On May 15, 2024, Midlands State University held a unique hybrid orientation session for new PhD and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) candidates, bringing together fourteen enthusiastic students from the faculties of Science and Technology, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business Sciences.

The event was marked by a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation among the participants, who were eager to embark on their academic journeys.

This orientation was particularly special as it also officially welcomed international PhD students to both the University and the country.

The occasion was graced in person by Professor M. Maphosa, Pro-Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs and Administration, Professor L. Chikoko, Executive Director-Research and Innovation, and Ms. N. Chibanda, the Librarian.

Virtually in attendance were faculty Executive Deans, Directors of institutes, Departmental Chairpersons, and senior academics from the University.

In his welcoming remarks, Professor Maphosa highlighted that the pursuit of postgraduate studies through research is a significant milestone in the University’s research and innovation environment.

He emphasised the University’s commitment to supporting research and challenged the new cohort of postgraduate students to aim for timely completion of their studies while producing research outcomes aligned with Education 5.0.

Professor Maphosa stressed that the country relies heavily on the transformative and potentially disruptive research that the students and their supervisors are undertaking, pledging the University’s full support for their work.

Presenting on aspects such as, Intellectual Property (IP) issues, commercialisation processes, and the ultimate benefits to students as innovators, Professor Chikoko guided the new PhD and MPhil students through the dynamics of the innovation space.

She reiterated that the University anticipates innovations from their research to be incubated in the MSU Hub.

During the orientation, the enthusiastic PhD and MPhil students engaged with the University on various aspects, including funding and other expected support.

These queries were thoroughly addressed, with the Library demonstrating the available resources and pledging to support the postgraduate students’ needs.

Dr. Umali Saidi, Postgraduate Studies Manager, emphasised that research initiatives not only reform students but also contribute to the growth of the nation, region, and the world at large.

He led a detailed discussion on the Academic Regulations for the MPhil and Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) degrees.

The orientation session served as a powerful testament to the University’s unwavering commitment to research and innovation, demonstrating how these values are deeply ingrained in the University’s culture.


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