheri, Indigenous Medicinal Knowledge and the Provision of Health Care in Rural Zimbabwe: The case of Mutirikwi Communal Lands. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 9. No.2. 2007pp 26-43. ISSN15-5509.

4. Percyslage Chigora; On Crossroads: Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy with the West, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA, Vol 9 no.1, January 2007,pp 170-183. ISSN15-5509.

3. Percyslage Chigora; The Utility of the Look East Policy: A Critical Appraisal of Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy in the New Millennium, OSSREA Bulletin, OSSREA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Vol 111 no. 3, October 2006, pp 25-30.

2. Percyslage Chigora; On Crossroads: Reflections of Zimbabwe’s Relations with Britain at the New Millennium. Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, Department of International Relations, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, Vol. 5, No 3, Fall 2006, pp 61-76.ISSN 1303-5525.

1. Percyslage Chigora;The Nexus Between Poverty Reduction and Land Redistribution: An Overview of the Zimbabwean Situation. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2006, pp 81-92.ISSN15-5509.

Book Chapters

7. Adele Mcilo, Leon Poshai and Percyslage Chigora, The impact of Covid-19 on social security within SADC’s social security frameworks: Lessons from Zimbabwe and South Africa in Moses Retselisitsoe Phooko, Lloyd Tonderai Chigowe, Hoolo ‘Nyane (eds) The Development and Application of SADC Community Law in Member States .2023, pp.149-170. Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd, 1SBN978 1 48515 132 6 (Print), 978 1 48515 133 3 (ePub)

6. Percyslage Chigora, Jacob Tagarirofa and Margare Gono, Embracing devolution for increased participation of disadvantaged groups of the society: Re-thinking the role of councillors and traditional leadership in rural Zimbabwe, In, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (ed) Final Papers of the 2021 National Symposium on Devolution and the Promotion of Human Rights in Zimbabwe Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law 2023.p. 15-27. ISBN: 978-91-86910-63-1

5. Percyslage Chigora and Simbarashe L. Chikomo, Zimbabwe’s foreign policy in the 2nd Republic in Maurice Amutabi (ed) How Africa has Turned Around, CEDRED, Nairobi. pp. 213-228, 2022. ISBN 978 9966 116 53 6

4. Percyslage Chigora and Simbarashe L. Chikomo, Survival Strategies Adopted by the Businesses in Face of Covid-19 Lock downs in Zimbabwe, in Maurice N Amutambi and Linnet Hamusi Henry (ed) Coping with Covid 19 in Africa and Beyond, CEDRED, Nairobi, pp 20-31, 2022, ISBN 978 9966 116 56 7

3. Percyslage Chigora, Sustaining Separatist/terrorist/liberation movements in the 21st Century: Who does the Financing? In M P Sebola and J P Tsheola,(eds) Conference Proceedings Published By The International Conference On Public Administration And Development Alternatives, Stellenbosch University, Saldanhabay, 2018 , pp.412-426 . ISBN: 978-0-9921971-4-8

2. Percyslage Chigora, Challenges and Prospects for Peace and Security in Africa: Why China matters? In Oyetola Oniwide (ed) Issues in China-Africa Relations, Kampala International University, Kampala, 2017.pp.49-59. ISBN ISBN: 978-9970-9573-0-9

1. Percyslage Chigora and Joshua Chakawa, ‘Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Sexual Intercourse and Reproductive Health in Selected Communities in Zimbabwe’,7th International Conference on Communication and Information Science, Carribbea Bay Hotel, Kariba, Zimbabwe, 21-24 August 2017.pp.175-183. (ISBN978-0-7974-8212-8).pp. 175-183.


4. Percyslage Chigora and Douglas Munemo, The Crisis in Zimbabwe: Examining the Origins, Lambert Academic Publishing, Strasburg, ISBN 978-3-659-10988-1

3. Percyslage Chigora, Douglas Munemo and TawandaChibanda, Political Parties in Zimbabwe in the 21st Century, Lambert Academic Publishing, Strasburg, ISBN 978-3-8473-3199-5

2. Douglas Munemo, Percyslage Chigora, Dorothy Goredema, History of Political Parties in the First Two Decades of Independence, Lambert Academic Publishing, Strasburg,2012. pp 83. ISBN:978-3-8465-5498-2

1. Percyslage Chigora, Politics in Zimbabwe in the 21stCentury: International and Domestic Issues for National Healing, Reconciliation and Integration, Lambert Academic Publishing, Strasburg, 2012.pp 127. ISBN: 978-3-8465-0587-8

Book Reviews

45. Percyslage Chigora, A review of Greg Mills, and Jeffrey Herbst, Africa’s Third Liberation: The New Search for Prosperity and Jobs, Penguin Books: Johannesburg, 2012, pp.249.ISBN 978-0-14-352888-3Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives,Vol 3 Issues 1, pp. 52-53, 2018

44. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of ShaazkaBeyerle, Curtailing Corruption: People power for accountability and justice, Lynne Rienner Publisher, Boulder London, ISBN 978-1-62637-056-2 pp 325. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 18, No.5, 2016)

43. Percyslage Chigora A review of RabahArezki, Thorvaldur Gylfason, AmadouSy (eds). 2011. Beyond the Curse: Policies to Harness the power of Natural Resources, Washington: International Monetary Fund. 275pp, Africa Studies Quarterly, volume 16, Issue Number 1, December 2015, pp 104-106

42. Percyslage Chigora, A reivew of Maciej J. Bartkowski (ed) Recovering Nonviolent History: Civil Resistance in Liberation struggles, Lynne RiennerPublishers:London, pp.436, ISBN 978-1-58826-895 Hemisphere: Studies on Cultures and societies, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences. Vol 30 No. 3, 2015. pp107-109

41. Percyslage chigora, A review of SolaniNgobeni (ed) Scholarly Publishing in Africa: Opportunities and Impediments, Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, 2010. pp. 378,The Dyke: Journal of the Midlands State University, Volume 6 Number 4, 2013

40. Percyslage Chigora, A review of Stephen D. Morris and Charles H. Blake (eds) Corruption and Politics in Latin America: National and Regional Dynamics, Lynne Rienner publishers, Boulder London, 2010, ISBN 978-158826-743-6. Pp. 287.Global South, Sephise.Magazine, Volume 9 number 1, 2013

39. Percyslage Chigora, A review of, Richard Devetak and Christopher W. Hughes (ed) The Globalisation of Political Violence: Globalisation’s Shadow, Routeledge/Warwick Studies in Globalisation, London/Newyork, 2008. pp. 291. ISBN 10 0-4415 -42533-6, The Dyke: Journal of the Midlands State university, Volume 5 Number 1

38.  Percyslage Chigora, A Review of a Book by, Benedikt F. (2009). Security Cooperation in Africa: A Reappraisal. Boulder and London: Firstforumpress. p.336. Journal of Sustainable Development Africa, Winter A. Volume 13, Number 2, 2011.

37.  Percyslage Chigora, A review of a book by ;John W. Harbeson and Donald Rothchild (ed) Africa in World Politics: Reforming Political Order. Boulder: Westview Press, 2009. xvi, 408p. Africa Studies QuarteleyAfrican Studies Quarterly | Volume 12, Issue 3 | Summer 2011

36. Percyslage Chigora, A review of a book by; Ward Anseeuw and Chris Alden (ed) The Struggles Over Land in Africa: Conflicts, Politics and Change, Human Sciences Research Council, Cape Town, 2010, pp. 289. 1SBN 9 780 796 923226, Journal of Sustainable Development Africa, Winter A. Volume 12 Number 7. 2010

35. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book; Turning Points in African Democracy, edited by Abdul Raufa Mustapha and Lindsay Whitefield, Rochester NY: Boydell and Brewer (James Currey), 2009, xix+235pp. $55 (hardback). ISBN 978 1 84701 317 0. African Affairs, 109 (437), October 2010, 671-672

34. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by; Tim Hart and Ineke Vorster, Indigenous Knowledge on the South African Landscape: Potentials for Agricultural Development, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa, 200.p.52. ISBN 978-07969-2162-8. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Volume Number , Summer A 2010

33. Percyslage Chigora, A review of a book by; OECD, Aid for Trade: Making it Effective, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, 2006.pp.94. ISBN 92-64-02693-2, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Volume 2 Number 2, Spring B 2010

32. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by; OECD, Financing Development 2008:Whose Ownership? Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, 2008.pp.112. ISBN 8789264045583. Journal of sustainable Development, Volume 2 Number 2, Spring B 2010

31. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book ; The Africa Union and its Institutions, edited by John Akokpari, Angela Ndinga-Muvumba and Tim Murithi, Sunnyside: Fanele and Centre for Conflict Studies, xxvi +390pp, ISBN 978-1-920-19603-5 Journal of Sustainable Development, Volume 2 Number 2, Spring B 2010

30. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by; NenaThundu, Annamarie K. Kiaga, and Suzan W. MwangiOmondi, (eds) Assessing Gender Policies in the East African Region: Case Studies from Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda, Development Policy Management Forum, Nairobi, 2008. Pp 289, ISBN 9966-7266-1-6 Journal of Sustainable Development, Volume 2 Number 2, Spring B 2010

29. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by; Roger C. Riddell, Does Foreign Aid Work? Oxford University Press, New York, 2007. Pp 507, ISBN 978-0-19-929565-4 Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennyylvania volume 12 number 1. 2010 pp.372-374. ISSN1520-5509

28. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book; Civil Society, Governance and Regional Integration in Africa, edited by AdekunleAmuwo, HippolytPul, and Irene O. Adadevoh, Nairobi:Development Policy Management Forum,2009, xiii+388 pp. $30.00. ISBN 9966 7266 2 4. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennyylvania volume. 12. number 1. 2010 pp. 369-371. ISSN1520-5509

27. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by; Patrick Chabal, Africa: The Politics of Suffering and Smiling, London and New york:Zed Books, 2009,pp, 212, ISBN 978-1-84277-909-5 Global South: SEHIS e- magazineVol.6 no.1 January 2010. pp.68-69

26. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by; OECD, Development and Agriculture: The Case for Policy Coherence, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, 2005.pp. 123. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 11. winter, ISSN1520-5509

25. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: OECD, The Development Effectiveness of Food Aid: Does tying Matter? Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, 2006.pp. 121. ISBN 92-64-01346-6 Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 11. winter . ISSN1520-5509

24, Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: Francis B Nyamnjoh, Insiders and Outsiders: Citizenship and Xenophobia in contemporary Southern Africa, Zed Books, London/New York, 2006. pp.273. ISBN 1 84277 677 0. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 11. , winter . ISSN1520-5509

23. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: James M. Lutz and Brenda J. Lutz, Global Terrorism, Routledge, London, 2004, pp.289, ISBN 0-415-700051-5 Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 11. No.1.p. 367-368, Summer. ISSN1520-5509

22. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: MuzongKodi, Corruption and Governance in the DRC During the Transition Period (2003-2006), 1SSN, 2008, pp.113. ISBN 978-1-920114-43-5 Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 11. No.1.p. 367-368, Summer. ISSN1520-5509

21. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: Jocelyn Alexander, The Unsettled Land: State-Making and the Politics of Land in Zimbabwe 1893- 2003. James Currey, Oxford, 2006, pp, 230, ISBN 0 85255 892-9. Global South: SEPHIS e- magazineVol.5 no.3 July 2009. pp.29-30

20, Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: AssisMalaquias, Rebels and Robbers: Violence in Post-Colonial Angola, NordiskaAfrikainstitutet, UPPSALA, 2007.pp.263. ISBN 978-91-7106-580-3, African Security Review, Volume 18, number 2.pp. 129-131

19. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: Luc Huyse and Mark Salter (eds) Traditional Justice and Reconciliation after Violent Conflict: Learning from African Experience, International Institute For Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Stockholm, 2008, pp 203. ISBN 978-91-85724-28-4, African Security Review, Volume 18, number 1, March 2009, pp.118-120

18. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: RagnarWaldahl, Politics and Persuasion: Media Coverage of Zimbabwe’s 2000 Election, Weaver Press, Harare, 2004.pp.148. ISBN 0 77922 0278. The Dyke: A Journal for Midlands State University, Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2008, p.92-94.

17. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: MunaNdulo, (ed) Democratic Reform in Africa: Its Impact on Governance and Poverty Alleviation, James Currey, Oxford, 2006, pp.304. Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review – Volume 24, Number 2, June 2008, pp. 79-82

16. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: Oystein H. Rolandsen, Guerrilla Government: Political Changes in the Southern Sudan during the 1990s, NordiskaAfrikainstitutet, UPPSALA, 2005,.pp.201. ISBN 91-7106-537-7 Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 10. No.2. 2008.pp. 828-830. ISSN1520-5509

15. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: Roger Southhall and Henning Melber (eds) Legacies of Power: Leadership Change and former presidents in African politics, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa, 2006.p.352. ISBN 978-07969-2102-8. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 10. No.2. 2008 p. 831-838. ISSN1520-5509

14. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: Lars Buur, Steffen Jensen, Finn Stepputat (eds), The Security-Development Nexus: Expressions of Sovereignty and Securitisation in Southern Africa, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa, 2007.p. 288. ISBN 13 978-0-7969-2184-0, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PennyylvaniaVol 10. No.2. 2007.pp. 839 -846. ISSN1520-5509

13. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: Patrick J. McGowan and Philip Nel (ed) Power, Wealth and Global Equity: An International Relations Textbook for Africa, University of Cape Town Press, Cape Town, 2000.pp.388. ISBN 1 919713 64 6. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 10. No.1 2007.pp 250-255. ISSN1520-5509

12. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by:Francis B Nyamnjoh, Africa’s Media:Democracy and the Politics of Belonging, Zed Books, London/New York, pp.308, ISBN 1 84277 583 9.Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 10. No.1. 2007pp 246-249. ISSN1520-5509

11. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: Donald S. Moore, Suffering for the Territory: Race, Place, and Power in Zimbabwe, Weaver Press, Harare, 2005.pp,399. ISBN 1 777922 037 5. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 10. No.1. 2007. pp 256-260. ISSN1520-5509

10. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by:PaulGready and Jonathan Ensor, Reinventing Development? Translating Rights Based Approaches From Theory into Practice, Zed Books, London/Newyork, 2005, pp.315, ISBN 1 84277 649 5. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 10. No.1. 2007pp 261-265. ISSN1520-5509

9. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: Patrick Bond and MasimbaManyanya, Zimbabwe’s Plunge: Exhausted Nationalism, Liberalism and the Search for Social Justice, Weaver Press, Harare, 2003. ISBN 1-777922-005-7 The Dyke: A Journal for Midlands State University, Volume 2,no. 1,2007.pp.129-130.

8. Percyslage Chigora A Review of Book by: Amanda Hammar, Brian Raftopoulous, Stig Jensen, (ed) Zimbabwe’s Unfinished Business: Rethinking Land, State and Nation State in the Context of Crisis, Weaver Press, Harare, 2003.Pp 316, ISBN 0 7974 2241 2. The Dyke: A Journal for Midlands State University, Volume 2, no 2, 2007.pp.117-119.

7. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: TsuenoYoshikuni, African Urban Experiences in Colonial Zimbabwe: A social History of Harare before 1925, Weaver Press, Harare, 2006, pp, 162. ISBN 1 777922 054 5. Journal for Local Government Management, Volume 1 Number 3 December 2007. ISSN 1996 1308

6. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: PrebenKaarsholm (ed) Violence, Political Culture and Development in Africa, James Currey, London, 2006.pp.224. ISBN 0 80255 394 2. ISBN 1 84277 424 7. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 9. No.4. 2007. pp 340-343. ISSN1520-5509.

5. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: Sam Moyo and Paris Yeros (eds) Reclaiming the Land: The Resurgence of Rural Movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America, Zed Books, London New York, 2005, pp 426. ISBN 1 84277 424 7. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 9. No.3, 2007..pp 186-191. ISSN15-5509.

4. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by:M.A. Mohamed Salih,(ed) African Political Parties: Evolution, Institutionalisation and Governance, Pluto Press, London, 2003, PP. 372, ISBN 0 7453 2038 4. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Vol 9. No.3. 2007.pp 192-195. ISSN15-5509.

3. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: Micheal Barnett and Raymond Duvall (eds) Power in Global Governance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005, pp, 367. ISBN 0-521-54952-3. Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, Department of International Relations, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, Vol 6 No. 1&2 Spring&Summer 2007, pp 61-76.ISSN 1303-5525.pp 189-192.

2. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by:Geoff Harris, (ed) Achieving Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Cost Effective Alternative to the Military, Institute of Security Studies, Pretoria, 2004,pp 211.ISBN 1-919913-61-0, Journal on Sustainable Development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA, Vol 9 no.1, January 2007. ISSN15-5509.

1. Percyslage Chigora, A Review of Book by: DaniNabudere and IbboMandaza, Pan Africanism and Integration in Africa, Sapes Books, Harare 2002, pp339, ISBN: 1-77905-149-2, Journal on Sustainable development in Africa, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA, January 2007. ISSN15-5509.


Adekle Mcilo and Percyslage Chigora The impact of covid-19 on social security within the framework of sadc region’s code on social security and charter on social rights, Conference on the Application of SADC Community Law within member states, 29 Aprill 2022,

 Leon Posahi and Percyslage Chigora Evaluating Member States’ compliance to instruments guiding education provision in the SADC region during the Covid-19 pandemic. The case of online learning adoption in selected Zimbabwean universities during the Covid-19 era, Conference on the Application of SADC Community Law within member states, 29 Aprill 2022. 2021,

Chigora, Tagarirofa and Gono, Policy Brief on Embracing devolution for increased participation of disadvantaged groups of the society: Re-thinking the role of councillors and traditional leadership in rural Zimbabwe, Seventh National Symposium on Devolution and the promotion of Human rights in Zimbabwe, 3 November, Cresta Lodge, Harare Zimabwe. 2021,

Chigora, Tagarirofa and Gono, Embracing devolution for increased participation of disadvantaged groups of the society: Re-thinking the role of councillors and traditional leadership in rural Zimbabwe, Seventh National Symposium on Devolution and the promotion of Human rights in Zimbabwe, 1-2 November, Cresta Lodge, Harare Zimabwe. 2021,

Chigora and Chikomo, The Impact of Covid-19 on Cultural Practices in African Society: Experiences from Zimbabwe, paper presented at the International conference of Culture in the time of plague corona virus Impact on cultural development in Sub Saharan Africa, Polish Academy of Social sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 8 September 2018