Internal Call for Proposals (Small Grant)
Water harvesting in the form of dams come as a relief to poverty and underdevelopment. Such infrastructure supports industrialisation, irrigation, fisheries, hydroelectric power generation, tourism and revitalisation of the environment. The ability to commit these resources to sustainable development depends on available capacity to transform society in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Rodney (1972) opines that this capacity depends on the extent to which society understands laws of nature (science), the extent to which they are able to apply it, and the extent to which they are able to devise tools (technology) for achieving better life. Tokwe Mukorsi dam in Zimbabwe has a catchment area of 7 120km2 and water carrying capacity of 1 915 000m2. Agreeably, the dam ushers in social, economic, political, and environmental opportunities for development. In view of Rodney’s opinion above, the MSU-Tokwe Mukorsi Multidisciplinary Research Institute (MSU-ToMRI) invites serious research teams to conduct baseline investigation in/around Tokwe-Mukorsi dam. Below is a list of sub-themes to be interrogated;
- Displacements and law
- Social implications and Conflicts
- Impact on Agriculture and Livelihoods
- Opportunity for poverty reduction
- Alternative methods of financing Dam-linked projects in Masvingo
- Disease Ecology and Indegenous knowledge
- The Politics of Participatory Processes in Resource Governance
- Social impacts of mega water projects
- Environmental Impacts and mitigation strategies
- Dam Safety and Sustainability
- Water Governance in Zimbawe
- Geological Influence of the Dam
High quality baseline reports are to be submitted to the Acting Director of the Institute on or before 12 August 2018. A maximum of 6 teams will be funded. The research teams are to present their findings at the September 2018 Faculty of Arts International Research Conference on Dams, Society and Environment in Zimbabwe. Each team is expected to apply for not more than three thousand United States Sollars ($3 000.00). The deadline for submission of 500 worded proposals is 25 April 2018. Proposals should indicate sub-theme, research method and budget. Late submissions will not be considered. A scientific team will assess all submissions and communicate their decisions on 30 April 2018.
Submit your proposals to: