SR Diana B.Kanyere (LCBL)
Position: Lecturer
School of Social Work
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- Masters of Social Work, School of Social Work, University of Zimbabwe.
- Bachelor of Social Work- (Honours), University of Zimbabwe
- Diploma of Social Work, School of Social Work, University of Zimbabwe.
- Diploma in Resource Mobilisation (Regional Partnership for Resource Development (Supporting Development in Africa) Institute of Fundraising and Resource Development (IFRD).
- National Certificate in Early Childhood, St Gabriel’s College.
- Office Practice; Intermediate, Typing, Elementary and Intermediate bookkeeping Elementary Pitman
Research interests
- Orphans and Vulnerable Children Education
- Offender Rehabilitation and Reintegration
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Child and Social Protection and Family Services
- Human Trafficking-Refugees and Internally displaced persons.
- Social Work Fields of Practice
- Rural and Urban Development. Poverty Reduction Initiatives
- Social policy and Social Development
- Leadership training for urban and rural youth
- Sustainable livelihoods for communities especially women and girl child
- Early Childhood trainer
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